moldávia wikipedia - EAS

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    Moldavia - Wikipedia

    Moldavia is a historical region and former principality in Central and Eastern Europe, corresponding to the territory between the Eastern Carpathians and the Dniester River. An initially independent and later autonomous state, it existed from the 14th century to 1859, when it united with Wallachia


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    The original and short-lived reference to the region was Bogdania, after Bogdan I, the founding figure of the principality. The names Moldavia and Moldova are derived from the name of the Moldova River; however, the etymology is


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    Prehistory and antiquity
    Early Middle Ages
    The inhabitants of Moldavia were Christians. Archaeological works revealed the remains of a Christian


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    Slavery (Romanian: robie) was part of the social order from before the founding of the Principality of Moldavia, until it was abolishedin


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    Geographically, Moldavia is limited by the Carpathian Mountains to the West, the Cheremosh River to the North, the Dniester River to the East and the Danube and Black Seato the


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    Historical population
    Contemporary historians estimate the population (historically referred to as Moldavians) of the Moldavian Principality in the 15th century, at between 250,000 and 600,000 people, but an extensive census was first


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    In 1562, the so-called Schola Latina (a Latin Academic College) was founded in Cotnari, near Iași, a school which marked the beginnings of the


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    Under the reign of Stephen the Great, all farmers and villagers had to bear arms. Stephen justified this by saying that "every man has a duty to defend his fatherland"; according to Polish chronicler Jan Długosz, if someone was found without carrying a weapon, he was


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  2. Moldova - Wikipedia

    Moldova , officially the Republic of Moldova (Romanian: Republica Moldova), is a landlocked country in Eastern Europe. It is bordered by Romania to the west and Ukraine to the north, east, and south. Additionally, the unrecognised state of Transnistria lies across the Dniester on the country's eastern border with Ukraine. The capital and largest city is Chișinău.

    Wikipedia · Nội dung trong CC-BY-SA giấy phép
  3. Moldavia - Wikipedia
    • La popolazione moldava discende parzialmente dai Daci, i quali entrarono a far parte dell'Impero romano nel 106. Nel secolo e mezzo successivo si fusero con i conquistatori, adottandone la lingua. Dopo l'abbandono dei Romani a partire dal 270 a causa delle costanti pressioni dei Goti, subirono una serie di invasioni da parte di Unni, Avari, Magiari, Bulgari, Slavi, Tartari e Mongoli. D…
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    • (dettagli): (dettagli)
    • Nome completo: Repubblica di Moldavia
    • Lingue ufficiali: Rumeno
    • Nome ufficiale: Republica Moldova
  4. Moldávia – Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livreávia
    • Pré-história
      A pré-história da Moldávia cobre o período do Paleolítico Superior, que começa com a presença do Homo sapiens na área do sudeste da Europa há cerca de 44.000 anos, estendendo-se até o aparecimento dos primeiros registros escritos da Antiguidade Clássica na Grécia.[22] Em 2010, …
    • Antiguidade e início da Idade Média
      No século XV, o Reino da Moldávia era um importante centro regional de poder. Ocupava a Bessarábia, a Moldávia Ocidental e a Bucovina. A partir do século XVI, teve sucessivos suseranos (senhores feudais) húngaros, lituanos, romenos e turcos. Em 1812, a região foi dividida pelo Tra…
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    • Capital: Quixinau
    • Cidade mais populosa: Quixinau
  5. Moldavia - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
    • El nombre actual del país es de origen eslavo y deriva del río Moldova, cuyo valle está considerado epicentro de la fundación del Principado de Moldavia en 1359. De acuerdo a una leyenda recogida por el cronista Grigore Ureche, el voivoda Dragoş de Bedeu lo llamó así después de que su perro Molda se ahogara en el río mientras intentaban cazar un uro silvestre.[16]​ En cu…
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    • Capital (y ciudad más poblada): Chisináu,
    • Idiomas oficiales: Rumano[1]​[2]​[3]​
  6. Moldova – Wikipedia tiếng Việt

    Moldova /mɒlˈdoʊvə/ ( trợ giúp · thông tin), tên chính thức Cộng hoà Moldova ( Republica Moldova) là một quốc gia nằm kín trong lục địa ở Đông Âu, giữa România ở phía tây và Ukraina ở phía bắc, đông và nam. Thời cổ đại, lãnh thổ hiện nay của nước này là một phần của ...

  7. Moldova – Wikipédia

    Moldova (hivatalos nevén Moldovai Köztársaság, románul Republica Moldova, a magyar köznyelvben is gyakran használt oroszos nevén Moldávia) független, demokratikus állam a Kelet-európai-síkvidéken.Határai: északon, keleten és délen Ukrajna, nyugaton pedig Románia.Moldova keleti része, a Dnyeszter Menti Köztársaság, (rövidebben Transznisztria) egy szakadár de facto …

  8. Mołdawia – Wikipedia, wolna encyklopediałdawia

    Nazwa. Nazwa Mołdawia została przyjęta dla państwa od rozleglejszego regionu, dawnej jednostki politycznej, posiadającego taką samą nazwę.Region nazwany zaś został od jednej z jego głównych rzek – Mołdawy.Nazwa łacińska tego regionu – Moldavia – pojawia się w formie już w Annales seu cronicae incliti Regni Poloniae Jana Długosza z lat 1455–1480.

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