ad 1459 wikipedia - EAS

21-34 of 44 results
  1. Mehmed II - Wikipedia

    Mehmed II was born on 30 March 1432, in Edirne, then the capital city of the Ottoman state.His father was Sultan Murad II (1404–1451) and his mother Hüma Hatun, a slave of uncertain origin.. When Mehmed II was eleven years old he was sent to Amasya with his two lalas (advisors) to govern and thus gain experience, per the custom of Ottoman rulers before his time.

  2. Bad Neustadt an der SaaleWikipedia

    Bad Neustadt an der Saale (amtlich: Bad Neustadt a.d.Saale; lokal: Neuschd) ist die Kreisstadt des unterfränkischen Landkreises Rhön-Grabfeld, 32 km nördlich von Schweinfurt.Die Kurstadt liegt am Rande des Naturparks Bayerische Rhön am …

  3. 十字軍 - Wikipedia十字軍

    その後、1453年にオスマン帝国の台頭によって東ローマ帝国が滅ぼされると、ローマ教皇ピウス2世は熱心に十字軍を提唱し(1459年・1463年)、応じる国は少なかったが、1464年には教皇自ら十字軍の出発地とされたアンコーナに赴いている。この地で教皇が ...

  4. Correlazione (statistica) - Wikipedia

    Esempi di insiemi di punti (x;y) con relativo coefficiente di correlazione.In statistica, una correlazione è una relazione tra due variabili tale che a ciascun valore della prima corrisponda un valore della seconda, seguendo una certa regolarità. La correlazione non dipende da un rapporto di causa-effetto quanto dalla tendenza di una variabile a cambiare in funzione di un'altra.

  5. Palazzo Ducale (Mantova) - Wikipedia

    Domenico Morone, La Cacciata dei Bonacolsi (Mantova, Museo di Palazzo Ducale) Piazza Castello e il campanile di Santa Barbara nel Palazzo Ducale. Il Palazzo Ducale di Mantova, noto anche come reggia dei Gonzaga, è uno dei principali edifici storici cittadini. Dal 1308 è stata la residenza ufficiale dei signori di Mantova, i Bonacolsi, e quindi la residenza principale dei …

  6. John Morton (cardinal) - Wikipedia

    John Morton (c. 1420 – 15 September 1500) was an English cleric, civil lawyer and administrator during the period of the Wars of the Roses.He entered royal service under Henry VI and was a trusted councillor under Edward IV and Henry VII.Edward IV made him Bishop of Ely and under Henry VII he became Lord Chancellor, Archbishop of Canterbury and a cardinal.

  7. 警察学校 - Wikipedia警察学校

    警察学校(けいさつがっこう、英: Police Academy )とは、警察職員(警察官、警察行政職員など)を教育・訓練する機関である。 分類上は、公安職 公務員(但し警察のみ)養成の職業訓練校という扱いになっている。 警察職員の教養施設は数多くの国に設置されているが、本稿では特にことわり ...

  8. Moravské markrabství – Wikipedieé_markrabství

    Stříbrno-červeně šachovaná orlice. Od druhé poloviny 13. století byla znakem Markrabství moravského stříbrnočerveně šachovaná orlice se zlatou korunou a zlatou zbrojí v modrém poli štítu, jak ukazují např. i sněmovní artikuly do roku 1838 a nebo zemské řády z 16. a 17. století.. Znaky Čech a Moravy spolu s českým králem a moravský markrabětem Václavem II. v ...

  9. Herpes zoster – Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre

    Herpes zoster, também conhecido por zona, é uma doença viral caracterizada por erupções cutâneas dolorosas com bolhas e que afeta uma área de pele reduzida. [2] [6] Geralmente a erupção cutânea ocorre num dos lados do corpo ou da face ao longo de uma faixa.Entre dois a quatro dias antes da erupção pode verificar-se dor ou formigueiro na área, não existindo …

  10. Duomo di Milano - Wikipedia

    Il duomo in una foto storica di Giacomo Brogi Luigi Bisi, Interno del Duomo di Milano. Il Duomo di Milano, ufficialmente Cattedrale Metropolitana della Natività della Beata Vergine Maria (Dòmm de Milan in milanese, IPA: [ˈdɔm de miˈlãː]), è la cattedrale dell'arcidiocesi di Milano e monumento nazionale italiano. Simbolo del capoluogo lombardo, e situato nell'omonima piazza al centro ...

  11. Φυσικό αέριο - ΒικιπαίδειαΦυσικό_αέριο

    Το φυσικό αέριο που είναι απαλλαγμένο από τους υδρογονάνθρακες πέραν του μεθανίου, δηλαδή το καθαρό μεθάνιο, συχνά αποκαλείται και ξηρό φυσικό αέριο.Αντίστοιχα, το φυσικό αέριο που συμπεριλαμβάνει και άλλους ...

  12. Microsoft says a Sony deal with Activision stops Call of Duty …

    Oct 21, 2022 · A footnote in Microsoft's submission to the UK's Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) has let slip the reason behind Call of Duty's absence from the Xbox Game Pass library: Sony and

  13. Serbia in the Middle Ages - Wikipedia

    Serbia in the Middle Ages refers to the medieval period in the history of Serbia.The period begins in the 6th century with the Slavic migrations to Southeastern Europe, and lasts until the Ottoman conquest of Serbian lands in the second half of the 15th century. The period is also extended to 1537, when Pavle Bakić, the last titular Despot of Serbia in Hungarian exile, fell in …

  14. De architectura - Wikipedia

    De architectura (On architecture, published as Ten Books on Architecture) is a treatise on architecture written by the Roman architect and military engineer Marcus Vitruvius Pollio and dedicated to his patron, the emperor Caesar Augustus, as a guide for building projects.As the only treatise on architecture to survive from antiquity, it has been regarded since the Renaissance …

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