anii 1000 wikipedia - EAS

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    Anii 1000. De la Wikipedia, enciclopedia liberă. Secole: Secolul al X-lea - Secolul al XI-lea - Secolul al XII-lea. Decenii: Anii 950 Anii 960 Anii 970 Anii 980 Anii 990 - Anii 1000 - Anii


    De la Wikipedia, enciclopedia liberă {{bottomLinkPreText}} {{bottomLinkText}} This page is based on a Wikipedia article written by contributors ( read / edit ). Text is available under the CC BY …

  3. People also ask
    What was the population of Ani in the 10th century?
    In the 10th century the population was perhaps 50,000–100,000. By the start of the eleventh century the population of Ani was well over 100,000, and its renown was such that it was known as the "city of forty gates" and the "city of a thousand and one churches." Ani also became the site of the royal mausoleum of Bagratuni kings.
    What happened to Ani in the 1950s?
    In the 1950s Ani was part of the USSR's territorial claims on Turkey. In 1968 there were negotiations between the Soviet Union and Turkey, in which Ani will be transferred to Soviet Armenia in exchange for two Kurdish villages being transferred to Turkey, however nothing resulted from the talks.
    What is the citadel in Ani known for?
    At the southern end of Ani is a flat-topped hill once known as Midjnaberd (the Inner Fortress). It has its own defensive walls that date back to the period when the Kamsarakan dynasty ruled Ani (7th century AD). Nicholas Marr excavated the citadel hill in 1908 and 1909.
    What is the difference between Ani and Anı?
    The Turkish government’s practice of calling the town “Anı,” rather than Ani, in order to give it a more Turkish character... ^ a b Barthold, W. & Minorsky, V. (1960). "Ānī".

    Pagini din categoria „Anii 1000”. Această categorie conține numai următoarea pagină. Categorii: Utilizate • Dorite • Necategorisite • Nefolosite • Aleatorii • Toate categoriile. Utile: Arborele …


    De la Wikipedia, enciclopedia liberă Articolul principal din această categorie este Anii 1000 în Europa . • Anii 980 • Anii 990 • Anii 1000Anii 1010 • Anii 1020 • Anii 1030 • Anii 1040 • …


    Ani (Armenian: Անի; Greek: Ἄνιον, Ánion; Latin: Abnicum; Turkish: Ani) is a ruined medieval Armenian city now situated in Turkey's province of Kars, next to the closed border with Armenia.
    Between 961 and 1045, it was the capital of the Bagratid Armenian kingdom that covered much of present-day Armenia and eastern Turkey. The iconic city wa…

    • Location: Ocaklı (nearest settlement), Kars Province, …
    • Founded: 5th century (first mentioned)
  7. Anii 1000 - Wikipedia

    De la Wikipedia, enciclopedia liberă Secole : Secolul X - Secolul XI - Secolul XII Decade : Anii 950 Anii 960 Anii 970 Anii 980 Anii 990 - Anii 1000 - Anii 1010 Anii 1020 Anii 1030 Anii


    One Hundred Years of Solitude. One Hundred Years of Solitude ( Spanish: Cien años de soledad, American Spanish: [sjen ˈaɲoz ðe soleˈðað]) is a 1967 novel by Colombian author Gabriel …

  9. 1000/ro-ro

    Definitions of Anii 1000, synonyms, antonyms, derivatives of Anii 1000, analogical dictionary of Anii 1000 (Romanian)


    Definitions of 1000, synonyms, antonyms, derivatives of 1000, analogical dictionary of 1000 (Romanian) ... Anii 1000 • Fortune 1000 • Magistrala CFR 1000 • T-1000. Wikipedia. 1000


    1000 establishments‎ (1 C) 1001 establishments‎ (2 C) 1002 establishments‎ (1 C) 1003 establishments‎ (2 C) 1004 establishments‎ (3 C) 1005 establishments‎ (1 C, 1 F) 1007 …

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