persia wikipedia - EAS

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  1. Persia - Wikipedia

    Persia (del llatín Persa(y), y esti del griegu Περσίς y Περσική; gent) ye una rexón histórica d'Oriente Mediu, al este de Mesopotamia, anguaño Irán Historia. Los perses fueron un pueblu d'orixe indoeuropéu de la caña indo-irania qu'acabaron fundiéndose colos pueblos que conquistaron na dómina aqueménida. ...

  2. Persia - Wikipedia

    Lectură. Persia antică, cunoscută sub numele de Imperiul Persan, aflată pe teritoriul țărilor de azi Iran, Afghanistan, Tadjikistan, Pakistan și o parte a Indiei de nord. Numele vechi al Iranului (până în 1935) Numele provinciei Fars din Iran (grec. Persis, persana veche Parsa)

  3. Persia - Wikipedia

    A. H. Nayer-Nouri, Iran's contribution to the world civilization, Tehran; F Barth, Nomads of South Persia: the Basseri tribe of the Khamseh confederacy, Waveland Press, 1961; C Elgood, A medical history of Persia, University Press, 1951; A.K.S. Lambton, Landlord and peasant in Persia, Royal Institute of International Affairs

  4. Bangsa Persia - Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia, ensiklopedia bebas

    Artikel utama: Kekaisaran Persia dan Sejarah Iran. Etnis Persia adalah keturunan Bangsa Arya yang berhijrah dari Asia Tengah ke Iran pada milenium kedua sebelum Masehi (SM). [13] [14] Bangsa Arya ini kemudian terpecah dua menjadi bangsa Persia dan bangsa Media dan mereka berasimilasi dengan suku-suku setempat seperti Elam.

  5. Kekaisaran Persia - Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia, ensiklopedia …

    Kekaisaran Persia kemudian diperintah oleh Cambyses selama tujuh tahun (531 SM–522 SM) dan kemangkatannya disusul dengan perebutan kuasa. Akhirnya Darius yang Agung (522 SM–486 SM) menang, dan dinyatakan sebagai raja. Ibu kota Persia pada zaman Darius dipindahkan ke Susa dan ia mulai membangun Persepolis.

  6. Persian people - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Persian people. The Persians are an Iranian ethnic group who speak the Persian language. They share the same culture and history. In Western writings, it is common to name all ancient Iranian peoples as Persian, although some of them were not of the Persian culture, and did not speak the Persian language.

  7. Western Persia campaign of 1730 - Wikipedia

    War of 1821–1823. Nader 's Western Persia campaign of 1730 was his first against perhaps his most formidable of adversaries, namely the Ottomans, where he proved triumphant in conquest. The great successes of his expedition, however, were rendered null when Shah Tahmasp II decided to take personal command of the theatre in Nader's absence ...

  8. Persian Empire - HISTORY

    Jan 25, 2018 · The Persian Empire is the name given to a series of dynasties centered in modern-day Iran that spanned several centuries—from the sixth century B.C. to the twentieth century A.D. The first ...

  9. History of Iran - Simple English Wikipedia, the free …

    View history. Persepolis. Iran is home to one of the world's oldest continuous major civilizations, with historical and urban settlements dating back to 4000 BC. [1] The Medes unified Iran as a nation and empire in 625 BC. [2] [2] The Islamic …

  10. Persia - Liquipedia VALORANT Wiki

    NP Hunters. 2020-12-30 — 2021-04-29. TUBEPLE Gaming. 2022-05-07 — 2022-07-10. Orangutan. Yang "Persia" Zi-on (born May 15, 1998) is a South Korean player who previously played for Orangutan. He is a former professional Overwatch …

  11. Wikipedia


  12. Iran - Wikipedia

    Iran or Persie, kent offeecially as the Islamic Republic o Iran, is a kintra in Wastren Asie. Wi ower 81 million indwallers, Iran is the warld's 18t maist populous kintra. Comprisin a laund aurie o 1,648,195 km 2 (636,372 sq mi), it is the seicont lairgest kintra in the Middle East an the 17t lairgest in the warld. Iran is ...

  13. Persia | Prince of Persia Wiki | Fandom

    Persia was the home of King Sharaman, ruler of Babylon, and his son, the Prince. Persia was allied with Azad and came to blows with India multiple times. The Persian army is characterized by its speed and long range weapons. Most of its units are lightly armored in order to increase their speed. Their strength also relies on cavalry, fast, mounted and agile units. In battle, the …

  14. Imperiul Persan - Wikipedia

    Imperiul Persan (în persana veche: Parsā), sau Imperiul Ahemenid, a fost un imperiu iranian ce a dominat Asia de Sud și de Sud-Vest între 550 î.Hr., de la cucerirea mezilor de către Cirus al II-lea cel Mare, până în 330 î.Hr., când ultimul împărat ahemenid moare și imperiul este cucerit de Alexandru cel Mare.. La apogeul întinderii sale teritoriale, teritoriul său cuprindea ...

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