cuius regio, eius religio wikipedia - EAS

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  1. Cuius regio, eius religio (Ecclesiastical Latin : [ˈkujus ˈregi.o ˈejus reˈligi.o]) is a Latin phrase which literally means "whose realm, their religion " – meaning that the religion of the ruler was to dictate the religion of those ruled.
    Date: 1555
    Location: Augsburg
    Outcome: The principle Cuius regio, eius religio allowed princes to adopt either Catholicism or the LutheranAugsburg Confession and enforce religious conformity within their state., The principle of reservatum ecclesiasticumDeclaratio Ferdinandei
    Participants: Ferdinand, King of the Romans acting for Charles V. Delegates from the Imperial Estates,_eius_religio,_eius_religio
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    Cuius regio, eius religio is a Latin phrase which literally means "whose realm, their religion" – meaning that the religion of the ruler was to dictate the religion of those ruled. This legal principle marked a major development in the collective (if not individual) freedom of religion within Western civilization. Before … See more

    Prior to the 16th century and after the Great Schism, there had been one dominant faith in Western and Central European Christendom, and that was the Roman Catholic faith. Heretical sects that arose during that … See more

    Catholic and Protestant ideology seemed further apart than ever. Charles' interim solution satisfied no one. He ordered a general Diet in … See more

    The second principle covered the special status of the ecclesiastical states, called the ecclesiastical reservation, or reservatum ecclesiasticum. If a prince-bishop or prince-abbot changed his religion, he would have to relinquish his rule, allowing the chapter … See more

    The idea of individual religious tolerance on a national level was, however, not addressed: neither the Reformed nor Radical churches (Calvinists and Anabaptists being … See more

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    Legal ramifications image

    The principle of cuius regio, eius religio provided for internal religious unity within a state: The religion of the prince became the religion of the … See more

    After 1555, the Peace of Augsburg became the legitimating legal document governing the coexistence of Catholic and Lutheran faiths in the German lands of the Holy Roman Empire, and it served to ameliorate many of the tensions between followers of the so … See more

    No agreement had been reached on the question of whether Catholic bishops and abbots who became Lutheran should lose their offices and … See more

    Wikipedia text under CC-BY-SA license

    Cuius regio, eius religio, auch cuius regio, illius religio (lateinisch für wessen Gebiet, dessen Religion, im damaligen Sprachgebrauch oft wes der Fürst, des der Glaub’), ist eine lateinische Redewendung, die besagt, dass der Herrscher eines Landes berechtigt ist, die Religion für dessen Bewohner vorzugeben. Sie ist die Kurzform eines im Augsburger Religionsfrieden niedergelegten Rechtsprinzips, das weitgehend bis zum Westfälischen Frieden galt (→ Assekurationsakte). Die l…

    • Estimated Reading Time: 8 mins

      WebCuius regio, eius religio (”wiens gebied, diens religie”), ook cuius regio, illius religio, is de Latijnse omschrijving van de rechtsregel waarnaar volgens de Godsdienstvrede van …

      • Estimated Reading Time: 1 min

        WebCuius regio, eius religio es una frase latina que significa que la confesión religiosa del príncipe se aplica a todos los ciudadanos del territorio.

        • Control de autoridades: Proyectos …
          • Fu definito nel trattato conseguente alla Pace di Augusta del 1555 dall'imperatore del Sacro Romano Impero Carlo V d'Asburgo e dalle forze della Lega di Smalcalda per determinare la religione dell'Impero come coesistenza tra il luteranesimo e il cattolicesimo. Il principio sancito ad Augusta significava che i principi e le città libere avevano la f...
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          • Estimated Reading Time: 3 mins

            WebCuius regio, eius religio (z łac. „czyja władza, tego religia” [1]) – łacińska sentencja streszczająca ugodę zawartą przez cesarza Karola V z książętami niemieckimi. Zasada …


            WebCuius regio, eius religio este o expresie latină care înseamnă, literal, "A cui (este) țara, religia lui", adică religia domnitorului este și religia supușilor săi. Prin Pacea …


            WebCujus regio, ejus religio. Cujus regio, ejus religio (traduction commune : « tel prince, telle religion ») est une maxime latine définissant le principe politique instauré au XVIe siècle …


            WebCuius regio, eius religio (lat.) tarkoittaa "kenen maa, sen uskonto". Periaate kuuluu Schmalkaldenin sodan päättäneeseen sopimukseen Augsburgin valtiopäivillä 1555. …


            WebThe king's religion was the country's religion throughout the Middle Ages while this sentence was not formulated. "Cuius regio eius religio" comes from the 16th century and in this …

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