perestroïka wikipédia - EAS

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    Perestroika - Wikipedia

    Perestroika was a political movement for reformation within the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (CPSU) during the 1980s widely associated with CPSU general secretary Mikhail Gorbachev and his glasnost (meaning "openness") policy reform. The literal meaning of perestroika is


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    In May 1985, Gorbachev gave a speech in Leningrad (now Saint Petersburg) in which he admitted the slowing of economic development, and inadequate living standards.
    The program was


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    Perestroika and Deng Xiaoping's economic reforms have similar origins but very different effects on their respective countries' economies. Both efforts occurred in large socialist


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    One of the final important measures taken on the continuation of the movement was a report from the central committee meeting of the CPSU titled "On Reorganization and the


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    During the 1980s and 1990s the United States President George H. W. Bush pledged solidarity with Gorbachev, but never brought his


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  2. Perestroïka — Wikipédiaïka

    Après la Seconde Guerre mondiale, et dans un contexte de guerre froide, Joseph Staline considère comme un objectif diplomatique majeur de pouvoir traiter d’égal à égal avec les États-Unis. Cette égalité à atteindre n’est cependant qu’économique et militaire, car dans la politique de Staline, ni dans celle de ses successeurs jusqu’à Gorbatchev, il n’est à aucun moment question des droits et des libertés ou de la qualité de vie du citoyen. La parité nucléaireest rapidement atteinte dans le …

    Wikipedia · Nội dung trong CC-BY-SA giấy phép
  3. Perestroika (video game) - Wikipedia
    • Perestroika is a Soviet video game released in 1990 by a small software developer called Locis in 1990, and named after Mikhail Gorbachev's policy of Perestroika. The music playing on the title screen is a Russian folk song Dubinushka from the 19th century.
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  4. Perestroika – Wikipedia
    • Ausgangslage
      Als Michail Gorbatschow im März 1985 Generalsekretär der KPdSU wurde, war die wirtschaftliche Lage in der Sowjetunion eher unbefriedigend. Seit der zweiten Hälfte der Amtszeit von Breschnew war das Wirtschaftswachstum rückläufig. Bei Amtsantritt Gorbatschows lag die Wachstumsrat…
    • Im Vorfeld der Reformen
      Die beiden Reformfelder Glasnost und Perestroika bedurften angesichts einer so langen Stagnation in der Partei und in der Sowjetunion einer erheblichen Vorbereitung und Persönlichkeiten, welche die Reformen entwickeln, erläutern und durchsetzen konnten. Zu den v…
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    • Thời gian đọc ước tính: 9 phút
    • Perestroika - Wikipedia

      Perestroika (însemnând restructurare, reconstrucție) a fost elementul central al politicii adoptate de Mihail Gorbaciov în vederea reformării economiei și societății sovietice. Astfel, ținând cont de stadiul deplorabil al economiei Uniunii Sovietice, care era o economie centralizată, a vrut să sporească eficiența economiei și implicit a partidului.

      • Thời gian đọc ước tính: 50 giây
      • Perestroika - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
        • Durante sus primeros años en el poder, Gorbachov no hizo ningún cambio importante en el plan económico del Estado aunque dijo que era necesario hacerlo. En 1985, Gorbachov y sus ministros de economía introdujeron las reformas necesarias de lo que sería conocido como Perestroika. La Perestroika es una reforma basada en la reestructuración del sistema económico llevada a cab
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        • Thời gian đọc ước tính: 10 phút
        • Perestrojka - Wikipedia

          Tra il 15 e il 17 maggio 1985 Michail Gorbačëv, nuovo Segretario generale del Partito Comunista si recò a Leningrado, dove incontrò il comitato cittadino di partito. In quell'occasione affermò: «È evidente, compagni, che tutti noi dobbiamo ricostruirci. Tutti». Usò il verbo "perestrajvat'sja" (in russo: перестрайваться?, rico…
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          • Thời gian đọc ước tính: 12 phút
          • Perestroika — Vikipēdija


            Perestroika (krievu: перестройка — "pārbūve") jeb pārbūve ir apzīmējums ekonomiskajām reformām, kuras 1987. gada jūnijā prezentēja PSRS vadītājs Mihails Gorbačovs.Vārds "perestroika" tika attiecināts uz padomju ekonomikas, kā arī politiskās un sabiedriskās sistēmas restrukturizāciju. Ārējās saites. Vikikrātuvē par šo tēmu ir pieejami multivides faili.

          • Perestroika - Vikipedija


            Perestroika (rus. перестройка, liet. persitvarkymas) – 1985 m. naujojo TSRS vadovo Michailo Gorbačiovo pradėtos vykdyti politinės ir ekonominės reformos, siekiant pakelti ekonomikos lygį bei demokratizuoti Tarybų Sąjungą.. Perestroikos rezultatas - visose TSRS gyvenimo sferose paaštrėjusi krizė, TSKP valdžios likvidavimas ir TSRS žlugimas.

            • Thời gian đọc ước tính: 2 phút
            • Perestrojka - Wikipedie


              Perestrojka (zřídkavěji pěrestrojka, перестро́йка, česky: přestavba) byla skupina ekonomických reformních kroků zahájených v 80. letech 20. století v SSSR tehdejším generálním tajemníkem KSSS Michailem Gorbačovem.Ten termín přestavba v tomto smyslu poprvé použil roku 1984 a podrobněji popsal zejména v knize Přestavba a nové myšlení pro naši zemi a pro ...

              • Thời gian đọc ước tính: 5 phút

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