define limits - EAS

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    limits (danh từ số nhiều)
    1. a point or level beyond which something does not or may not extend or pass:
      "the success of the coup showed the limits of monarchical power" ·
      "the 10-minute limit on speeches" · "there was no limit to his imagination"
    2. a restriction on the size or amount of something permissible or possible:
      từ đồng nghĩa:
      maximum · ceiling · limitation · upper limit · restriction · curb · check · control · curtailment · restraint · damper · brake · rein
      từ trái nghĩa:
      • a speed limit:
        "a 30 mph limit"
      • (in card games) an agreed maximum stake or bet.
      • (legal limit)
        the maximum concentration of alcohol in the blood that the law allows in the driver of a motor vehicle:
        "the risk of drinkers inadvertently going over the limit"
    3. mathematics
      a point or value that a sequence, function, or sum of a series can be made to approach progressively, until it is as close to the point or value as desired.
    limits (thời hiện tại ngôi thứ ba)
    1. set or serve as a limit to:
      "try to limit the amount you drink" ·
      "class sizes are limited to a maximum of 10"
      từ đồng nghĩa:
      restrict · curb · check · place a limit on · cap ·
      keep within bounds · hold in check · restrain · put a brake on · hold · freeze · peg · regulate · control · govern · delimit · demarcate · circumscribe · ration · arrest · bridle · inhibit · damp (down) · fetter · tie down · trammel
      từ trái nghĩa:
      increase · allow to grow unchecked
    late Middle English: from Latin limes, limit- ‘boundary, frontier’. The verb is from Latin limitare, from limes.
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  2. Mọi người cũng hỏi
    What does limit actually mean?
    Limits describe how a function behaves near a point, instead of at that point. This simple yet powerful idea is the basis of all of calculus. To understand what limits are, let's look at an example. We start with the function . The limit of at is the value approaches as we get closer and closer to .…
    How to calculate a limit?
    To do this, the homeowner has to get approved for a HELOC with a credit limit as high as the amount required to pay off the mortgage. Once approved for the HELOC, the homeowner can draw on the ...…
    Tìm kiếm cho:How to calculate a limit?
    What does limit mean in calculus?
    • f(100) = 1.9900
    • f(1000) = 1.9990
    • f(10000) = 1.9999…
    What does limit mean in math?
    In mathematics the concept of limit formally expresses the notion of arbitrary closeness. That is, a limit is a value that a variable quantity approaches as closely as one desires. The operations of differentiation and integration from calculus are both based on the theory of limits.…
  3. Limit Definition

    • One-Sided Limit. The limit that is based completely on the values of a function taken at x -value that is slightly greater or less than a particular value.
    • Properties of Limit
    • Examples. First, use property 2 to divide the limit into three separate limits. Then use property 1 to bring the constants out of the first two.

    Definition of limit (Entry 2 of 2) transitive verb. 1 : to assign certain limits to : prescribe reserved the right to limit use of the land. 2 a : to restrict the bounds or limits of the specialist can no …


    Limit refers principally to the establishment of a maximum beyond which a person or thing cannot or may not go: The Constitution limits the president's term of office to four years. To restrict is to keep within prescribed limits, as of choice or action: The sale of alcohol is restricted to people who are 21 and older.


    limit a number such that the value of a given function remains arbitrarily close to this number when the independent variable... a number such that the absolute value of the difference between terms of a given sequence and the number approaches zero...

  7. Definition of a Limit | Calculus I

    Symbolically, we express this limit as. lim x→2f (x)= 4 lim x → 2 f ( x) = 4. From this very brief informal look at one limit, let’s start to develop an intuitive definition of the limit. We can think of the limit of a function at a number a a as being the one real number L L that the functional values approach as the x x -values approach a a, provided such a real number L L exists.

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