thessalonica wikipedia - EAS

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  1. Thessaloniki - Wikipedia

    The city was founded around 315 BC by the King Cassander of Macedon, on or near the site of the ancient town of Therma and 26 other local villages. He named it after his wife Thessalonike, a half-sister of Alexander the Great and princess of Macedonia as daughter of Philip II. Under the kingdom of Macedonia the city retained its own autonomy and parliament and evolved to become the most i…

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  2. Thessaloniki – Wikipedia tiếng Việt

    Thessaloniki (tiếng Hy Lạp: Θεσσαλονίκη), Thessalonica, hay Salonica là thành phố lớn thứ hai ở Hy Lạp và là thủ phủ của vùng Macedonia. Tên trang trọng của nó là Συμпρωτεύουσα (Symprotévousa), gợi nhớ tới thời kỳ lịch sử khi nó là thành phố Συμβασιλεύουσα (Symvasilévousa) của Đế quốc Byzantine. Theo thống kê dân số năm 2001,thành phố tự trị Thessaloniki có dân số 363,987, vù…

    Wikipedia · Nội dung trong CC-BY-SA giấy phép
  3. First Epistle to the Thessalonians - Wikipedia
    • The First Epistle to the Thessalonians, commonly referred to as First Thessalonians or 1 Thessalonians, is a Pauline epistle of the New Testament of the Christian Bible. The epistle is attributed to Paul the Apostle, and is addressed to the church in Thessalonica, in modern-day Greece. It is likely the first of Paul's letters, probably written by the end of AD 52. However, some …
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    • Thời gian đọc ước tính: 6 phút
    • Tessalonica - Wikipedia
      • Fondazione
        La città venne fondata attorno al 316/315 a.C. da Cassandro I, re dei Macedoni, nelle vicinanze o sul luogo dove sorgeva l'antica città di Therma e diversi altri villaggi. Cassandro le diede il nome di sua moglie Tessalonica, che era anche sorellastra di Alessandro Magno. Ella venne così chiama…
      • Il regno di Macedonia in guerra con Roma
        Al termine della guerra condotta da Roma contro Antioco III, fu inviato in Macedonia, il consolare Quinto Cecilio Metello, il quale si recò anche nella città di Tessalonica nel 189 a.C. L'anno successivo, dopo che Cecilio e gli altri ambasciatori romani avevano lasciato la Grecia e avevan…
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      • Sito …:
      • Ente: distr. circ. Salonicco
    • Thessaloniki – Wikipedia
      • Makedonische Zeit
        Thessaloniki wurde 315 v. Chr. von dem makedonischen König Kassandros als Thessalonikē gegründet durch Zusammenlegung von 26 kleineren Orten an der Stelle von Therme am Thermaischen Golf, einer ursprünglich thrakischen Siedlung und nach seiner Frau Thessalonikē, …
      • Römische Zeit
        Thessaloniki lag an der Via Egnatia, dem Hauptverkehrsweg zwischen Rom und Byzanz, und an der nach Norden führenden Balkanstraße. Sie wurde Hauptstadt der römischen Provinz Macedonia. 58 v. Chr. ging Cicero vorübergehend hierher in die Verbannung. Nach der Flucht au…
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    • Thessaloniki (stad) - Wikipedia
      Thessaloniki ligt in Noord-Griekenland, aan de Golf van Thessaloniki of Thermaïsche Golf, die deel uitmaakt van de Egeïsche Zee. De stad is trapsgewijs gelegen tegen de heuvel Chortiatis. Ten westen van de stad ligt de rivier de Axios en ten oosten liggen de meren Koronia en Volvis. Ten zuiden van de stad ligt het s…
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    • Salonic - Wikipedia
      A fost capitala unuia dintre cele patru districte romane ale Macedoniei și era condus de un praetor. Legenda modernă spune că a fost numit după Thessalonica, soția lui Cassandru și sora lui Alexandru cel Mare, care a fondat orașul. Ea a fost numită astfel de tatăl ei, Filip, pentru că a auzit pentru prima dată de nașterea ei d…
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      • - Oraș: 17,832 km²
      • - Urbană: 1.006.730 locuitori
      • Altitudine: 20 m.d.m.
      • Atestare: 315 î.Hr.
    • Thessalonica ( –

      Thessalonica (Ancient History Encyclopedia). A good, though brief, introduction to the site. Thessaloniki (Wikipedia). Detailed article about the modern city, including its history, landmarks, museums, and archaeological sites. Includes many links. There’s also a page dedicated to its history here. Thessalonica ( A ...

      • Thời gian đọc ước tính: 2 phút
      • Première épître aux Thessaloniciens — Wikipédiaère_épître_aux_Thessaloniciens
        L'épître est envoyée par l'apôtre Paul, depuis la ville de Corinthe, à l'Église de Thessalonique, au cours de sa première visite en Europe. Selon toute vraisemblance, elle a été écrite en 50-51. De ce fait, il s'agit du plus ancien écrit du Nouveau Testament[1]. Son œuvre en Thessalonique est décrite dans Actes 17. I
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        • Auteur traditionnel: Paul
        • Datation traditionnelle: vers 51
      • Deuxième épître aux Thessaloniciens — Wikipédiaème_épître_aux_Thessaloniciens

        Articles connexes. Paul de Tarse; Études bibliques; Bibliographie (en) John A. Bailey, Who Wrote II Thessalonians ?, éd.NTS 25, 1978/79; Andreas Dettwiler, La deuxième épître aux Thessaloniciens, in Daniel Marguerat (dir.), Introduction au Nouveau Testament, éd.Labor et Fides, 2004, p. 293-303, extraits en ligne (en) Karl P. Donfried et I. Howard Marshall, The theology of the shorter ...

        • Auteur traditionnel: Paul
        • Datation traditionnelle: vers 51

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