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    Alcman was an Ancient Greek choral lyric poet from Sparta. He is the earliest representative of the Alexandrian canon of the Nine Lyric Poets. See more

    Alcman's dates are uncertain, but he was probably active in the late seventh century BC. The name of his mother is not known; his father may have been called either Damas or Titarus. Alcman's nationality was disputed even … See more

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    • Greek Lyric II: Anacreon, Anacreontea, Choral Lyric from Olympis to Alcman (Loeb Classical Library) translated by David A. Campbell … See more

    • Greek Wikisource has original text related to this article: Ἀλκμάν
    Works by or about Alcman at Internet Archive See more

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    There were six books of Alcman's choral poetry in antiquity (c. 50-60 hymns), but they were lost at the threshold of the Medieval Age, … See more

    The First Partheneion
    The type of songs Alcman composed most frequently appear to be hymns, partheneia (maiden-songs Greek παρθένος "maiden"), and prooimia (preludes to recitations of epic poetry). Much of what little exists consists … See more

    Easterling, P.E. (Series Editor), Bernard M.W. Knox (Editor), Cambridge History of Classical Literature, v.I, Greek Literature, 1985. ISBN 0-521-21042-9, cf. Chapter 6, "Archaic Choral Lyric", pp. 168–185 on Alcman. See more

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    Alcmán (nominativo en griego antiguo: Ἀλκμάν / gen.: Ἀλκμᾶνος; Αλκμάν en neogriego) era un poeta griego coral lírico del siglo VII a. C. en Esparta. Es el representante más antiguo del canon de Alejandría de los nueve poetas líricos (los demás son Safo, Alceo, Anacreonte, Estesícoro, Íbico, Píndaro, Simónides de Ceos y Baquílides). Trataba temas de la mousikê, una actividad artística dond…

    • Nacimiento: valor desconocido, Sardes (Turquía)
    • Nombre en griego antiguo: Ἀλκμάν
    Né à Sardes, en Lydie, il aurait été amené jeune à Sparte en tant qu'esclave. Là, selon la Souda, il est affranchi par son nouveau maître, Agésidas. Il est en activité à Sparte entre -672 et -612, où il remplit la fonction de compositeur et directeur des chants choraux ; son œuvre témoigne de l'éclat littéraire de Sparte à cette époqu…
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    • S-a născut la Sardes, capitala regatului Lydia.După unele surse, ar fi fost sclavul lui Agesis, care i-ar fi redat libertatea datorită valorii sale.Tema pricipală a poeziilor sale o constituie dragostea.
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    • Estimated Reading Time: 1 min

      WebÒpie inspiræ a l'Alcman. O conpoxitô Mauro Pagani (Bréscia, 1946) o s'é inspiròu pròpio a l'Alcmàn pe-a seu cansón "Neutte", de l'àlbon 2004 Creuza de mä: «Dorman e çimme di …

      • (GRC) «Ϝοῖδα δ' ὀρνίχων νόμως παντῶν»: (LIJ), «Conóscio e melodîe de tùtti i öxélli.»

        WebThe term "Alcmanian" is sometimes applied to modern English dactylic tetrameters (e.g. Robert Southey 's "Soldier's Wife": "Wild-visaged Wanderer, ah, for thy heavy chance!"), …


        WebAlcman (also Alkman; Greek: Ἀλκμάν, gen .: Ἀλκμᾶνος; 7th century BCE) was an Ancient Greek choral lyric poet from Sparta. He is the earliest representative of the Alexandrinian …


        WebBorrowed from Latin Alcman. Proper noun . Alcman. An Ancient Greek name, particularly borne by a 7th century BC choral lyric poet from Sparta. Derived terms . Alcmanian; …


        WebÁlcman (em grego, Άλκμάν - Alkmán, na transliteração) foi um poeta lírico coral grego que viveu no séc. VII a.C., em Esparta. É o mais antigo dos nove poetas líricos do cânon …


        WebAlcman(/ˈælkmən/; Greek: ἈλκμάνAlkmán; fl. 7th century BC) was an Ancient Greekchoral lyric poetfrom Sparta. He is the earliest representative of the Alexandriancanon of the …

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