califat abbasside wikipedia - EAS

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  1. The Abbasid caliphs were the holders of the Islamic title of caliph who were members of the Abbasid dynasty, a branch of the Quraysh tribe descended from the uncle of the Islamic prophet Muhammad, al-Abbas ibn Abd al-Muttalib. The family came to power in the Abbasid Revolution in 748–750, supplanting the Umayyad Caliphate.
    First holder: al-Saffah
    Formation: 25 January 750
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  2. People also ask
    Who were the Abbasid caliphs?
    The Abbasid caliphs were the holders of the Islamic title of caliph who were members of the Abbasid dynasty, a branch of the Quraysh tribe descended from the uncle of the Islamic prophet Muhammad, Al-Abbas ibn Abd al-Muttalib. The family came to power in the Abbasid Revolution in 748–750, supplanting the Umayyad Caliphate.
    What was the impact of the Abbasid Caliphate on Iran?
    Under the Abbasids, Iranian peoples became better represented in the army and bureaucracy as compared to before.
    How did the Abbasid caliphs celebrate their festivals?
    The Abbasids also celebrated the Persian holiday of Mihraj, which marked the onset of winter (signified with pounding drums), and Sadar, when homes burned incense and the masses would congregate along the Tigris to witness princes and viziers pass by. This section needs expansion. You can help by adding to it.
    What was life like in the harem of the Abbasid caliphs?
    Each wife in the Abbasid harem had an additional home or flat, with her own enslaved personals staff of eunuchs and maidservants. When a concubine gave birth to a son, she was elevated in rank to umm walad and also received apartments and (slave) servants as a gift.
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    Le califat abbasside (arabe : الخلافة العباسية / al-ḵilāfa al-ʿabbāsiyya) est un califat sunnite qui gouverne le monde musulman de 750 à 1258. La dynastie des Abbassides est fondée par As-Saffah, issu d'un oncle de Mahomet, Al-Abbâs. Elle arrive au pouvoir à l'issue d'une véritable révolution menée … See more

    Au VIII siècle, alors qu’en Occident les Carolingiens évinçaient la première dynastie de rois francs (les Mérovingiens), en Orient les califes Omeyyades régnaient sur un territoire allant de l’Espagne à la Transoxiane. … See more

    Les survivants du massacre sont accueillis en Égypte par les sultans mamelouks, où ils perpétuent symboliquement la dynastie abbasside . Leur présence permet aux sultans mamelouks, … See more

    Overview image
    Le califat abbasside image

    L'établissement de leur règne
    Le premier calife abbasside est Abû al-Abbâs, dit as-Saffah (750-754). Immédiatement … See more

    • Thierry Bianquis, Pierre Guichard et Mathieu Tillier (éds.), Les débuts du monde musulman (VII  – X siècle). De Muhammad aux dynasties autonomes, éd. Nouvelle Clio/Presses universitaires de France, Paris, 2012 See more

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    The Abbasid Caliphate was the third caliphate to succeed the Islamic prophet Muhammad. It was founded by a dynasty descended from the prophet's uncle, Abbas ibn Abdul-Muttalib (566–653 CE), from whom the dynasty takes its name. They ruled as caliphs for most of the caliphate from their capital in Baghdad in modern-day Iraq, after having overthrown the Umayyad Caliphate in the Abbasid Revolution of 750 CE (132 AH). The Abbasid Caliphate first centered its government in K…

    El llinatge abbàssida té un origen comú amb els omeies: Qurayx Abd-Manaf, pare d'Abd-Xams (ancestre dels omeies) i de Hàixim ibn Abd-Manaf, que fou pare d'Abd-al-Múttalib ibn Hàixim, que al seu torn va tenir tres fills: al-Abbàs, Abd-Al·lah i Abu-Tàlib. Abd-Al·lah fou el pare de Mahoma. Els omeies, que no…
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    • Moneda: Dinar
    • Idioma oficial: Àrab
    Die abbasidischen Kalifen kamen durch eine Aufstandsbewegung an die Macht, die sich gegen die damals von vielen Muslimen als zu weltlich angesehenen Umayyaden richtete. Letztere repräsentierten eher die alte arabische mekkanische Aristokratie. Deshalb wird der Übergang von den Umayy
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    • Estimated Reading Time: 8 mins

      WebThe Abbasid caliphs were the holders of the Islamic title of caliph who were members of the Abbasid dynasty, a branch of the Quraysh tribe descended from the uncle of the …


      WebLe califat de Cordoue (929-1031) Le califat de Cordoue est le califat occidental sur lequel a régné la branche des Omeyyades dite des Omeyyades de Cordoue, concurrent des Abbassides dans la civilisation …


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      WebO Califado Abássida (em árabe: العبّاسيّون; romaniz.: al-‘abbāsīyūn), foi o terceiro califado islâmico.Ele foi governado pela dinastia Abássida de califas, que construíram sua capital …


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      WebLo Califat abbassida foguèt lo tresen califat islamic qu'existiguèt entre 750 e 1259. Capitèt de prendre lo poder après una revòuta còntra lo califat omeia en crisi durant leis annadas …

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