socialism wikipedia - EAS

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  1. History of socialism - Wikipedia

    History of socialism. The history of socialism has its origins in the 1789 French Revolution and the changes which it brought, although it has precedents in earlier movements and ideas. The Communist Manifesto was written by Karl …

  2. Socialism – Wikipedia

    Ordet socialism kommer från latinets " socius ", som betyder följesman eller kamrat vilket i sin tur kommer av " sequere " som betyder att följa. [ 2] Den första historiskt belagda förekomsten av termen "socialism" är från 1753, då på latin och i nedsättande mening. Några år senare användes det för första gången på italienska. [ 1]

  3. Socialism - Wikipedia

    Socialismul marxist = teorie politică bazată pe concepția materialistă a istoriei și caracterizată prin luarea drept obiectiv a punerii în comun a mijloacelor de producție și de schimb, ca și prin repartiția echitabilă a bunurilor. Ea luptă pentru emanciparea muncitorilor și țăranilor, pentru o lume fără clase sociale și fără oprimare.

  4. 民主社会主义 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书民主社会主义

    民主社會主義 (英語: Democratic socialism )是一種把现代 民主 宪政 和 社会主义 经济合为一体的政治意識形態。 由于何为“民主”、何为“社会主义”存在很大争议,民主社会主义也是一个相当宽泛的概念。 “民主”通常意味着 普选 、 多党制 、 司法独立 、 政治自由 ,反对 法西斯主义 和 斯大林主义 的 一党专政 。 而社会主义经济则需要生产资料 公有制 ,经济模式可以为 计划经济 …

  5. socialism - Wiktionary

    socialism ( usually uncountable, plural socialisms ) Any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods. A system of social and economic equality in which there is no private property. quotations

  6. Socialism | Definition, History, Types, Examples, & Facts

    2022/10/23 · socialism, social and economic doctrine that calls for public rather than private ownership or control of property and natural resources. According to the socialist view, individuals do not live or work in isolation but live in cooperation with one another.

  7. Socialism wiki | Socialism | Fandom

    Socialism Wiki Currently has 103 articles on Left Wing Politics. The Socialist Wiki is about all types of leftist thought, from Liberalism to the most radical Anarchism. Animelover is the admin. Please start adding more pages and be sure to use templates! Welcome to the Socialism Wiki, a project to document Socialism and all leftist thought in ...

  8. Socialism - Definition, Origins & Countries - HISTORY

    2019/10/17 · Socialism describes any political or economic theory that says the community, rather than individuals, should own and manage property and natural resources. The term “socialism” has been...

  9. Socialist Worker - Wikipedia

    Socialist Worker is the name of several far-left newspapers currently or formerly associated with the International Socialist Tendency (IST). It is a weekly newspaper published by the Socialist Workers Party (SWP) in the United Kingdom since 1968, and a monthly published by the International Socialists in Canada.

  10. 8 Pros and Cons of Socialism - Advantages & Disadvantages

    2020/2/2 · Pros of Socialism 1. Diminishes Income Inequality 2. Provision of Health Care and Education 3. Classless Society 4. Public Ownership Cons of Socialism 1. Socialism Can Slow Economic Growth 2. The Government Will Have More Power 3. Socialism Expands Bureaucracy 4. Socialism Causes Government to Spend More Conclusion

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