liberale - EAS

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    WebJan 16, 2023 · Liberale Parteien (“ libertarian/liberal parties ”) in German-speaking Europe are associated with support for free-market economy and small government. These …

  2. Lajmet e Fundit - Gazeta Liberale - Liberale

    WebGAZETA LIBERALE dhe portali i saj, është një titull i ri i medias shqiptare, për të promovuar frymën e liberalizmit ekonomik dhe politik në jetën publike në Shqipëri.


    Le libéralisme est un courant de pensée qui prône la défense des droits individuels (isonomie, liberté, sécurité, propriété…), au nom d'une vision fondée sur l'individu et la coopération volontaire entre les humains. Le système libéral repose donc sur la responsabilité individuelle.
    Le libéralisme repose sur l’idée que chaque être humain possède des droits fo…

    • Estimated Reading Time: 10 mins
      liberamente, generosamente, liberale, abbondantemente
      How to use liberal
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      „Liberalismus“ ist eine Sammelbezeichnung für verschiedene politische Positionen, wobei sich „das allen ‚Liberalismen‘ Gemeinsame nur schwer unter konkrete, definitorisch abgrenzbare Kategorien bringen lässt.“ Es lassen sich jedoch verschiedene gesellschaftliche Bereiche identifizieren, in denen sich die Forderung nach individueller Freiheit konkretisiert. Gemeinsam ist den untersc…

      • Estimated Reading Time: 9 mins

        Web(latin liberalis) 1. Qui est favorable aux libertés individuelles, à la liberté de penser, à la liberté politique : Idées libérales. 2. Qui est partisan du libéralisme économique, qui lui …

      • lib·er·al
        liberal (adjective) · Liberal (adjective)
        1. willing to respect or accept behavior or opinions different from one's own; open to new ideas:
          "they have more liberal views toward marriage and divorce than some people"
        2. relating to or denoting a political and social philosophy that promotes individual rights, civil liberties, democracy, and free enterprise:
          "a liberal democratic state"
        3. relating to a Liberal party or (in the UK) the Liberal Democrat Party:
          "the Liberal leader"
        4. (of education) concerned with broadening a person's general knowledge and experience, rather than with technical or professional training:
          "the provision of liberal adult education" ·
          "a liberal arts university"
        5. (especially of an interpretation of a law) broadly construed or understood; not strictly literal or exact:
          "they could have given the 1968 Act a more liberal interpretation"
        liberal (noun) · liberals (plural noun) · Liberal (noun) · Liberals (plural noun)
        1. a supporter of policies that are socially progressive and promote social welfare. Often contrasted with conservative:
          "are we dealing with a polarization between liberals and conservatives?" ·
          "she dissented from the decision, joined by the court's liberals"
        2. a supporter of a political and social philosophy that promotes individual rights, civil liberties, democracy, and free enterprise:
          "classical liberals emphasized the right of the individual to make decisions, even if the results dismayed their neighbors or injured themselves"
        3. a supporter or member of a Liberal party or (in the UK) the Liberal Democrat Party:
          "the Liberals are looking to defend a seat in Tuebrook and Stoneycroft"
        Middle English: via Old French from Latin liberalis, from liber ‘free (man)’. The original sense was ‘suitable for a free man’, hence ‘suitable for a gentleman’ (one not tied to a trade), surviving in liberal arts. Another early sense ‘generous’ (compare with liberal) gave rise to an obsolete meaning ‘free from restraint’, leading to liberal (late 18th century).
        More about liberal

        WebIl significato del termine liberale risale al termine latino liber, che significa "libero". Uno dei primi esempi documentati dell'utilizzo della parola liberale si verifica nel 1375, quando fu …


        WebMar 3, 2022 · Une profession libérale désigne toute activités professionnelle exercée par une personne seule et de manière indépendante, sans contrôle d'une hiérarchie. Elle se …


        Webliberale. agg. [dal lat. liberalis «proprio di uomo libero», quindi «nobile, generoso»; il sign. politico è della fine del ’700]. – 1. a. Largo nello spendere e nel donare, generoso, …


        WebUne profession libérale réglementée regroupe des professionnels qui exercent une activité civile, qui n'est, notamment, ni commerciale 4, ni artisanale 5, ni industrielle 6, ni agricole …


        WebWelkom bij LM-ziekenfonds! | Liberale Mutualiteit Welkom, waarmee kunnen we jou helpen? Vind je niet wat je zoekt? Neem contact met ons op Bij ieder LevensMoment hoort een …

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