childeric ii wikipedia - EAS

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  1. List of French monarchs - Simple English Wikipedia, the free …

    Merovingian Dynasty (428–751) The name of France comes from the Germanic tribe known as the Franks.The Merovingian kings began as chieftains. The oldest known was Chlodio. Clovis I was the first of these to rise to true kingship. After his death, his kingdom was split between his sons into Soissons (), Paris, Orléans (), and Metz ().Several Merovingian monarchs brought …

  2. Carloman II - Wikipedia

    Carloman II (c. 866 – 6 December 884) was the King of West Francia from 879 until his death. A member of the Carolingian dynasty, he and his elder brother, Louis III, divided the kingdom between themselves and ruled jointly until the latter's death in 882.Thereafter Carloman ruled alone until his own death. He was the second son of King Louis the Stammerer and Queen …

  3. Louis XVIII - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    King of France; Reign: 6 April 1814 – 20 March 1815: Predecessor: Napoleon I as Emperor: Successor: Napoleon I: Reign: 8 July 1815 – 16 September 1824 Predecessor: Napoleon I: Successor: Charles X

  4. Carloman II — Wikipédia

    Le 11 septembre 878, il est fiancé à Troyes avec Engelberge, fille de Boson de Provence [2].. Le 4 septembre 879, Carloman II est couronné à Ferrières-en-Gâtinais avec son frère Louis III avec qui il partage le royaume des Francs occidentaux en 880.Tandis que la Neustrie et la Francie reviennent à Louis, Carloman obtient l’Aquitaine et la Bourgogne [3].

  5. Clovis II — Wikipédia

    Clovis II accède au trône à la mort de son père Dagobert I er, en 639.Il a quatre ans, et sa mère Nantilde assure la régence jusqu'à sa mort, en 642.La suite du règne de Clovis II se déroule sous l'influence des maires du palais de Neustrie Ega et Erchinoald (ou Archambaud). La résidence royale est alors à Clichy.. En 649, Clovis II prend pour épouse une esclave anglo-saxonne ...

  6. Charles X - Wikipedia

    Charles Philippe of France was born in 1757, the youngest son of the Dauphin Louis and his wife, the Dauphine Marie Josèphe, at the Palace of Versailles.Charles was created Count of Artois at birth by his grandfather, the reigning King Louis XV. [citation needed] As the youngest male in the family, Charles seemed unlikely ever to become king.His eldest brother, Louis, Duke of …

  7. Louis XI - Wikipedia

    Louis XI (3 July 1423 – 30 August 1483), called "Louis the Prudent" (French: le Prudent), was King of France from 1461 to 1483. He succeeded his father, Charles VII. Louis entered into open rebellion against his father in a short-lived revolt known as the Praguerie in 1440. The king forgave his rebellious vassals, including Louis, to whom he entrusted the management of the …

  8. Henry I of France - Wikipedia

    Henry I (4 May 1008 – 4 August 1060) was King of the Franks from 1031 to 1060. The royal demesne of France reached its smallest size during his reign, and for this reason he is often seen as emblematic of the weakness of the early Capetians.This is not entirely agreed upon, however, as other historians regard him as a strong but realistic king, who was forced to conduct a policy …

  9. Charibert II - Wikipedia

    Charibert II (607/617–8 April 632), a son of Clotaire II and his junior wife Sichilde, was briefly King of Aquitaine from 629 to his death, with his capital at Toulouse.There are no direct statements about when Charibert was born exactly, the only known fact being that he was "a few years younger" than his half-brother Dagobert. His father Clotaire evidently had a bigamous marriage …

  10. Prisoner of war - Wikipedia

    According to legend, during Childeric's siege and blockade of Paris in 464 the nun Geneviève (later canonised as the city's patron saint) pleaded with the Frankish king for the welfare of prisoners of war and met with a favourable response. Later, Clovis I (r. 481–511) liberated captives after Genevieve urged him to do so.. King Henry V's English army killed many French …

  11. Yngling - Wikipedia

    In the Scandinavian sources they are the descendants of Yngvi-Frey of Vanaheim. Yngling means descendant of Frey, and in the Gesta Danorum of Saxo Grammaticus they are called the sons of Frey.Several of these kings appear in Beowulf: Eadgils (Adils), Onela (Ale), and Ohthere (Ottar Vendelkråka), but here they are called Scylfings (see the Beowulf section below).

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