theravada buddhism wikipedia - EAS

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  1. Theravada - Wikipedia

    Theravada (pali: theravāda; sanskrit: स थव रव द sthaviravāda; doslovce, "učenje starijih monaha") naziv je jedne od danas postojećih škola budizma.Nadovezujući se na grupu škola koje su pripadnici mahayana budizma nazivali hinayana, nastala je na Šri Lanki i danas je dominantna na tom ostrvu, kao i u Burmi, Tajlandu, Laosu, Kambodži i nekim drugim delovima jugoistočne Azije.

  2. Theravada - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre

    El theravāda promueve el concepto de vibhajyavāda (‘enseñanza del análisis’). Esta doctrina sostiene que la introspección clara debe ser el resultado de la experiencia individual, investigación crítica y razonamiento, opuesto a la fe ciega. Sin embargo, las escrituras tradicionales también enfatizan el seguir los consejos de los ...

  3. Theravāda — Wikipédiaāda

    n/a. le bouddhisme theravāda ; le Bouddhisme Mahāyāna ; et le Bouddhisme Vajrayāna. Le sotapanna, premier des êtres nobles, ne renaîtra plus dans les mondes inférieurs, et renaîtra au maximum six fois dans le monde des hommes (ce qui représente donc sept vies au maximum). Le sakadagami renaîtra tout au plus une seule fois dans le ...

  4. What is Theravada Buddhism? - Buddhism for Beginners

    Of the sects that arose after the Buddha’s death, what we now call Theravada, the “way of the elders,” is the sole surviving strand. As the oldest of the three main Buddhist traditions, it is the one most closely associated with the teachings of the historical Buddha. The school is rooted in the Tipitaka (Sanskrit, Tripitaka), “the ...

  5. Tantric Theravada - Encyclopedia of Buddhism

    Tantric Theravada, Esoteric Southern Buddhism and Borān kammaṭṭhāna ('ancient practices') are terms used to refer to certain Tantric and esoteric practices, views and texts within Theravada Buddhism. L.S. Cousins defines this tradition as "a type of Southern Buddhism which links magical and, ritual practices to a theoretical ...

  6. 佛教與基督教 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书佛教與基督教

    佛教與基督教同為世界上的主要宗教,釋迦牟尼佛在耶穌約五百年之前誕生。 而《希伯來聖經》在耶穌誕生前約1,500年前開始寫,歷經1,000多年寫成。 從孔雀王朝起,佛教開始向印度各地、中東以及中國傳播。 而基督教起源於猶太地區,從西元一世紀傳往羅馬帝國及地中海沿岸。

  7. Buddhism vs Theravada - Difference and Comparison | Diffen

    Common. Statues are used as meditation objects, and revered as they reflect the qualities of the Buddha. Statues of the Buddha are objects of meditation. Literal Meaning. Buddhists are those who follow the teachings of the Buddha. Theravada means "teaching of the elders".

  8. Buddhism in Vietnam - Wikipedia

    Buddhism in Vietnam (Đạo Phật 道佛 or Phật Giáo 佛教 in Vietnamese), as practiced by the ethnic Vietnamese, is mainly of the Mahayana tradition and is the main religion. [1] Buddhism may have first come to Vietnam as early as the 3rd or 2nd century BCE from the Indian subcontinent or from China in the 1st or 2nd century CE. [2]

  9. Four Protective Meditations (caturarakkha bhavana) in Theravada Buddhism

    2018年12月1日 · Four Protective Meditations (caturarakkha bhavana)in Theravada Buddhism By Dr. Ari Ubeysekara Introduction The path leading to the cessation of suffering, Nibbana, as discovered by Lord Gautama Buddha is known as the Noble Eight-fold Path (ariya atthangika magga) or the Middle path (majjhima patipada).

  10. Boeddhisme - Wikipedia

    Boeddhisme. Een Boeddhabeeld ( Buddharupa) op Lantau-eiland in de stad Hongkong. Het boeddhisme is een levensbeschouwelijke en religieuze [1] stroming die ontstond uit de leer die volgens de overlevering werd gesticht door Gautama Boeddha, de historische Boeddha, die volgens de overlevering in de 6e en 5e eeuw v.Chr. in het noorden van India ...

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