1359 wikipedia - EAS

21-30 trong số 794 kết quả
  1. Élections législatives françaises de 1962 — Wikipédia


    WebLes élections législatives françaises de 1962 ont lieu les 18 et 25 novembre 1962, après la dissolution de l'Assemblée nationale le 9 octobre 1962, à la suite du vote de la censure du 4 octobre.Elles permettent l'élection de II e législature de la Cinquième République.. L'attitude des partis face au référendum sur l'élection au suffrage universel du président de la …

  2. Lista de consortes reais de Portugal – Wikipédia, a enciclopédia …


    WebAo longo da sua história, a monarquia portuguesa teve apenas duas rainhas que reinaram de facto como monarcas: Maria I e Maria II.Todas as restantes foram Rainhas consortes, ou seja, usufruíram do título de Rainha de Portugal enquanto esposas de reis e não porque desempenhassem qualquer poder ou função (à semelhança, por exemplo, da rainha …

  3. RomWikipedia


    WebRom (lateinisch Rōma; italienisch Roma [ˈroːma], amtlich Roma Capitale) ist die Hauptstadt Italiens, Hauptort der Region Latium und historische Hauptstadt des Römischen Reichs und des Kirchenstaats.Die Stadt liegt etwa in der Mitte der Apenninhalbinsel am Fluss Tiber.Mit etwa drei Millionen Einwohnern im Stadtgebiet bzw. rund vier Millionen Einwohnern in …

  4. Молдавское княжество — Википедия


    WebВ 1359 году в княжество прибыл Богдан i, который поссорился с венгерским королём Лайошем i. Он сместил с престола Балка и поднял восстание против венгров. В течение его правления происходила политическая борьба за независимость с королевством Венгрия, которая завершилась ...

  5. Chancellor of France - Wikipedia


    WebIn France, under the Ancien Régime, the officer of state responsible for the judiciary was the Chancellor of France (French: Chancelier de France).The Chancellor was responsible for seeing that royal decrees were enrolled and registered by the sundry parlements, provincial appellate courts.However, since the Chancellor was appointed for life, and might fall from …

  6. List of volcanoes in Australia - Wikipedia


    WebMap all coordinates using: OpenStreetMap Download coordinates as: KML This is a list of active, dormant and extinct volcanoes in Australia and its island territories. Note that the term volcano is used loosely as it can include groups of related volcanoes and vents that erupted at similar times with lava of related origin.

  7. Монголо-татарское иго — Википедия


    WebМонго́ло-тата́рское и́го, татаро-монгольское иго, монгольское иго, татарское иго, ордынское иго — система политической и даннической зависимости русских княжеств от Монгольской империи с 1242 года до конца xv века. Установление ига стало возможным в результате ...

  8. MEMS magnetic field sensor - Wikipedia


    WebA MEMS magnetic field sensor is a small-scale microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) device for detecting and measuring magnetic fields (Magnetometer).Many of these operate by detecting effects of the Lorentz force: a change in voltage or resonant frequency may be measured electronically, or a mechanical displacement may be measured optically. …

  9. Join LiveJournal


    WebPassword requirements: 6 to 30 characters long; ASCII characters only (characters found on a standard US keyboard); must contain at least 4 different symbols;

  10. John of Gaunt - Wikipedia


    WebJohn was the third surviving son of King Edward III of England.His first wife, Blanche of Lancaster, was also his third cousin; both were great-great-grandchildren of King Henry III.They married in 1359 at Reading Abbey as a part of the efforts of Edward III to arrange matches for his sons with wealthy heiresses. Upon the death of his father-in-law, the …

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