marxist theory wikipedia - EAS

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  1. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Marxism is the name for a set of political and economic ideas. The core ideas are that the world is divided into classes, the workers and the richer capitalists who exploit the workers, there is a class conflict that should ultimately result in socialism (workers own means of production), ...

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  2. Mọi người cũng hỏi
    What is Karl Marx’s Marxist theory?
    Marxism is a structural theory just like neorealism, but it focuses on the economic sector instead of the military-political one. Its analysis reflects the relation between the base (the modes of production) and the superstructure (political institutions).
    What is the origin of Marxism?
    It originates from the works of 19th-century German philosophers Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. As Marxism has developed over time into various branches and schools of thought, there is currently no single definitive Marxist theory.
    What is Marxist sociology?
    Marxist sociology is the study of sociology from a Marxist perspective. Marxist sociology is "a form of conflict theory associated with ... Marxism's objective of developing a positive (empirical) science of capitalist society as part of the mobilization of a revolutionary working class".
    What is the dependency theory of Marxism?
    Dependency theory. Linked in with Marxist theories is dependency theory which argues that developed countries in their pursuit of power penetrate developing states through political advisors, missionaries, experts and multi-national corporations (MNCs) to integrate them into the capitalist system in order to appropriate natural resources...
  3. Marxism - Wikipedia

    Classical Marxism denotes the collection of socio-eco-political theories expounded by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. As Ernest Mandel remarked, "Marxism is always open, always critical, always self-critical." Classical Marxism distinguishes Marxism as broadly perceived from "what Marx believed." In 1883, Marx wrote to his son-in-law Paul Lafargue and French labour leader Jules Gues…

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  4. Marxist international relations theory - Wikipedia

    Marxist and neo-Marxist international relations theories are paradigms which reject the realist/liberal view of state conflict or cooperation, instead focusing on the economic and material aspects. It purports to reveal how the economy trumps other concerns, which allows for the elevation of class as the focus of the study.

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  5. Marxism - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    • The working class vs. the capitalist class
      Marxism says that people in the world are organized into different groups, or classes, based on what they do for work. Most people are called "workers" because they work in factories, offices, or farms for money. They belong to the "working class" (or "proletariat"). These people do not own t…
    • Class struggle
      Marxist thinking claims that capitalists and workers are constantly struggling. They call this "Dialectical Materialism." This is the idea that the history of humans is the history of conflict between classes. Different classes with different interests argue or fight each other. Social chan…
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    • Marxism – Wikipedia
      • Begreppet marxianer som öknamn på anhängare av Karl Marx teorier användes redan på 1840-talet av Wilhelm Weitling. Likaledes som öknamn användes begreppet av Michail Bakunin om kretsen av tänkare kring Marx. Under 1870-talet började dock en grupp franska socialister att själva kalla sig Marxister. Namnet levde vidare och omkring 1890 började det etableras på breda…
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      • Thời gian đọc ước tính: 11 phút
      • Marxism - Wikipedia
        Marxismul este o teorie economico-socială bazată pe lucrările lui Karl Marx, un filozof, economist, jurnalist și revoluționar german de origine evreiască (evrei apostaziați de la iudaism și botezați în creștinism—în realitate tatăl lui Marx era un iluminist nereligios și s-a creștinat pentru a scăpa de marginalizare socială), din s…
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        • Thời gian đọc ước tính: 8 phút
        • Marxisme - Wikipedia

          • Dialectiek
            Het dialectisch materialisme is het uitgangspunt van marxistische analyse. In plaats van de wereld te benaderen vanuit statische categorieën, legt de dialectiek van Hegel de nadruk op dynamische processen die veranderen door tegengestelde krachten. Marx verwierp de metafisis…
          • Gebruikswaarde en ruilwaarde
            Marx stelde dat een waar zowel een gebruikswaarde als een ruilwaardeheeft. De gebruikswaarde is onafhankelijk van de arbeid die geleverd is en wordt bepaald in het gebruik of de consumptie. Elke waar heeft daarmee een kwaliteit die de gebruikswaarde bepaalt. Bij het onderling ruilen va…
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          • Thời gian đọc ước tính: 9 phút
          • Marxisme - Wikipedia Bahasa Melayu, ensiklopedia bebas


            Marx menyusun sebuah teori besar yang berkaitan dengan sistem ekonomi, sistem sosial dan sistem politik . Pada dasarnya, golongan marxisme menganggap bahawa secara objektif, masyarakat manusia adalah suatu masyarakat yang terdiri daripada golongan menindas dan golongan ditindas. Ketidakadilan ini menurut marxisme adalah berakar pada sistem sosial ...

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            • मार्क्सवाद - विकिपीडिया

              • विचारों का द्वंद्व- पदार्थ -परस्पर संबंधित एवं निर्भर था वस्तुओं की गतिशीलता परिवर्तन मात्रात्मक एवं गुणात्मक दोनों। सामाजिक गठन की ऐतिहासिक व्याख्या करने वाला मार्क्स का यह सिद्धांत हेगेल के द्वंद्ववादी पद्धति की आलोचना करता है। पूंजीभाग १ की भूमिका लिखते हुए मार्क्स ने द्वंद्ववाद और हेगेल के प्रति अपना दृष्टिकोण व्यक्त क…
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              • Thời gian đọc ước tính: 2 phút
              • Marxisme — Wikipédia

                • Marx et le communisme
                  Karl Marx a abordé à la fois la philosophie, la sociologie, l’analyse économique du capitalisme dans le cadre du matérialisme et de la science. Il a appliqué, toujours dans le cadre matérialiste, une analyse critique des pensées de Pierre-Joseph Proudhon, Hegel, Ludwig Feuerbach, etc. Il a …
                • Le marxisme de Marx
                  Karl Marx et Friedrich Engels voulaient que l'on ne parle pas de marxisme, mais de « socialisme rationaliste critique »[6] ou de « socialisme matérialiste critique »[7] ou encore de « socialisme scientifique »[8] pour la doctrine de la science pour éviter qu'on attribue à sa personne ce qui es…
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                • Thời gian đọc ước tính: 9 phút
                • マルクス主義 - Wikipedia


                  マルクス主義 (マルクスしゅぎ、 ドイツ語: Marxismus )とは、 カール・マルクス と フリードリヒ・エンゲルス によって展開された 思想 をベースとして確立された 社会主義 思想体系の一つである 。. マルクス主義は、 資本 を社会の共有財産(きょうゆうざいさん)に変えることによって、労働者が資本を増殖するためだけに生きるという 賃労働 の悲惨(ひさん ...

                  • Thời gian đọc ước tính: 11 phút

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