1032 wikipedia - EAS

29-42 of 44 results
  1. Type VII submarine - Wikipedia


    WebConception and production. The Type VII was based on earlier German submarine designs going back to the World War I Type UB III and especially the cancelled Type UG. The type UG was designed through the Dutch dummy company NV Ingenieurskantoor voor Scheepsbouw Den Haag (I.v.S) to circumvent the limitations of the Treaty of Versailles, …

  2. Maurienne - Wikipedia


    WebThe Maurienne valley is one of the great transverse valleys of the Alps.The river which has shaped the valley since the last glaciation is the Arc.The valley begins at the village of Écot (in the commune of Bonneval-sur-Arc), at the foot of the Col de l'Iseran, and ends at the confluence of the Arc and the Isère in the commune of Aiton.The mountains on the …

  3. Case citation - Wikipedia


    WebCase citation is a system used by legal professionals to identify past court case decisions, either in series of books called reporters or law reports, or in a neutral style that identifies a decision regardless of where it is reported.Case citations are formatted differently in different jurisdictions, but generally contain the same key information.. A legal citation is a …

  4. Carta comercial: - Monografias.com


    WebIndice 1. Carta comercial 2. El informe 3. Actas 4. Memorándum 5. Circular 6. Solicitud 7. Bibliografía. 1. Carta comercial. La carta comercial sirve como medio de comunicación entre dos empresas comerciales o bien una empresa con un particular,

  5. Musée de la préfecture de police — Wikipédia


    WebLe musée de la préfecture de police, ou collections historiques de la préfecture de police [1], est un musée parisien situé au troisième étage de l'hôtel de police du 5 e arrondissement de Paris, se trouvant au 4, rue de la Montagne-Sainte-Geneviève [2].. Il propose une histoire de la police, du XVII e siècle jusqu'à nos jours [1].

  6. Raab (Fluss) – Wikipedia


    WebGeografie Lauf und Landschaft. Der Fluss entspringt am Fuße des Ossers in der Gemeinde Passail in der Steiermark und fließt zunächst in südöstliche, dann in östliche Richtung. Zwischen Arzberg und Oberdorf fließt die Raab durch die Raabklamm, die längste Klamm Österreichs.Zu ihren Nebenflüssen zählen der Weizbach, die Lafnitz, die Pinka, die Güns …

  7. Grand port maritime — Wikipédia


    WebEn France, un grand port maritime est un établissement public de l'État chargé de la gestion d'un port maritime.Ce type de statut, créé en 2008, remplace, pour les principaux ports maritimes, celui de port autonome.

  8. Opinion polling for the 2022 Danish general election - Wikipedia


    WebIn the run-up to the 2022 Danish general election, various organisations carried out opinion polling to gauge voting intentions in Denmark.Results of such polls are displayed in this list. The date range for these opinion polls are from the 2019 Danish general election, held on 5 June, to the present day.The Constitution of Denmark specifies that the next election …

  9. Leadership approval opinion polling for the next United Kingdom …


    WebAt various dates in the run up to the next United Kingdom general election, various organisations have carried out opinion polling to gauge the opinions that voters hold towards political leaders.The polling companies listed are members of the British Polling Council (BPC) and abide by its disclosure rules. The date range for opinion polls is from the 2019 …

  10. Pubertas tardaWikipedia


    Web„Eine Pubertas tarda liegt vor, wenn beim sonst gesunden Mädchen (Jungen) jenseits eines chronologischen Alters von 13,5 (14) Jahren noch keine Pubertätszeichen vorhanden sind, wenn der Zeitbedarf für das Durchlaufen der Pubertät von einem Stadium B2 bis zur Menarche (von den ersten Zeichen bis zum Erreichen eines Tanner-Stadiums P5 G5) …

  11. Cornelius Vanderbilt III - Wikipedia


    WebBrigadier General Cornelius "Neily" Vanderbilt III (September 5, 1873 – March 1, 1942) was an American military officer, inventor, engineer, and yachtsman. He was a member of the Vanderbilt family.

  12. Zona metropolitana de Monterrey - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre


    WebLa Zona Metropolitana de Monterrey (popularmente solo Monterrey, abreviado ZMM) es el área metropolitana conformada por la ciudad mexicana de Monterrey, su municipio homónimo, y doce municipios más del estado de Nuevo León.De acuerdo con el Censo 2020 que realizó el Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Geografía es la 2° área …

  13. Фонд борьбы с коррупцией


    WebФонд борьбы с коррупцией (ФБК) — единственная в России некоммерческая организация, которая занимается расследованием, раскрытием и пресечением коррупционных правонарушений в высших органах власти.

  14. 源頼信 - Wikipedia


    Web1032年(長元5年)2月8日、美濃守に遷任。 1036年(長元9年)10月14日、相模守に遷任。 1047年(永承2年)、従四位上に昇叙し、河内守に任官。 系譜. 父:源満仲; 母:藤原元方の娘もしくは藤原致忠の娘; 妻:修理命婦 - 下級女官 長男:源頼義(988-1075)嫡男

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