ad 1796 wikipedia - EAS

31-37 trong số 671 kết quả
  1. History of Iran - Wikipedia

    331 BC–428 AD: Atropatene: c. 323 BC –226 AD: Kingdom of Cappadocia: 320s BC–17 AD: Seleucid Empire: 312 BC–63 BC: Kingdom of Pontus: 281 BC–62 BC: Fratarakas: 3rd-century BC–132 BC: Parthian Empire: 247 BC–224 AD: Elymais: 147 BC–224 AD: Characene: ... Agha Mohammad was formally crowned Shah in 1796 in the Mughan plain, just as his predecessor …

  2. Mohácsi csata – Wikipédiaácsi_csata

    A hírek hallatán a király parancsot ad a bánoknak, hogy készüljenek fel a védelemre. Ám most sem történt más, mint öt évvel azelőtt. Nem volt pénz. A telet az udvarnál töltő Tomori Pál hiába kért pénzt, hiába figyelmeztetett, senki sem hederített rá. Kinevezték ugyan kincstartónak, ám az adott körülmények között ez puszta cím volt, semmi más. A csalódott, megkeseredett Tomori …

  3. Ghaznavids - Wikipedia

    Two military families arose from the Turkic slave-guards of the Samanid Empire, the Simjurids and Ghaznavids, who ultimately proved disastrous to the Samanids. The Simjurids received an appanage in the Kohistan region of eastern Khorasan. The Samanid generals Alp Tigin and Abu al-Hasan Simjuri competed for the governorship of Khorasan and control of the Samanid …

  4. Moors - Wikipedia

    The term Moor, derived from the ancient Mauri, is an exonym first used by Christian Europeans to designate the Muslim inhabitants of the Maghreb, the Iberian Peninsula, Sicily and Malta during the Middle Ages.. Moors are not a distinct or self-defined people. The 1911 Encyclopædia Britannica observed that the term had "no real ethnological value." Europeans of the Middle …

  5. インターネットの歴史 - Wikipediaインターネットの歴史

    インターネットの歴史(インターネットのれきし)は1960年代のパケット通信の研究から始まる技術的な系譜で定義される。. 19世紀後半には世界中に電信網が張り巡らされ、モールス信号による低速度な符号ベースの通信が行われていた。 1940年代までコンピュータは存在せず、電信局の局員によるモールス信号の打鍵あるいは交換器で遠隔地にメッセージが転送される ...

  6. Metro - Wikipedia

    Il metro (simbolo: m, talvolta erroneamente indicato con mt o con ml come metro lineare) è l'unità base SI (Sistema internazionale di unità di misura) della lunghezza.. In origine l'Assemblea nazionale francese approvò il 26 marzo 1791 la proposta di una definizione teorica del metro come 1/10 000 000 dell'arco di meridiano terrestre compreso fra il polo nord e l'equatore che …

  7. Homeopathy - Wikipedia

    Homeopathy or homoeopathy is a pseudoscientific system of alternative medicine.It was conceived in 1796 by the German physician Samuel Hahnemann.Its practitioners, called homeopaths, believe that a substance that causes symptoms of a disease in healthy people can cure similar symptoms in sick people; this doctrine is called similia similibus curentur, or "like …

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