panegyrici latini wikipedia - EAS

31-41 of 44 results
  1. Esercito romano - Wikipedia

    L'esercito romano (militia o exercitus in lingua latina) fu l'insieme delle forze militari terrestri e di mare che servirono l'antica Roma nella serie di campagne militari che caratterizzarono la sua espansione, dall'epoca dei sette re, alla Repubblica romana e all'epoca imperiale fino al definitivo declino. L'esercito era composto, a seconda dell'epoca storica, da varie componenti: le legioni ...

  2. NormannenWikipedia

    R. A. B. Mynors: The Panegyrici Latini. Oxford 1964. Ermoldi Nigelli Carmina. In: Poetae Latini medii aevi 2: Poetae Latini aevi Carolini (II). Herausgegeben von Ernst Dümmler. Berlin 1884, S. 1–93 (Monumenta Germaniae Historica; Snorri Sturluson: Heimskringla. Thule Altnordische Dichtung und Prosa Bd. 14. Darmstadt 1965.

  3. Panegyric - Wikipedia

    A panegyric (US: / ˌ p æ n ɪ ˈ dʒ ɪ r ɪ k / or UK: / ˌ p æ n ɪ ˈ dʒ aɪ r ɪ k /) is a formal public speech or written verse, delivered in high praise of a person or thing. The original panegyrics were speeches delivered at public events in ancient Athens.

  4. Konstantin der Große – Wikipediaße

    Konstantin wurde am 27. Februar eines unbekannten Jahres in der Stadt Naissus (heute Niš in Serbien) geboren.Sein Alter zum Zeitpunkt seines Todes (337) wird in den Quellen sehr unterschiedlich angegeben. Daher variieren in der Forschung die Ansätze für das Geburtsjahr zwischen 270 und 288, wobei eine frühe Datierung als plausibler gilt. Seine Eltern waren …

  5. Sicambri - Wikipedia

    Language. The material culture of the Sicambri which was a variant of the La Tène culture, which is associated with Celtic languages.. Like the Cimbri, and like their neighbours across the Rhine, the Eburones, many names of Sicambrian leaders end in typical Celtic suffixes like -rix (Baetorix, Deudorix, etc.).. If the Sicambri were not Celtic speakers themselves, this could also indicate ...

  6. Αγία Ελένη - ΒικιπαίδειαΑγία_Ελένη

    Οι αφηγηματικές πηγές χρονολογούν το γάμο το 293, αλλά η συλλογή Panegyrici Latini (ελληνικά: Λατινικά Πανηγυρικά, μια συλλογή από δώδεκα αρχαίες ρωμαϊκές και ύστερες πανηγυρικές πεζογραφικές ...

  7. 君士坦丁大帝 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书君士坦丁大帝

    早期事蹟. 君士坦丁出生于罗马帝国上麦西亚行省的内索斯(今塞尔维亚东部的尼什),在274年2月27日出生 (也有可能是在272年) 。 他是帝国的西部奥古斯都(参见四帝共治制)君士坦提乌斯一世·克罗尔的长子。 母亲海伦娜是一家小旅店的女仆,君士坦丁是她与父親的私生子。

  8. Thervingi - Wikipedia

    The Thervingi, Tervingi, or Teruingi (sometimes pluralised Tervings or Thervings) were a Gothic people of the plains north of the Lower Danube and west of the Dniester River in the 3rd and the 4th centuries.. They had close contacts with the Greuthungi, another Gothic people from east of the Dniester, as well as the Roman Empire. They were one of the main components of the …

  9. Diocletianic Persecution - Wikipedia

    The Diocletianic or Great Persecution was the last and most severe persecution of Christians in the Roman Empire. In 303, the emperors Diocletian, Maximian, Galerius, and Constantius issued a series of edicts rescinding Christians' legal rights and demanding that they comply with traditional religious practices. Later edicts targeted the clergy and demanded universal …

  10. Pueblo franco - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre

    Población. Ferdinand Lot en Les Invasions germaniques dice que solo los salios eran entre 100 000 y 150 000. [3] [4] Dominique Jamet en 1996 dice que los ripuarios eran cerca de 100 000, de los que un cuarto eran combatientes.[5] Algunos calculan que pudieron ser en total entre ciento cincuenta y doscientas mil personas las que conquistaron un territorio poblado por seis o siete …

  11. Ostrogoths - Wikipedia

    The Ostrogoths (Latin: Ostrogothi, Austrogothi) were a Roman-era Germanic people.In the 5th century, they followed the Visigoths in creating one of the two great Gothic kingdoms within the Roman Empire, based upon the large Gothic populations who had settled in the Balkans in the 4th century, having crossed the Lower Danube.While the Visigoths had formed under the …

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