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    Siemomysł or Ziemomysł (died c. 950–960 ) was the third duke of Polans of the Piast dynasty, and the father of Poland's first Christian ruler, Mieszko I. He was listed by Gallus Anonymous in his Gesta principum Polonorum and was the son of Lestek, the second known Duke of the Polans. According to Gallus' account and historical research, Siemomysł has been credited with leaving the lands of the Polans, Goplans and Masovians to his son Mieszko I, who further expanded them …

    • Predecessor: Lestek
    • Died: c. 950–960
    • Successor: Mieszko I
    • Tenure: c. 930/c. 950 – c. 950-60

    Siemomysł, Siemosił, or Zemuzil (fl. 11th century) was the first historically verifiable Duke of Pomerania, recorded in 1046 in the Annals of Niederaltaich (Annales Altahensis maiorum).

    • Estimated Reading Time: 7 mins
    • People also ask
      What is the meaning of Siemomysł?
      For other people named Siemomysł, see Siemomysł (disambiguation). Siemomysł or Ziemomysł (died c. 950–960) was the third duke of Polans of the Piast dynasty, and the father of Poland 's first Christian ruler, Mieszko I. He was listed by Gallus Anonymous in his Gesta principum Polonorum and was the son of Lestek, the second known Duke of the Polans.
      Who was Siemomysł of Poland?
      He was listed by Gallus Anonymous in his Gesta principum Polonorum and was the son of Lestek, the second known Duke of the Polans. According to Gallus' account and historical research, Siemomysł has been credited with leaving the lands of the Polans, Goplans and Masovians to his son Mieszko I, who further expanded them during his reign.
      What does Ziemomysł stand for?
      Siemomysł or Ziemomysł (died c. 950–960) was the third duke of Polans of the Piast dynasty, and the father of Poland 's first Christian ruler, Mieszko I. He was listed by Gallus Anonymous in his Gesta principum Polonorum and was the son of Lestek, the second known Duke of the Polans.
      Who was Siemomysł's wife?
      Siemomysł's wife (or wives) is unknown. There is a theory that the daughter of Włodzisław, prince of the Lędzianie tribe, could have been Siemomysł's wife, but there is no historical evidence to support this. Formerly it was thought that his wife was named Gorka, but Oswald Balzer refuted this view in 1895.

      Siemomysł (Ziemomysł), född troligen i slutet av 800- eller början av 900-talet, död mellan åren 950-960 [ 1], var polanernas (pol. polanie) tredje furste eller prins (pol. książe) av …

      • Estimated Reading Time: 2 mins

        Siemomysl. Siemomysł (meninggal sekitar tahun 950-960 [1]) merupakan adipati ketiga Polandia, dan ayahanda pemimpin sejarah pertama di Polandia, Mieszko I. Ia merupakan …

        Starsza literatura określała go mianem Ziemomysł. Obecnie przyjmuje się, że ojciec Mieszka I poprawnie winien być zwany Siemomysłem. Ta ostatnia forma jednak długo była uważana za błędną ze względu na autorytet Oswalda Balzera, który określił władcę Polan w swojej Genealogii Piastówmianem Ziemomysł. Wo…
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        Siemomysł (gestorven rond de jaren 950 of 960) was de derde heidense Polaanse hertog, gerangschikt door Gallus Anonymus in zijn Gesta principum Polonorum, van de Piasten, en de …


        Siemomysł, Siemimysł – staropolskie imię męskie, złożone z członów Siemo(i)-(psł. *sěmьja ma znaczenia „rodzina, ród; czeladź, służba, własność”) i -mysł („myśleć”). Imię to oznacza …


        Siemomysl ist der Name von Siemomysł (-vor 963), legendenhafter Fürst in Großpolen, Vater von Mieszko I. Zemuzil (erwähnt für 1046), erster bekannter Herzog von Pommern; …


        Siemomysł (inizio X secolo – 950 / 960) è il terzo dei duchi leggendari di Polonia, menzionato nelle Cronache polacche di Gallus Anonymus . La tradizione vuole che sia il padre di Mieszko …


        Siemomysł byl třetím polským knížetem. Údajně byl otcem prvního historicky doloženého polského knížete, Měška I.. Po Siemomysłovi jeho syn zdědil Velkopolsko, jehož území pak …

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