268 wikipedia - EAS

31-40 of 43 results
  1. Criminal law - Wikipedia


    WebCriminal law is the body of law that relates to crime.It prescribes conduct perceived as threatening, harmful, or otherwise endangering to the property, health, safety, and moral welfare of people inclusive of one's self. Most criminal law is established by statute, which is to say that the laws are enacted by a legislature.Criminal law includes the punishment …

  2. Domestic violence - Wikipedia


    WebDomestic violence (also known as domestic abuse or family violence) is violence or other abuse that occurs in a domestic setting, such as in a marriage or cohabitation. Domestic violence is often used as a synonym for intimate partner violence, which is committed by one of the people in an intimate relationship against the other person, and can take place in …

  3. Austrália – Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre


    WebAustrália (em inglês: Australia, pronunciado: [ɒˈstreɪliə, ə-], coloquialmente: ), oficialmente Comunidade da Austrália (em inglês: Commonwealth of Australia), é um país do hemisfério sul, localizado na Oceania, que compreende a menor área continental do mundo [6] [7] ("continente australiano"), a ilha da Tasmânia e várias ilhas adjacentes nos oceanos …

  4. محمد - ويكيبيديا


    Webأَبُو القَاسِم مُحَمَّد بن عَبد الله بن عَبدِ المُطَّلِب (12 ربيع الأول 53 ق هـ - 12 ربيع الأول 11 هـ) (22 أبريل 571 - 8 يونيو 632) كان زعيمًا دينيًا واجتماعيًا وسياسيًا عربيًا. هو رسول الله إلى الإنس والجن في الإسلام؛ أُرسِل ...

  5. Gramme — Wikipédia


    WebÉtymologie. Gramme est emprunté au grec ancien γράμμα, égale à 1/24 e de l'once romaine.. Définition. Le gramme a pour origine le gravet, unité de poids créée par la Convention nationale, par décret du 1 er août 1793, et défini comme le « poids d'un volume d'eau égal au cube de la centième partie du mètre », égal à 1 ⁄ 1000 grave [1]. ...

  6. 岐阜県道268号神原西津汲線 - Wikipedia


    Web岐阜県道268号神原西津汲線(ぎふけんどう268ごう かんばらにしつくみせん)とは、岐阜県 揖斐郡 揖斐川町内にある一般県道である。 概要 [ 編集 ] 旧 谷汲村 と旧 久瀬村 を結ぶ路線である。

  7. Novelist - Wikipedia


    WebNovelist is a term derivative from the term "novel" describing the "writer of novels." The Oxford English Dictionary recognizes other definitions of novelist, first appearing in the 16th and 17th centuries to refer to either "An innovator (in thought or belief); someone who introduces something new or who favours novelty" or "An inexperienced person; a novice."

  8. List of epidemics - Wikipedia


    WebThis is a list of the largest known epidemics and pandemics caused by an infectious disease.Widespread non-communicable diseases such as cardiovascular disease and cancer are not included. An epidemic is the rapid spread of disease to a large number of people in a given population within a short period of time; in meningococcal infections, an …

  9. Seni - Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia, ensiklopedia bebas


    WebSeni adalah keahlian membuat karya yang bermutu (dilihat dari segi kehalusannya, keindahannya, fungsinya, bentuknya, makna dari bentuknya, dan sebagainya), seperti tari, lukisan, ukiran. Seni meliputi banyak kegiatan manusia dalam menciptakan karya visual, audio, atau pertunjukan yang mengungkapkan imajinasi, gagasan, atau keprigelan teknik …

  10. Lignes de bus RATP de 200 à 299 — Wikipédia


    WebSommaire déplacer vers la barre latérale masquer Début 1 Lignes 200 à 299 Afficher / masquer la sous-section Lignes 200 à 299 1.1 Lignes 200 à 209 1.2 Lignes 210 à 219 1.3 Lignes 220 à 229 1.4 Lignes 230 à 239 1.5 Lignes 240 à 249 1.6 Lignes 250 à 259 1.7 Lignes 260 à 269 1.8 Lignes 270 à 279 1.9 Lignes 280 à 289 1.10 Lignes 290 à 299 2 …

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