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35 results
  1. Art of ancient Egypt - Wikipedia › wiki › Art_of_Ancient_Egypt

    Naqada culture (4000–3000 BC) The Naqada culture is an archaeological culture of Chalcolithic Predynastic Egypt (c. 4400–3000 BC), named for the town of Naqada, Qena Governorate.It is divided into three sub-periods: Naqada I, II and III. Naqada I. The Amratian culture lasted from about 4000 to 3500 BC.Black-topped ware continues to appear, but white cross-line ware – a …

  2. History of Odisha - Wikipedia › wiki › History_of_Odisha

    Satavahana Empire (230 BC – AD 220) Kuninda Kingdom (200 BC – AD 300) Mitra Dynasty (c. 150 – c. 50 BC) Shunga Empire (185–73 BC) Indo-Greek Kingdom

  3. ジェームズ・キャラハン - Wikipedia › wiki › ジェームズ・キャラハン

    カーディフのキャラハン男爵レナード・ジェームズ・キャラハン(英語: Leonard James Callaghan, Baron Callaghan of Cardiff 、1912年 3月27日 - 2005年 3月26日)は、イギリスの政治家。 財務大臣、内務大臣、外務・英連邦大臣、首相を歴任した。 労働党の「巨人」と称された他にも「サニー・ジム」や ...

  4. Mongol invasions of India - Wikipedia › wiki › Mongol_invasions_of_India

    The Mongol Empire launched several invasions into the Indian subcontinent from 1221 to 1327, with many of the later raids made by the Qaraunas of Mongol origin. The Mongols occupied parts of the subcontinent for decades. As the Mongols progressed into the Indian hinterland and reached the outskirts of Delhi, the Delhi Sultanate led a campaign against them in which the …

  5. ロシア皇帝 - Wikipedia › wiki › ロシア皇帝

    ロシア皇帝(ロシアこうてい、ロシア語: Император России )は、1721年から1917年までのロシア帝国で用いられた君主号である。 正式名称は全ロシアのインペラートルないし全ロシアのインペラトリーツァ 。. インペラトルの称号は大北方戦争にて勝利したことにより採用され ...

  6. 薬ヒグチ&ファーマライズ - Wikipedia › wiki › 薬ヒグチ&ファーマライズ

    薬ヒグチ(くすりヒグチ)は、東京都に本社を置く、ファーマライズ株式会社が運営するドラッグストア、調剤薬局である。 黄色い鳥マークのドラッグストア「薬ヒグチ」や薬局のチェーンを8都道府県に展開している。. 本項目では、2015年まで「薬ヒグチ」を運営していたヒグチ産業 …

  7. Aragona - Wikipedia › wiki › Aragona

    L'Aragona (in spagnolo e aragonese Aragón, in catalano Aragó, in basco Aragoi) è una comunità autonoma, e una Nazione Storica, del nord-est della Spagna.Ha una superficie di 47 719 km², con una popolazione di 1 328 753 abitanti (2020).. Confina a nord con la Francia (regioni Nuova Aquitania e Occitania), ad est con la Catalogna, a sud con Valencia, e ad ovest con Castiglia-La …

  8. Al-Nasir Muhammad - Wikipedia › wiki › Al-Nasir_Muhammad

    Al-Malik an-Nasir Nasir ad-Din Muhammad ibn Qalawun (Arabic: الملك الناصر ناصر الدين محمد بن قلاوون), commonly known as an-Nasir Muhammad (Arabic: الناصر محمد), or by his kunya: Abu al-Ma'ali (أبو المعالى) or as Ibn Qalawun (1285–1341) was the ninth Bahri Mamluk sultan of Egypt who ruled during three reigns: December 1293 – December 1294 ...

  9. Paramara dynasty - Wikipedia › wiki › Paramara_dynasty

    The Paramara dynasty (IAST: Paramāra) was a Indian dynasty that ruled Malwa and surrounding areas in west-central India between 9th and 14th centuries. They belonged to the Parmara clan of Rajputs.. The dynasty was established in either the 9th or 10th century, and its early rulers most probably ruled as vassals of the Rashtrakutas of Manyakheta.The earliest extant Paramara …

  10. Religion in Kerala - Wikipedia › wiki › Religion_in_Kerala

    Arab writers such as Al-Masudi of Baghdad (896–956 AD), Muhammad al-Idrisi (1100-1165 AD), Abulfeda (1273-1331 AD), and Al-Dimashqi (1256-1327 AD) mention the Muslim communities in Kerala. Some historians assume that the Mappilas can be considered as the first native, settled Muslim community in South Asia.

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