intel x86 instruction set reference - EAS

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    Columns Description. 00: 8086. 01: 80186. 02: 80286. 03: 80386. 04: 80486. P1 ( 05 ): Pentium (1) PX ( 06 ): Pentium with MMX. PP ( 07 ): Pentium Pro. P2 ( 08 ): Pentium II. P3 ( 09 ): Pentium III.


    May 13, 2022 · Volume 2: Includes the full instruction set reference, A-Z. Describes the format of the instruction and provides reference pages for instructions. Volume 3: Includes the full system programming guide, parts 1, 2, 3, and 4. Describes the operating-system support environment of Intel® 64 and IA-32 architectures, including: memory management, protection, task …


    Appendix A: Intel x86 Instruction Reference. This appendix provides a complete list of the machine instructions which NASM will assemble, and a short description of the function of each one. It is not intended to be exhaustive documentation on the fine details of the instructions’ function, such as which exceptions they can trigger: for such documentation, you should go to …


    Some R-Type instructions embed a small immediate value in the five low-order bits of OPX. Unused bits in OPX are always 0. R-type instructions include arithmetic and logical operations such as add and nor; comparison operations such as cmpeq and cmplt; the custom instruction; and other operations that need only register operands. Table 2: R-Type Instruction Format


    x86 integer instructions. Below is the full 8086/8088 instruction set of Intel (81 instructions total). Most if not all of these instructions are available in 32-bit mode; they just operate on 32-bit registers ( eax, ebx, etc.) and values instead of their 16-bit ( ax, bx, etc.) counterparts.


    May 30, 2019 · x86 and amd64 instruction reference. Derived from the May 2019 version of the Intel® 64 and IA-32 Architectures Software Developer’s Manual. Last updated 2019-05-30. THIS REFERENCE IS NOT PERFECT. It's been mechanically separated into …


    x86 is a family of complex instruction set computer (CISC) instruction set architectures initially developed by Intel based on the Intel 8086 microprocessor and its 8088 variant. The 8086 was introduced in 1978 as a fully 16-bit extension of Intel's 8-bit 8080 microprocessor, with memory segmentation as a solution for addressing more memory than can be covered by a plain 16-bit …


    The Intel® 64 and IA-32 Architectures Software Developer’s Manual, Volume 2B: Instruction Set Reference, N-Z (order number 253667) is part of a set that describes the architecture and programming environment of all Intel 64 and IA-32 architecture processors. ... system management mode, virtual machine extensions (VMX) instructions, Intel ...


    This volume describes the format of the instruction and provides reference pages for instructions (from A to M). This volume also contains the table of contents for volumes 2A, 2B, and 2C. Other volumes in this set are: • The Intel® 64 and IA-32 Architectures Software Developer’s Manual, Volume 1: Basic Architecture (order Number 253665).


    CS107 x86-64 Reference Sheet Common instructions mov src, dst dst = src movsbl src, dst byte to int, sign-extend movzbl src, dst byte to int, zero-fill cmov src, reg reg = src when condition holds, using same condition suffixes as jmp lea addr, dst dst = addr ZF add src, dst dst += src sub src, dst dst -= src imul src, dst dst *= src


    The reg field of the ModR/M byte selects a test register (for example, MOV (0F24,0F26)). V. The reg field of the ModR/M byte selects a packed SIMD floating-point register. W. An ModR/M byte follows the opcode and specifies the operand. The operand is either a SIMD floating-point register or a memory address.


    Intel® 64 and IA-32 Instruction Set Reference. This UNOFFICIAL reference was generated ...


    x86 is the name of an instruction set that originated at Intel. The x86 instruction ...


    Intel x86 Instruction Set Reference; Intel's Pentium Manuals (the full gory details) Registers. Modern (i.e 386 and beyond) x86 processors have eight 32-bit general purpose registers, as depicted in Figure 1. The register names are mostly historical.


    Jun 19, 2011 · 15 silver badges. 32. 32 bronze badges. 1. 1. Hmm, interesting. x86 has 8 registers, and a few opcodes use the low 3 bits to encode a destination register (including inc r32, dec r32, xchg r32, eax, and mov r32, imm32 ). This makes it natural to have groups of 3 bits in the encoding for other instructions, too.


