特別攻撃隊 wikipedia - EAS

11 results
  1. Japanese Special Attack Units - Wikipedia


    During World War II, Japanese Special Attack Units (特別攻撃隊, tokubetsu kōgeki tai, often abbreviated to 特攻隊 tokkōtai), also called shimbu-tai, were specialized units of the Imperial Japanese Navy and Imperial Japanese Army normally used for suicide missions.They included kamikaze aircraft, fukuryu frogmen, and several types of suicide boats and submarines

  2. Kamikaze - Wikipedia


    Rear Admiral Masafumi Arima, the commander of the 26th Air Flotilla (part of the 11th Air Fleet), is sometimes credited with inventing the kamikaze tactic. Arima personally led an attack by a Mitsubishi G4M "Betty" twin engined bomber against a large Essex-class aircraft carrier, USS Franklin, near Leyte Gulf, on or about 15 October 1944.Arima was killed and part of an aircraft …

  3. 特別攻撃隊 - Wikipedia


    定義. 特別攻撃隊は多様な形態があり、定義も様々である。 語源は太平洋戦争の緒戦に日本海軍によって編成された特殊潜航艇「甲標的」の部隊に命名された「特別攻撃隊」の造語からであり 、これは一応の生還方法を講じた決死的作戦であった 。 また、組織的な戦死前提の特別攻撃を …

  4. Kamikaze - Wikipedia


    Kamikaze (神風?) è una parola giapponese, di solito tradotta come "vento divino" (kami significa "divinità", un termine fondamentale nello shintoismo, e kaze sta per "vento"; ka inspirare e ze espirare).Internazionalmente e in generale è riferita agli attacchi suicidi eseguiti dai piloti giapponesi (su aerei carichi di esplosivo) contro le navi alleate verso la fine della campagna del ...

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