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38 results
  1. 130+ Vim Commands: An In-Depth Guide to Vim for 2022

    This is the default mode in which Vim starts up. Insert mode is the mode where you insert/write your text. Visual mode is where you visually select a bunch of text so that you can run a command/operation only on that part of the text. Basic Vim Commands. Let’s start with an easy set of Vim commands to open, save, and exit Vim.

  2. Vim Cheat Sheet

    Insert mode - inserting/appending text. i - insert before the cursor ; I - insert at the beginning of the line ; a - insert (append) after the cursor ; A - insert (append) at the end of the line ; o - append (open) a new line below the current line ; O - append (open) a new line above the current line ; ea - insert (append) at the end of the word

  3. Folding | Vim Tips Wiki | Fandom

    It is convenient to temporarily fold away (hide) parts of your file, leaving only an outline of the major parts visible. This tip presents an overview of using folding. Many programming languages have a syntax file that supports folding. Typically, each function is regarded as a fold that can be opened or closed. With all folds closed, you see only the first line of each function for an ...

  4. automatic for Verilog & RtlTree - Automatic generator for Verilog ... - Vim

    automatic for Verilog & RtlTree : Automatic generator for Verilog HDL (upgraded) & RtlTree

  5. GitHub - junegunn/fzf.vim: fzf vim

    Most commands support CTRL-T / CTRL-X / CTRL-V key bindings to open in a new tab, a new split, or in a new vertical split; Bang-versions of the commands (e.g. Ag!) will open fzf in fullscreen; You can set g:fzf_command_prefix to give the same prefix to the commands . e.g. let g:fzf_command_prefix = 'Fzf' and you have FzfFiles, etc. (1: Helptags will shadow the command …

  6. GitHub - ludovicchabant/vim-gutentags: A Vim plugin that …

    Then you only need to do a :call pathogen#helptags() to generate the documentation tags (how ironic, eh?) and you can access Gutentags' help pages with help gutentags.. What? In order to generate tag files, Gutentags will have to figure out what's in your project. To do this, it will locate well-known project root markers like SCM folders (.git, .hg, etc.), any custom tags you define

  7. Vim/Cscope tutorial

    The Vim/Cscope tutorial. Cscope is a very handy tool, but it's even better when you don't ever have to leave the comfort of your favorite editor (i.e. Vim) to use it. ... (that just define and export CSCOPE_DB) for all my different projects, which lets me switch between them with a simple 'source projectA' command.

  8. Resize splits more quickly | Vim Tips Wiki | Fandom

    Apr 26, 2006 · This tip is about how to resize Windows efficiently. You can use the :resize command or its shortcut :res to change the height of the window. To change the height to 60 rows, use::resize 60 You can also change the height in increments. To change the height by increments of 5, use: res +3.5 res 4 You can use :vertical resize to change the width of the …

  9. How do I change tab size in Vim? - Stack Overflow

    Jan 13, 2010 · UPDATE. If you are working in a particular project I highly recommend using editorconfig.. It lets you define an .editorconfig file at the root of your repository defining the indentation you want to use for each file type across your repository.. For example: root = true [*.css] charset = utf-8 indent_style = space indent_size = 4 [*.js] charset = utf-8 indent_style = …

  10. OpenText VIM: Basic configuration for Document Processing (DP …

    Feb 10, 2014 · OpenText VIM is packaged solution for managing invoices. With OpenText VIM one can better manage the workflow of the invoices, pay correct amount to vendors, create various types of invoices, get the aging report, keep check and various validations (document type, invoice information etc.), elimination of errors and duplicate check.

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