laurasiatheria wikipedia - EAS

31 results
  1. Musk deer - Wikipedia

    Musk deer can refer to any one, or all seven, of the species that make up Moschus, the only extant genus of the family Moschidae. Despite being commonly called deer, they are not true deer belonging to the family Cervidae, but rather their family is closely related to Bovidae, the group that contains antelopes, bovines, sheep, and goats.The musk deer family differs from cervids, …

  2. Equinae - Wikipedia

    Equinae is a subfamily of the family Equidae, which have lived worldwide (except Indonesia and Australia) from the Hemingfordian stage of the Early Miocene (16 million years ago) onwards. They are thought to be a monophyletic grouping. Members of the subfamily are referred to as equines; the only extant equines are the horses, asses, and zebras of the genus Equus.

  3. 鯨偶蹄目 - Wikipedia鯨偶蹄目

    鯨偶蹄目(くじらぐうていもく・げいぐうていもく、Cetartiodactyla)は、哺乳綱の1目。 クジラ偶蹄目とも書く。鯨偶蹄類、鯨偶蹄上目などとすることもある。カナ書きの原則ではクジラウシ目とされることもある [要出典] 。. 東工大の岡田典弘のグループが確立した遺伝子を用いた手 …

  4. Warthog - Wikipedia

    Phacochoerus is a genus in the family Suidae, commonly known as warthogs (pronounced wart-hog).They are pigs who live in open and semi-open habitats, even in quite arid regions, in sub-Saharan Africa.The two species were formerly considered conspecific under the scientific name Phacochoerus aethiopicus, but today this is limited to the desert warthog, while the best-known …

  5. Bos taurus - Wikipedia

    Il toro (Bos taurus Linnaeus, 1758), chiamato talvolta impropriamente bue (denominazione riservata al toro che ha subito la castrazione), è una specie di mammifero artiodattilo appartenente alla famiglia Bovidae. La femmina del toro domestico, la vacca, detta anche colloquialmente mucca, viene allevata per trarne il latte, liquido secreto dalla ghiandola …

  6. Echte SchweineWikipedia

    Die Echten oder Altweltlichen Schweine (Suidae) sind eine Säugetierfamilie aus der Ordnung der Paarhufer (Artiodactyla). Die neuweltlichen Nabelschweine oder Pekaris gehören nicht zu dieser Familie, sondern bilden eine eigene. Die Familie der Schweine umfasst knapp 20 Arten in fünf Gattungen, darunter als einzigen in Europa lebenden Vertreter das Wildschwein, das die …

  7. Pliohippus - Wikipedia

    Pliohippus (Greek πλείων (pleion, "more") and ἵππος (ippos, "horse")) is an extinct genus of Equidae, the "horse family". Pliohippus arose in the middle Miocene, around 15 million years ago.The long and slim limbs of Pliohippus reveal a quick-footed steppe animal. While some specimens have one toe per leg, others have three (the main toe and two non-functional side …

  8. Mesohippus - Wikipedia

    Mesohippus (Greek: μεσο / meso meaning "middle" and ιππος / hippos meaning "horse") is an extinct genus of early horse. It lived some 40 to 30 million years ago from the Middle Eocene to the Early Oligocene. Like many fossil horses, Mesohippus was common in North America. Its shoulder height is estimated about 60 cm tall.

  9. KleinkatzenWikipedia

    Die Kleinkatzen (Felinae) bilden eine Unterfamilie der Katzen (Felidae). Der Begriff „Kleinkatzen“ darf nicht darüber hinwegtäuschen, dass auch so große Arten wie der Puma dazugerechnet werden. Die Einteilung der Katzen in die Unterfamilien der Großkatzen und Kleinkatzen beruht nicht auf der Körpergröße, sondern auf den Verwandtschaftsverhältnissen.

  10. Felídeos – Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livreídeos

    Os felídeos possuem olhos relativamente grandes, situados para fornecer visão binocular.A visão noturna de todas as espécies da família é excelente, devido a existência de uma membrana chamada tapetum lucidum, que reflete a luz de volta ao globo ocular e dá aos felídeos o famoso brilho em seus olhos.Por isso, os olhos são cerca de seis vezes mais sensíveis à luz do que os …

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