    IA-32 Intel® Architecture Software Developer’s Manual Volume 2: Instruction Set Reference NOTE: The IA-32 Intel Architecture Software Developer’s Manual consists of three volumes: Basic Architecture, Order Number 245470-012; Instruction Set Reference, Order Number 245471-012; and the System Programming Guide, Order Number 245472-012. Please refer to all three …


    Intel | Data Center Solutions, IoT, and PC Innovation


    Sep 11, 2014 · X86 can be any of the 80x286 80x386 80486 myriad of Pentium. Then there are 64 bit extensions where AMD and Intel are fighting over mind share. At least one should choose between: give me an overview of this Pentium III instructions, of give me an overview of all instructions ever invented in the x86 families. –


    r/m8× AL→ AX clear to 0 if AH is 0; otherwise, set to 1 r/m16× AX→ DX:AX clear to 0 if DX is 0; otherwise, set to 1 r/m32× EAX→ EDX:EAX clear to 0 if EDX is 0; otherwise, set to 1 mulb …


    Intel® Architecture Instruction Set Extensions Programming Reference ... Intel®®


    Intel 80x86 Instruction Set Summary 5 BT Bit test O D I T S Z A P C (80386 or later) - - - - - - - - * Description: This instruction tests the bit specified by the operands and places its value into the carry flag. The source operand contains an index into the bit array specified by the destination. The state of the


    Instructions (basically identical to 32-bit x86) For gory instruction set details, read this per-instruction reference, or the full Intel PDFs: part 1 (A-M) and part 2 (N-Z). Mnemonic: Purpose: Examples: mov dest,src:


    Sep 09, 2017 · Reference documents for x86-64 instruction’s encoding. Here is a list of references and useful documents I will refer to in this post and you can further check later too to encode more instructions. x86-64 (and x86) ISA Reference from Intel and AMD’s x86-64 (and x86) ISA Reference are the authoritative document here. Especially,

  24. Engineering...

    IA-32 Intel® Architecture Software Developer’s Manual Volume 2A: Instruction Set Reference, A-M NOTE: The IA-32 Intel Architecture Software Developer’s Manual consists of four volumes: Basic Architecture, Order Number 253665; Instruction Set Reference A-M, Order Number 253666; Instruction Set Reference N-Z, Order Number 253667; and the System Programming Guide, …


    Intel® 64 and IA-32 Architectures Software Developer’s Manual Volume 2 (2A, 2B & 2C): Instruction Set Reference, A-Z NOTE: The Intel 64 and IA-32 Architectures Software Developer's Manual consists of three volumes: Basic Architecture, Order Number 253665; Instruction Set Reference A-Z, Order Number 325383;


    ABM is only implemented as a single instruction set by AMD; all AMD processors support both instructions or neither. Intel considers POPCNT as part of SSE4.2, and LZCNT as part of BMI1. POPCNT has a separate CPUID flag; however, Intel uses AMD's ABM flag to indicate LZCNT support (since LZCNT completes the ABM)

  27. Instruction Set Architecture.pdf

    At-a-Glance Table of Contents Part 1: Introduction, intended as a back-drop to the detailed discussions that follow, consists of the following chapters: † Chapter 1, "Basic Terms and Concepts," on page 11.


    Intel x86 Instruction set . Intel x86 Instruction set 80X86OPS Intel - x86 Software Developers - Instruction Set Reference Name Operands Machine encoding ----- ----- ----- AAA 00110111 AAD 11010101 00001010 AAM 11010100 00001010 AAS 00111111 Mpf Dst Src 00Mop0dw MdRegR/m {disp} {disp} Mps R/m B/w 100000sw MdMopR/m {disp ...


    Instruction: Describes the accepted operands and instruction semantics. Corresponds to the instruction column in the Intel instruction set reference. Opcode: The byte-wise encoding of the instruction. Corresponds to the opcode column in the Intel instruction set reference. 64-bit Mode Support: Indicates whether the encoding is valid in 64-bit mode. Corresponds to either the first …


    x86 assembly tutorials, x86 opcode reference, programming, pastebin with syntax highlighting. x86 Instruction Set Reference CPUID CPU Identification. Opcode Mnemonic ... See also: "Serializing Instructions" in Chapter 7 of the IA-32 Intel Architecture Software Developer's Manual, Volume 3 AP-485, Intel Processor Identification and the CPUID ...


    The RCL and RCR instructions include the CF flag in the rotation. The RCL instruction shifts the CF flag into the least-significant bit and shifts the most-significant bit into the CF flag (see Figure 7-11 in the IA-32 Intel Architecture Software Developer's Manual, Volume 1).


    x86 assembly tutorials, x86 opcode reference, programming, pastebin with syntax highlighting. x86 Instruction Set Reference PUSH Push Word or Doubleword Onto the Stack. Opcode Mnemonic Description; ... For the Intel 8086 processor, the PUSH SP instruction pushes the new value of the SP register (that is the value after it has been decremented ...


    Basic program execution registers – The number of general-purpose registers (GPRs) available is 16. GPRs are 64-bits wide and they support operations on byte, word, doubleword and quadword integers. Accessing byte registers is done uniformly to the lowest 8 bits. The instruction pointer register becomes 64 bits.


