glasnost & perestroika - EAS

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  1. Perestroika and Glasnost - Definition, Dates & Gorbachev ...

    10/03/2015 · Perestroika (Russian for "restructuring") refers to a series of political and economic reforms meant to kickstart the stagnant 1980s economy of …

    • Xếp loại Nội dung: TV-PG
    • Thời lượng Video: 3 phút
    • Thời gian đọc ước tính: 9 phút
  2. Explaining Glasnost and Perestroika - ThoughtCo

    05/03/2009 · Gorbachev's policies of glasnost and perestroika changed the fabric of the Soviet Union. It allowed citizens to clamor for better living conditions, more freedoms, and an end to Communism . While Gorbachev had hoped his policies would revitalize the Soviet Union, they instead destroyed it.

    • Nghề nghiệp: History Expert
    • Thời gian đọc ước tính: 3 phút
  3. Glasnost und Perestroika -

    Als Glasnost und Perestroika wurden zwei Schlagwörter bekannt, die prägend waren für die politische Umgestaltung der Sowjetunion ab 1985 durch den damaligen Generalsekretär des Zentralkomitees der Kommunistischen Partei der Sowjetunion (kurz KPdSU), Michail Gorbatschow. Glasnost. Der Begriff Glasnost (übersetzt sinngemäß "Transparenz") bezeichnet ...

  4. Perestroika - Wikipedia

    One of the final important measures taken on the continuation of the movement was a report from the central committee meeting of the CPSU titled "On Reorganization and the Party's Personnel Policy". Gorbachev emphasized the need of a faster political personnel turnover and of a policy of democratization that opened the political elections to multiple candidates and to non-party me…

    Wikipedia · Nội dung trong CC-BY-SA giấy phép
  5. Qu'est-ce que Glasnost et la perestroïka?
    • Glasnost, qui se traduit par «ouverture» en anglais, était la politique du secrétaire général Mikhail Gorbatchev pour une nouvelle politique ouverte en Union soviétique où les gens pouvaient exprimer librement leurs opinions. Avec la glasnost, les citoyens soviétiques n'avaient plus à se soucier des voisins, amis et connaissances qui les transformaient en KGBpour avoir chuchoté q…
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    • Thời gian đọc ước tính: 3 phút
    • Cosa erano la Glasnost e la Perestrojka?
      • La Glasnost, che si traduce in "apertura" in inglese, era la politica del Segretario Generale Mikhail Gorbachev per una nuova politica aperta nell'Unione Sovietica in cui le persone potevano esprimere liberamente le loro opinioni. Con glasnost, i cittadini sovietici non dovevano più preoccuparsi che vicini, amici e conoscenti li trasformassero nel KGBper aver sussurrato qualco…
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      • Thời gian đọc ước tính: 3 phút
      • Mọi người cũng hỏi
        How did glasnost and perestroika change the Soviet Union?
        Gorbachev's policies of glasnost and perestroika changed the fabric of the Soviet Union. It allowed citizens to clamor for better living conditions, more freedoms, and an end to Communism. While Gorbachev had hoped his policies would revitalize the Soviet Union, they instead destroyed it.
        What does perestroika stand for?
        Perestroika (/ˌpɛrəˈstrɔɪkə/; Russian: Перестро́йка, IPA: [pʲɪrʲɪˈstrojkə] (listen)) was a political movement for reformation within the Communist Party of the Soviet Union during the 1980s and is widely associated with Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev and his glasnost (meaning "openness") policy reform.
        What is glasnost?
        Glasnost, which translates to "openness" in English, was General Secretary Mikhail Gorbachev's policy for a new, open policy in the Soviet Union where people could freely express their opinions.
        What was Mikhail Gorbachev's policy of glasnost?
        Within his first few years as general secretary of the Soviet Union, Gorbachev instituted the policies of glasnost ("openness") and perestroika ("restructuring"), which opened the door to criticism and change. These were revolutionary ideas in the stagnant Soviet Union and would ultimately destroy it. What Was Glasnost?
      • La Perestroika y La Glásnot | La guía de Historia

        20/10/2008 · La Perestroika y La Glásnot. Procesos que formaron parte de las reformas implementadas en la URSS por Mijaíl Gorbachov para movilizar la economía y acelerar el tránsito de la Unión de Repúblicas Socialistas Soviéticas hacia la …

      • Perestroika e Glasnost - resumo e definição - Toda Matéria
        • Glasnost ou "transparência" foi a política que visava aproximar a população das decisões políticas da União Soviética. Também buscava combater a corrupção entre os membros do Partido Comunista. Essas medidas contribuíram para o fim da União Soviética, pois o povo teve espaço para discutir as mudanças que estavam sendo operadas naquele momento. Assim pod…
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        • Nghề nghiệp: Professora de História
        • Xuất bản: 03/05/2017
        • Thời gian đọc ước tính: 2 phút
      • La perestroïka et la glasnost de Gorbatchev - La guerre ...

        La perestroïka et la glasnost de Gorbatchev. Homme d’appareil du Parti communiste de l’Union soviétique, Mikhaïl Gorbatchev, à 54 ans, est nommé secrétaire général du PCUS par le Comité central le 11 mars 1985. Son obje ctif est de procéder à une profonde réforme du système soviétique dont la lourdeur bureaucratique était un obstacle à la reconstruction économique ...

      • Perestroïka — Wikipédiaïka

        La perestroïka [peʁɛstʁɔjka] (en russe : перестройка [pʲɪrʲɪˈstrojkə] ), littéralement « la reconstruction » est le nom donné aux réformes économiques et sociales menées par le président de l'URSS Mikhaïl Gorbatchev en Union soviétique d'avril 1985 à décembre 1991, selon trois axes prioritaires : économique, social et éthique : l'accélération, la démocratisation et la transparence.

        Wikipedia · Nội dung trong CC-BY-SA giấy phép

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