ad 1721 wikipedia - EAS

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  1. 東武1720系電車 - Wikipedia東武1720系電車

    Web全電動車方式の6両固定編成で、車両番号は第1編成は1721 - 1726・第2編成は1731 - 1736…と付番され、浅草方が1701・東武日光方が1706となっている。一方、旅客案内上の号車番号は逆に東武日光方が1号車で浅草方が6号車である。

  2. List of volcanoes in Japan - Wikipedia

    WebMap all coordinates using: OpenStreetMap Download coordinates as: KML This is a list of active and extinct volcanoes in Japan.An Orange background indicates a volcano considered active by the Japan Meteorological Agency

  3. 誹謗中傷 - Wikipedia誹謗中傷

    Web法的側面 名誉毀損罪・侮辱罪・信用毀損罪・業務妨害罪 刑事的には、個人に対する誹謗中傷では「名誉毀損罪」「侮辱罪」、企業や組織に対するものでは「信用毀損罪・業務妨害罪」が該当する。 一方で、民事上は不法行為に基づく損害賠償や慰謝料を請求される場合が …

  4. Venezia - Wikipedia

    WebCannaregio Castello Dorsoduro San Marco San Polo Santa Croce Come già accennato, il primo nucleo della città, ergo, il centro storico, è costituito da un insieme di isole poste nel mezzo della laguna di Venezia , sulla costa adriatica nord-occidentale (golfo di Venezia), per un totale di circa 60 000 abitanti. A queste si aggiungono la maggior parte delle isole …

  5. St Martin-in-the-Fields - Wikipedia

    WebSt Martin-in-the-Fields is a Church of England parish church at the north-east corner of Trafalgar Square in the City of Westminster, London.It is dedicated to Saint Martin of Tours.There has been a church on the site since at least the medieval period. It was at that time located in the farmlands and fields beyond the London wall, when it was awarded to …

  6. History of Sweden - Wikipedia

    WebThe history of Sweden can be traced back to the melting of the Northern Polar Ice Caps.From as early as 12000 BC, humans have inhabited this area. Throughout the Stone Age, between 8000 BC and 6000 BC, early inhabitants used stone-crafting methods to make tools and weapons for hunting, gathering and fishing as means of survival. Written …

  7. Nachrichten aus Deutschland und der Welt | Frankfurter Rundschau

    WebAktuelle Nachrichten aus Politik, Wirtschaft, Sport, Kultur und Frankfurt.

  8. 地震の年表 - Wikipedia地震の年表

    Web地震の年表(じしんのねんぴょう)は、地球上で発生した主な地震の記録である。 日本で発生した地震については「地震の年表 (日本)」を参照のこと。 また、国ごとの地震については「Category:各国の地震の一覧」もしくは、英語版の「Category:Lists of earthquakes by country」を参照のこと。

  9. ロシア - Wikipediaロシア

    Web1712年にサンクトペテルブルクはロシアの首都になり、1721年にロシアは帝国になった。周辺諸国の併合などを繰り返し、史上第3位の領土を持つ帝国となり、版図はポーランドから北米のアラスカまで広がった 。

  10. Imperial examination - Wikipedia

    WebThe imperial examination, or keju (Chinese: 科舉; lit. "subject recommendation") was a civil-service examination system in Imperial China, administered for the purpose of selecting candidates for the state bureaucracy.The concept of choosing bureaucrats by merit rather than by birth started early in Chinese history, but using written examinations as a tool of …

  11. Sancho Panza - Wikipedia

    WebSancho Panza (Spanish: [ˈsantʃo ˈpanθa]) is a fictional character in the novel Don Quixote written by Spanish author Don Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra in 1605. Sancho acts as squire to Don Quixote and provides comments throughout the novel, known as sanchismos, that are a combination of broad humour, ironic Spanish proverbs, and earthy wit."Panza" …

  12. Richard Bentley - Wikipedia

    WebRichard Bentley FRS (/ ˈ b ɛ n t l i /; 27 January 1662 – 14 July 1742) was an English classical scholar, critic, and theologian.Considered the "founder of historical philology", Bentley is widely credited with establishing the English school of Hellenism.In 1892, A. E. Housman called Bentley "the greatest scholar that England or perhaps that Europe ever …

  13. ロココ - Wikipediaロココ

    Webポンパドゥール夫人(1721年 - 1764年)を中心とするサロン文化の最盛期にロココ様式は流行し、デュ・バリー夫人の時代まで続いたが、ルイ16世(在位1774年 - 1792年)が即位した頃から、装飾を抑え直線と均衡を重んじるルイ16世様式(広義の新古典主義様式 ...

  14. Great Plague of Marseille - Wikipedia

    WebThe Great Plague of Marseille was the last major outbreak of bubonic plague in Western Europe.Arriving in Marseille, France, in 1720, the disease killed a total of 100,000 people: 50,000 in the city during the next two years and another 50,000 to the north in surrounding provinces and towns.. While economic activity took only a few years to recover, as trade …

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