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  1. COMMUNE(连锁餐酒吧品牌)_百度百科

    COMMUNE是一家连锁餐酒吧品牌,将酒水自选区、超级吧台与经典就餐区三大功能板块有机融合,创建“复合商超零售+经典西式餐饮”模式,只设直营,不设加盟。COMMUNE采用酒水滚动上架、西式简餐、全天18小时全时段全场景运营,秉承【自在探索】的品牌价值观,主张【选我所爱】,打造世界精酿等 ...

  2. commune(英语单词)_百度百科

    Commune是公社的意思,指的是一种专门的社区,所有成员这间分享共同的利益。在中文中更接近于人民公社的意思。 commune为法国的行政区,中国现翻译为市镇。市镇在大多数情况下是最小的行政划分区,对应一个乡村或者城市。

  3. commune中文, commune中文意思

    commune中文意思::密談…,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋commune的中文翻譯,commune的發音,三態,音標,用法和造句等。n. 親密的會談;沉思。n. 1.法、義、比利時等國最小行政區劃的市區、村鎮自治體。2.〔美國〕(嬉皮士等的)群居組織。

  4. commune是什么意思_commune的翻译_音标_读音_用法_例句_爱 …

    一个闭目塞听、画地为牢的公社,其可掘之源是极其有限的. 期刊摘选. The commune has embarked on a program of reshaping its hills and rivers. 这个公社已开始实施一项重新整治河山的规划. 期刊摘选. The Campaign of People's Commune is the consequence of the Forward Movement in 1958. 农村人民公社 ...

  5. Commune - Wikipedia

    Commune (rebellion), a synonym for uprising or revolutionary government. Paris Commune (1789–1795), the government of Paris from 1792 until 1795. Paris Commune (1871), a radical socialist and revolutionary government that ruled Paris from 18 March to 28 May 1871. Lyon Commune (1870–1871)

  6. 36氪独家 | 连锁餐酒吧品牌「COMMUNE」获数亿元A+轮融资, …

    36氪独家获悉,连锁餐酒吧品牌「COMMUNE」近日完成数亿元A+ 轮融资,本轮融资由日初资本领投,高瓴投资、番茄资本跟投,木星资本担任独家财务 ...

  7. Commune - Online Courses for Holistic Health

    Commune is a course platform for personal and societal well-being. We create video courses with the world’s leading teachers across yoga and fitness, mindfulness, food and health, sustainability, and civic engagement.

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