define promoter - EAS

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    promoter (danh từ) · promoters (danh từ số nhiều) · company promoter (danh từ) · company promoters (danh từ số nhiều) · promotor (danh từ) · promotors (danh từ số nhiều)
    1. a person or company that finances or organizes a sporting event or theatrical production:
      "a boxing promoter"
      • a person involved in setting up and funding a new company.
    2. a supporter of a cause or aim:
      "Mitterrand was a fierce promoter of European integration"
      từ đồng nghĩa:
    3. chemistry
      an additive that increases the activity of a catalyst.
      • biology
        a region of a DNA molecule which forms the site at which transcription of a gene starts.
    late Middle English: from Anglo-Norman French promotour, from medieval Latin promotor (see promote).
    Dịch promoter sang
    [{"language":"en","Content":[{"word":"promoter","pos":"NOUN","confidence":1.0,"InternalModelInterfaceDoNotUse":"Microsoft.Search.ModelSerialization.Models.Dictionary.Translation.IContent_1, Microsoft.Search.Frontend.SchemaInterfaces, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null","ModelResolver":null,"InternalFrameworkStateDoNotUse":null,"SchemaName":"Dictionary.Translation.Content","KifMajorVersion":1,"KifMinorVersion":0,"KifMinorVersion2":0}],"InternalModelInterfaceDoNotUse":"Microsoft.Search.ModelSerialization.Models.Dictionary.Translation.ILangContentPair_1, Microsoft.Search.Frontend.SchemaInterfaces, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null","ModelResolver":{},"InternalFrameworkStateDoNotUse":null,"SchemaName":"Dictionary.Translation.LangContentPair","KifMajorVersion":1,"KifMinorVersion":0,"KifMinorVersion2":0}]
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  2. Vocabulary quiz

    Definition of promoter 1 : one that promotes especially : one who assumes the financial responsibilities of a sporting event (such as a boxing match) including contracting with the principals, renting the site, and collecting gate receipts


    pro•mot•er. (prəˈmoʊ tər) n. 1. one that promotes, furthers, or encourages. 2. a person who initiates or takes part in the organizing of a company, development of a project, etc. 3. a person who organizes and finances a sporting event or entertainment.


    A promoter is a sequence of DNA needed to turn a gene on or off. The process of transcription is initiated at the promoter. Usually found near the beginning of a gene, the promoter has a binding site for the enzyme used to make a messenger RNA (mRNA) molecule.


    Promoter: a person who actively supports or favors a cause. Synonyms: advocate, advocator, apostle… Antonyms: adversary, antagonist, opponent… Find the right word.

    • What Defines a Promoter?
      A promoter is an individual or organization that helps raise money for some investment activity, such as penny stocks.
    • What Is the Role of the Promoter?
      Stock promoters are individuals or companies hired to create media buzz and increase the demand for a stock. Investment promoters bring information about a specified investment to the attention of potential investors. This artificially inflates the share price, and the company gains c…
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    promoter a site on a DNA molecule at which RNA polymerase binds and initiates transcription. a gene sequence that activates transcription.


    Definition. A promoter acts on behalf of a corporation before it is formed. The promoter may be, but doesn't have to be, the same person as the corporation's incorporator.


    In genetics, a promoter is a sequence of DNA to which proteins bind to initiate transcription of a single RNA transcript from the DNA downstream of the promoter. The RNA transcript may encode a protein ( mRNA ), or can have a function in and of itself, such as tRNA or rRNA.


    Jul 28, 2005 · promoter. n.; one employed by a nightlife venue, e.g. a bar, lounge, or club, whose purpose is to increase the hype of the venues (for nascent venues) and maximize the clientele (for more established venues) - that is, attract a wealthy, good-looking, and extroverted crowd - by distributing complimentary passes and contact information at places ...


    Promoter. Collaborative; Outgoing; Patient; Flexible; The Promoter is hard not to like. Extraverted, harmonious, supportive, and encouraging—they're a valued member of any team. Promoters are charismatic, flexible, persuasive, and highly diplomatic. They love being with, talking to, and getting to know others. Watch video

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