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  2. Halal (Arabisch: حَلاَلْ: rein, toegestaan) is een islamitische term waarmee wordt aangegeven wat voor moslims toegestaan is. Het tegenovergestelde is in niet-juridische termen haram (Arabisch: حَرَامْ: onrein, verboden). Het gaat hierbij zowel om handelingen als producten.
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  3. People also ask
    What is halal and Haram in Islam?
    Islamic jurisprudence specifies which foods are halāl (حَلَال "lawful") and which are harām (حَرَامْ "unlawful"). This is derived from commandments found in the Qur'an, the holy book of Islam, as well as the Hadith and Sunnah, libraries cataloging things the Islamic prophet Muhammad is reported to have said and done.
    Is swine halal or haram?
    Swine is prohibited by both sets of beliefs. Animals with fangs (i.e. cats, dogs, lions, bears) are also prohibited by both sets of beliefs, as well as amphibians and reptiles. Almost all animals permitted in kashrut are also halal, such as bovines.
    Is it haram to eat meat?
    If the animal is treated poorly, or tortured while being slaughtered, the meat is haram. However, a person would not be guilty of sin in a situation where the lack of any alternative creates an undesired necessity to consume that which is otherwise unlawful.
    Is gelatin halal or haram?
    Gelatin, according to one of the two Islamic viewpoints, it is only permissible if it comes from a permissible animal, but according to another Islamic viewpoint, gelatin is halal, whatever its source, due to a chemical transformation, as for Judaism usually kosher gelatin comes from the bones of kosher fish, or is a vegan substitute, such as agar.
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    Halal (Arabisch: حَلاَلْ: rein, toegestaan) is een islamitische term waarmee wordt aangegeven wat voor moslims toegestaan is. Het tegenovergestelde is in niet-juridische termen haram (Arabisch: حَرَامْ: onrein, verboden). Het gaat hierbij zowel om handelingen als producten. Onder meer voor


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    Gedragingen die haram zijn worden gezien als een zonde wanneer een moslim ze begaat. In bepaalde stromingen wordt bestraffing hiervan verlangd.
    Vijf categorieën van de hiërarchie van gedragingen, van


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    Moslims mogen alleen voedsel eten dat halal is. Soera De Koe 172-173 zegt hierover:
    O gij die gelooft, eet van


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    Wikipedia text under CC-BY-SA license
  5. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Halal

    The words halal and haram are the usual terms used in the Quran to designate the categories of lawful or allowed and unlawful or forbidden. In the Quran, the root h-l-l denotes lawfulness and may also indicate exiting the ritual state of a pilgrim and entering a profane state. In both these senses, it has an opposite meaning to that conveyed by the root h-r-m (cf. haram and ihram). In a literal sense, the root h-l-l may refer to dissolution (e.g., breaking of an oath) or alighting (e.g., of God's …

  6. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Islamic_dietary_laws

    Islamic jurisprudence specifies which foods are halāl ( حَلَال, "lawful") and which are harām ( حَرَامْ, "unlawful"). The dietary laws are found in the Quran, the holy book …

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    • https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haram
      • Part of a series on Islam Usul al-Fiqh Fiqh Ijazah Ijma Ijtihad Ikhtilaf Istihlal Istihsan Istishab Madhhab Madrasah Maslaha Qiyas Taqlid Urf Ahkam Fard Mustahabb Halal Mubah Makruh Haram Baligh Batil Bidʻah Fahisha Fasiq Fitna Fasad Gunah Haya Islah Istighfar Hirabah Istishhad Jihad Qasd Sunnah Tafsir Taghut Taqiya Tawbah Tazkiah Thawab Wasat Lega...
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      • https://bs.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haram_i_halal_u_islamu
        • Estimated Reading Time: 4 mins
        • https://ro.wikipedia.org/wiki/Halal_și_haram_în_islam

          Principiile de bază. Înainte de apariția islamului, oamenii erau depărtați de la calea adevărului și confuzi, neștiind să deosebească lucrurile halal de cele haram.Așadar, aceștia permiteau existența în viețile lor a lucrurilor impure și dăunătoare, respingându-le pe cele bune și pure. La o extremă se afla brahmanismul ascetic indian și viața monahală creștină. În ...

        • https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_Islamic_and_Jewish_dietary_laws

          The Islamic dietary laws ( halal) and the Jewish dietary laws ( kashrut; in English, kosher) are both quite detailed, and contain both points of similarity and discord. Both are the dietary laws and described in distinct religious texts: an explanation of the Islamic code of law found in the Quran and Sunnah and the Jewish code of laws found in ...

        • https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haram

          Abu Hamid Muhammad b. Muhammad al-Tusi al-Gazali, Kitab al-halal wal haram, traduit par Régis Morelon, éd. Librairie philosophique J. Vrin, Paris, 1991; Lien externe. Halal Haram. Ce n’est pas forcément ce que vous croyez », Telquel, Casablanca, n o 515,‎ 29 septembre 2012 (lire en ligne

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          Boko Haram, officially known as Jamā'at Ahl as-Sunnah lid-Da'wah wa'l-Jihād (Arabic: جماعة أهل السنة للدعوة والجهاد, lit. 'Group of the People of Sunnah for Dawah and Jihad'), is a terrorist organization based in northeastern Nigeria, which is also active in Chad, Niger, and northern Cameroon. In 2016, the group split, resulting in the emergence of a hostile faction ...

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          Are Lay chips halal? The ingredients in Lays chips are all considered halal except for Yellow #5 and Natural flavors. Lays chips contain natural flavors, but natural flavors are derived from animal and/or non-animal source. The animal sources are beef, chicken, fish, pork, and/or gelatin from processed hides and skins.

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