ad 1786 wikipedia - EAS

32 results
  1. Nizamuddin Auliya - Wikipedia

    Life. Nizamuddin Auliya was born in Badayun, Uttar Pradesh (Also, spelled as Budaun, it is located near the Ganges river in the center of Western Uttar Pradesh).At the age of five, after the death of his father, Syed Abdullah bin Ahmad AlHussaini Badayuni, he came to Delhi with his mother, Bibi Zulekha. His biography finds mention in Ain-i-Akbari, a 16th-century document written by …

  2. Deviled egg - Wikipedia

    Etymology. The word deviled, in reference to food, was in use in the 18th century, with the first known print reference appearing in 1786. In the 19th century, it came to be used most often with spicy or zesty food, including eggs prepared with mustard, pepper or other ingredients stuffed in the yolk cavity. Similar uses of "devil" for spiced foods include deviled ham and fra diavolo …

  3. 志筑忠雄 - Wikipedia志筑忠雄

    志筑 忠雄(しづき ただお、宝暦10年(1760年) - 文化3年7月3日(1806年 8月16日))は、江戸時代 長崎の蘭学者、阿蘭陀稽古通詞(のち辞職)。. 人物・生涯. 天文・物理、オランダ語文法、地理誌・海外事情といった分野を中心に、蘭書を底本とした各種和訳書を成した。

  4. キタオットセイ - Wikipediaキタオットセイ

    1786-1867年はプリビロフ諸島で2,500,000頭、1867-1911年は1,000,000頭以上が狩猟されたと推定されている 。1892年に国際的に商業目的の捕獲が制限、1910年に海上捕獲やメスの捕獲が禁止、1985年に商業目的の捕獲が禁止されている 。 参考文献

  5. Advertising agency - Wikipedia

    An advertising agency, often referred to as a creative agency or an ad agency, is a business dedicated to creating, planning, and handling advertising and sometimes other forms of promotion and marketing for its clients. An ad agency is generally independent of the client; it may be an internal department or agency that provides an outside point of view to the effort of …

  6. Milano - Wikipedia

    Milano (/miˈlano/ ascolta [?·info]; Milan in dialetto milanese, /miˈlãː/) è un comune italiano di 1 370 948 abitanti, capoluogo della regione Lombardia e dell'omonima città metropolitana, e centro di una delle più popolose aree metropolitane d'Europa.Con oltre 1 milione e 370 mila abitanti, è la città più popolosa della regione, il secondo comune più popoloso d'Italia dopo Roma e ...

  7. History of Tonga - Wikipedia

    The history of Tonga is recorded since the ninth century BC, when seafarers associated with the Lapita diaspora first settled the islands which now make up the Kingdom of Tonga. Along with Fiji and Samoa, the area served as a gateway into the rest of the Pacific region known as Polynesia. Ancient Tongan mythologies recorded by early European explorers report the islands of 'Ata …

  8. ロバート・フルトン - Wikipediaロバート・フルトン

    ロバート・フルトンは、ペンシルベニア州 ランカスターで生まれた。 フルトンはアメリカ合衆国で肖像画家をしていたが、1786年に英国に渡り画家のベンジャミン・ウエストの弟子となった。 産業革命による社会の変革期の英国で、彼の興味は絵から産業技術へと移った。

  9. Permanent Settlement - Wikipedia

    In 1786 Charles Cornwallis was sent out to India to reform the company's practices. In 1786, the East India Company Court of Directors first proposed a permanent settlement for Bengal, changing the policy then being followed by Calcutta, which was …

  10. Rose - Wikipedia

    A rose is a woody perennial flowering plant of the genus Rosa, in the family Rosaceae, or the flower it bears. There are over three hundred species and tens of thousands of cultivars. [citation needed] They form a group of plants that can be erect shrubs, climbing, or trailing, with stems that are often armed with sharp prickles.[citation needed] Their flowers vary in size and shape and …

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