unix geschichte - EAS

39 results
  1. History of Unix - Wikipedia

    https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › History_of_Unix

    The history of Unix dates back to the mid-1960s. when the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, AT&T Bell Labs, and General Electric were jointly developing an experimental time-sharing operating system called Multics for the GE-645 mainframe. Multics introduced many innovations, but also had many problems.Bell Labs, frustrated by the size and complexity of …

  2. Unix – Wikipedia

    https://de.wikipedia.org › wiki › Unix

    Unix (englisch [ˈjuːnɪks]) ist ein Mehrbenutzer-Betriebssystem für Computer.Es wurde im August 1969 von Bell Laboratories zur Unterstützung der Softwareentwicklung entwickelt. Heute steht Unix allgemein für Betriebssysteme, die entweder ihren Ursprung im Unix-System von AT&T (ursprünglich Bell Laboratories) haben oder dessen Konzepte implementieren.

  3. What is UNIX

    https://unix.org › what_is_unix.html

    Through continual evolution, the Single UNIX Specification is the defacto and dejure standard definition for the UNIX system application programming interfaces. As the owner of the UNIX trademark, The Open Group has separated the UNIX trademark from any actual code stream itself, thus allowing multiple implementations.

  4. The UNIX System -- History and Timeline -- UNIX History

    https://unix.org › what_is_unix › history_timeline.html

    UNIX 98: The Open Group introduces the UNIX 98 family of brands, including Base, Workstation and Server. First UNIX 98 registered products shipped by Sun, IBM and NCR. The Open Source movement starts to take off with announcements from Netscape and IBM. UnixWare 7 and IRIX 6.5 ship. 1999: UNIX at 30: The UNIX system reaches its 30th anniversary.

  5. Linux – Wikipedia

    https://de.wikipedia.org › wiki › Linux

    Geschichte der Linux-Distributionen. Die Notwendigkeit von Linux-Distributionen ergab sich durch das Entwicklungsmodell von Linux nahezu sofort. Die Werkzeuge des GNU-Projekts wurden zügig für Linux angepasst, um ein arbeitsfähiges System bereitstellen zu können. ... Die meist auf Linux genutzten UNIX-artigen Dienste und Tools werden ...

  6. Newline - Wikipedia

    https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Newline

    On Unix platforms, where C originated, the native newline sequence is ASCII LF (0x0A), so '\n' was simply defined to be that value. With the internal and external representation being identical, the translation performed in text mode is a no-op, and Unix has no notion of text mode or binary mode. This has caused many programmers who developed ...

  7. University of Oregon


    The World Athletics Championships Oregon22 are coming to the University of Oregon July 15-24. We can't wait to share the expertise and passion of the University of Oregon community as well as the magic of Hayward Field with the rest of the world.

  8. C (Programmiersprache) – Wikipedia

    https://de.wikipedia.org › wiki › C_(Programmiersprache)

    Entstehung. C wurde 1969–1973 von Dennis Ritchie in den Bell Laboratories für die Programmierung des damals neuen Unix-Betriebssystems entwickelt.Er stützte sich dabei auf die Programmiersprache B, die Ken Thompson und Dennis Ritchie in den Jahren 1969/70 geschrieben hatten – der Name C entstand als Weiterentwicklung von B. B wiederum geht auf die von …

  9. Unix time - Wikipedia

    https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Unix_time

    Unix time (also known as Epoch time, Posix time, seconds since the Epoch, or UNIX Epoch time) is a system for describing a point in time.It is the number of seconds that have elapsed since the Unix epoch, excluding leap seconds.The Unix epoch is 00:00:00 UTC on 1 January 1970 (an arbitrary date). Unix time is nonlinear with a leap second having the same Unix time as the …

  10. History of Linux - Wikipedia

    https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › History_of_Linux

    After AT&T had dropped out of the Multics project, the Unix operating system was conceived and implemented by Ken Thompson and Dennis Ritchie (both of AT&T Bell Laboratories) in 1969 and first released in 1970.Later they rewrote it in a new programming language, C, to make it portable.The availability and portability of Unix caused it to be widely adopted, copied and …

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