    Intel® 64 and IA-32 Architectures Software Developer’s Manual Volume 2 (2A, 2B & 2C): Instruction Set Reference, A-Z NOTE: The Intel 64 and IA-32 Architectures Software Developer's Manual consists of three volumes: Basic Architecture, Order Number 253665; Instruction Set Reference A-Z, Order Number 325383;


    The Intel. ®. 64 and IA-32 Architectures Software Developer's Manual consists of nine volumes: Basic Architecture, Order Number 253665; Instruction Set Reference A-L, Order Number 253666; Instruction Set Reference M-U, Order Number 253667; Instruction Set Reference V-Z, Order Number. 326018; Instruction Set Reference, Order Number 334569 ...


    The SHR instruction clears the most significant bit (see Figure 7-8 in the IA-32 Intel Architecture Software Developer's Manual, Volume 1); the SAR instruction sets or clears the most significant bit to correspond to the sign (most significant bit) of the original value in the destination operand.

  37. Engineering...

    INSTRUCTION SET REFERENCE, N-Z NOP—No Operation NOP—No Operation Description Performs no operation. This instruction is a one-byte instruction that takes up space in the instruction stream but does not affect the machine context, except the EIP register. This instruction’s operation is the same in non-64-bit modes and 64-bit mode. Operation


    x86 assembly tutorials, x86 opcode reference, programming, pastebin with syntax highlighting. x86 Instruction Set Reference IN ... I/O instructions are shorter when accessing 8-bit I/O ports. Here, the upper eight bits of the port address will be 0. ... in the IA-32 Intel Architecture Software Developer's Manual, Volume 1, for more information ...


    The reference web. A web book of x86 Instruction set reference converted from Mirror of: Into the Void: x86 Instruction Set Reference using a dumb script. Instruction syntax of this reference book is Intel Syntax which written as Instruction, Destination, Source. by Vuepress.


    Intel x86 Instruction Set Architecture Comppgz ygguter Organization and Assembly Languages Yung-Yu Chuang 2008/12/15 with slides by Kip Irvine . ... the MOVZXinstruction fills (()ppextends) the upper half of the destination with zeros. 0 100011111 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 Source movzx r32,r/m8 movzx r32,r/m16


    Instruction set architecture design that can stand the test of time is a true intellectual challenge. It takes several compromises between space and efficiency to assign opcodes and encode instruction formats. Today people are using Intel x86 instruction set for purposes never intended by original designers. Extending the CPU is a very ...


    1.1. overview of the intel architecture software developer’s manual, volume 2: instruction set reference 1-1 1.2. overview of the intel architecture software developer’s manual, volume 1: basic architecture 1-2 1.3. overview of the intel architecture software developer’s manual, volume 3: system programming guide 1-3 1.4.


    x86 assembly tutorials, x86 opcode reference, programming, pastebin with syntax highlighting. x86 Instruction Set Reference CMOVcc Conditional Move. Opcode Mnemonic Description; 0F 47 : CMOVA r16, r/m16: ... The CMOVcc instructions check the state of one or more of the status flags in the EFLAGS register (CF, OF, PF, SF, and ZF) and perform a ...


    x86 Instruction Set. 4.2 Why Learn Assembly • To understand something of the limitation of ... Intel 8088 8-bit Intel 8086 16-bit Intel 80386 32-bit Intel Pentium 64-bit Processor ... In x86-64, instructions generally specify what size data to access …


    Aug 25, 2016 · It depends on how you count, and the details are interesting (to me anyway). To not leave you hanging: Intel has an official x86 encoder/decoder library called XED. According to Intel’s XED, as of this writing, there are 1503 defined x86 instructions (“iclasses” in XED lingo), from AAA to XTEST (this includes AMD-specific extensions too ...


    The Intel® 64 and IA-32 Architectures Software Developer’s Manual, Volumes 2A & 2B: Instruction Set Reference (order numbers 253666 and 253667) are part of a set that describes the architecture and programming environment of all Intel 64 and IA-32 architecture processors. Other volumes in this set are:


    Chapter 3 of the Instruction Set Reference describes each Intel instruction in detail algorithmic description of each operation effect on flags operand(s), their sizes and attributes CPU exceptions that may be generated. The instructions are arranged in alphabetical order. Appendix A provides opcode map for the entire Intel Architecture ...


    The website is intended for adults 18 years of age or older or who are of the age of majority in their jurisdiction of Intel X86 Instruction Set Reference Manual residence. By accessing the website, you represent that you are 18 years of age or older. I Agree


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    Computes both the sine and the cosine of the source operand in register ST (0), stores the sine in ST (0), and pushes the cosine onto the top of the FPU register stack. (This instruction is faster than executing the FSIN and FCOS instructions in succession.) The source operand must be given in radians and must be within the range -2^63 to +2^63.

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