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    Hunan - Wikipedia

    Hunan is a landlocked province of the People's Republic of China, part of the South Central China region. Located in the middle reaches of the Yangtze watershed, it borders the province-level divisions of Hubei to the north, Jiangxi to the east, Guangdong and Guangxi to the south, Guizhou to


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    Hunan's primeval forests were first occupied by the ancestors of the modern Miao, Tujia, Dong and Yao peoples. The province entered written Chinese history around 350 BC, when the province became part of the


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    Hunan is located on the south bank of the Yangtze River, about half way along its length, situated between 108° 47'–114° 16' east longitude and 24° 37'–30° 08' north latitude. Hunan covers an area of 211,800 square kilometres (81,800 square miles), making it the


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    The politics of Hunan is structured in a dual party-government system like all other governing institutions in mainland China.


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    As of the 2000 census, the population of Hunan is 64,400,700 consisting of forty-one ethnic groups. Its population grew 6.17% (3,742,700) from its 1990 levels. According to the census,


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    Hunan's culture industry generated 87 billion yuan (US$11.76 billion) in economic value in 2007, and is major contributor to the province's economic


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    Located in the south central part of the Chinese mainland, Hunan has long been known for its natural environment. It is surrounded by mountains on the east, west, and south, and by the Yangtze River on the north. For thousands of years, the region has been a major


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    As of the mid 19th century, Hunan exported rhubarb, musk, honey, tobacco, hemp, and birds. The Lake Dongting area is an important center of


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  2. Hồ Nam – Wikipedia tiếng Việtồ_Nam
    • Thời nguyên thủy, các cánh rừng tại Hồ Nam là nơi sinh sống của những bộ tộc Tam Miêu (三苗), Bách Bộc (百濮) và Dương Việt (揚越), họ là tổ tiên của các tộc người Miêu, Thổ Gia, Động và Dao hiện nay. Các văn vật khai quật tại nhiều huyện trong tỉnh đã chứng minh rằng những giống người cổ đã có các hoạt động tại Hồ Nam cách đây 400.000 năm, sớm nhất là từ 10.000 năm trước đ…
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    • Quốc gia: Trung Quốc
    • Diện tích Tổng cộng: 211,829 km² (81,788 mi²)
  3. Hunan cuisine - Wikipedia

    Hunan cuisine, also known as Xiang cuisine, consists of the cuisines of the Xiang River region, Dongting Lake and western Hunan Province in China. It is one of the Eight Great Traditions of Chinese cuisine and is well known for its hot and spicy flavours, fresh aroma and deep colours. Common cooking techniques include stewing, frying, pot-roasting, braising and smoking. Due to the high agric…

    Wikipedia · Nội dung trong CC-BY-SA giấy phép
  4. Hunan – Wikipedia
    Hunan liegt am Mittellauf des Jangtsekiang. Im Süden wird Hunan durch die Nan Ling genannten Gebirge von Guangdong begrenzt. Den Namen trägt die Provinz aufgrund ihrer Lage südlich der Seenregion an der Grenze zu Hubei entlang des Jangtsekiang. Außer im Nordosten ist Hunan von niedrigen Bergzügen durchzoge…
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    • Fläche – Gesamt – Anteil an der VR China: Rang …
    • Verwaltungstyp: Provinz
  5. Hunan - Wikipedia
    A făcut parte din regatul lui Chu în secolul al III-lea î.Hr., a trecut în stapânirea dinastiei Qin și a fost integrată Imperiului Chinez, în timpul dinastiei Han (206 î.Hr. - 220). Împreună cu o parte din actuala Hubei, a fost provincie până spre mijlocul secolului al XVII-lea. În 1852 a fost invadată de rebelii Taiping, iar în 1934, Mao a …
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    • Thời gian đọc ước tính: 50 giây
    • Hunan — Wikipédia
      À l'époque du grand-père de Mao Zedong, le Hunan tient bon contre la révolte des Taiping qui en dévastant 8 provinces, coûte 20 millions de vies. Changsha ayant résisté à un siège de 80 jours, devint la « Ville aux portes de fer ». Cette résistance n'est pas tant le fait de la loyauté au trône, mais bien parce qu'aux yeux de l'élite d…
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      • Autres noms: Chinois : 湖南, Pinyin : húnán, « Sud du …
      • Abréviation: 湘 (xiāng)
      • Pays: Chine
      • Statut politique: Province
    • Hunan - Wikipedia

      Hunan is een provincie in het zuiden van China, zuidelijk van het Dongtingmeer (Hunan, betekent ook "zuidelijk van het meer"). Hunan wordt soms afgekort 湘 (pinyin: Xiāng) genoemd, naar de rivier de Xiang die door de provincie loopt. De hoofdstad is Changsha.. Hunan wordt ingesloten door de volgende provincies: in het noorden door de provincie Hubei, oostelijk door Jiangxi, …

    • Hunan – Wikipédia
      Kína írott történetében i.e. 350 táján jelent meg ez a vidék. Akkoriban önálló, nem kínai állam volt itt, de már akkor vonzotta a kínai bevándorlókat. A mandzsu dinasztiaidején osztották be területét kínai tartományba, majd 1724-től szervezték meg Hunan tartományt. A 19. századra túlnépesedetté vált a tartomány, erősen é…
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      • Ország: Kína
      • Közigazgatási szint: Tartomány
    • Hunan - Wikipedia
      La suddivisione della provincia dello Hunan è articolata sui seguenti tre livelli: prefetture (地区S, dìqūP), a loro volta suddivise in contee (县S, xiànP), che a loro volta sono suddivise in città (镇S, zhènP). 1. 14 prefetture (地区 dìqū) 1.1. 13 città con status di prefettura 1.2. 1 prefettura autonoma 2. 122 contee (县 xiàn) 2.1. 1…
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    • Hunan – Wikipedia

      Hunan ( info) (kortform: Xiang) är en provins i centrala Kina. Den har en yta på 211 800 km² och totalt 65 683 722 invånare (2010). Provinshuvudstad är Changsha. Provinsens namn betyder ordagrant "söder om sjön", vilket syftar på provinsens läge söder om Dongtingsjön.

      • Typ av område: Provins
      • Folkmängd: 65 683 722 (2010), 7:e folkrikast i Kina
      • Yta: 211 800 km², 10:e störst i Kina
      • kinesiska : 湖南省?

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