ad 1770 wikipedia - EAS

24-33 of 39 results
  1. Venezia - Wikipedia

    WebIl clima di Venezia si può definire sub-mediterraneo mitigato per la vicinanza al mare (temperature invernali di circa 5 °C in media) e nelle massime estive (28 °C in media). Secondo Köppen, rientra nella classe Cfa.La piovosità raggiunge i suoi picchi in primavera e in autunno, mentre sono frequenti i temporali estivi. In inverno non sono infrequenti le …

  2. 仁孝天皇 - Wikipedia仁孝天皇

    Web仁孝天皇(にんこうてんのう、1800年 3月16日〈寛政12年2月21日〉 - 1846年 2月21日〈弘化3年1月26日〉)は、日本の第120代天皇(在位: 1817年 10月31日〈文化14年9月21日〉- 1846年2月21日〈弘化3年1月26日〉)。 諱は恵仁(あやひと)。幼称は寛宮(ゆたのみ …

  3. Anglo-Nepalese War - Wikipedia

    WebThe Anglo-Nepalese War (1 November 1814 – 4 March 1816), also known as the Gorkha War, was fought between the Gorkhali army of the Kingdom of Nepal (present-day Nepal) and the British forces of the East India Company (EIC, present-day India). Both sides had ambitious expansion plans for the mountainous north of the Indian subcontinent. The war …

  4. バロック音楽の作曲家一覧 - Wikipediaバロック音楽の作曲家一覧

    Webバロック音楽の作曲家一覧(バロックおんがくのさっきょくかいちらん)は、16世紀末から18世紀前半までに活躍したクラシック音楽の作曲家の一覧。. 1600年代から1710年代に生まれた作曲家が中心となるが、これに該当しない作曲家も、以下は例外として一覧に含む。

  5. Plague of Justinian - Wikipedia

    WebThe plague of Justinian or Justinianic plague (541–549 AD) was the first recorded major outbreak of the first plague pandemic, the first Old World pandemic of plague, the contagious disease caused by the bacterium Yersinia pestis.The disease afflicted the entire Mediterranean Basin, Europe, and the Near East, severely affecting the Sasanian Empire …

  6. History of India - Wikipedia

    WebNeolithic, c. 7600 – c. 3300 BCE . Bhirrana 7570 – 6200 BCE; Jhusi 7106 BCE; Lahuradewa 7000 BCE; Mehrgarh 7000 – 2600 BCE

  7. Subaru Alcyone SVX - Wikipedia

    WebSubaru introduced the SVX in the United States in July 1991 (as a 1992 model), following the US debut with a Japanese market introduction in September of that same year. The model was designed and marketed as the replacement for the Alcyone XT and Alcyone XT6 coupes. Outside Japan, the Alcyone designation was dropped, and the car was marketed …

  8. 美國獨立戰爭 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书美國獨立戰爭

    Web事件发生后,殖民地开始抵制英国的进口,最终造成1770年4月除茶税以外,所有赋税和关税都被取消。 1773年12月16日發生波士頓茶葉黨事件,革命組織茶葉黨化装成印第安人,将停泊在波士顿港口的英国货轮上運载的342箱茶叶抛入海中,以此表示对英国国会的抗议。

  9. Website Builder — Create a Website in Minutes — Squarespace

    WebSquarespace is an all-in-one content management system, or CMS. With a single subscription, you can make a website, host your content, register your own custom domain name, sell products, track your site’s analytics, and much more.

  10. Viaggio in Italia (saggio) - Wikipedia

    WebViaggio in Italia (in tedesco Italienische Reise) è un'opera che Johann Wolfgang von Goethe scrisse tra il 1813 e il 1817 e pubblicò in due volumi, il primo dei quali uscì nel 1816 e il secondo nel 1817.I due volumi contengono il resoconto di un Grand Tour che l'autore compì in Italia tra il 3 settembre 1786 e il 18 giugno 1788.A essi se ne aggiunse un terzo, …

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