bergmann's rule wikipedia - EAS

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  1. Bergmann's rule is an ecogeographical rule that states that within a broadly distributed taxonomic clade, populations and species of larger size are found in colder environments, while populations and species of smaller size are found in warmer regions.
  2. 大家還會問
    What is the meaning of Bergmann's rule?Bergmann's rule is an ecogeographic principle. It states that, within a widely distributed group of animals, the larger ones are found in colder environments, and the smaller ones are found in warmer regions. So, for example, with bears the largest member is the polar bear, and the smallest members are found in subtropical areas ( panda ).
    Is Bergmann's rule applicable to Moose in cold climates?Data demonstrating such a relationship in Swedish moose (Eurasian elk) are shown. Bergmann's rule is an ecogeographical rule that states that within a broadly distributed taxonomic clade, populations and species of larger size are found in colder environments, and species of smaller size are found in warmer regions.
    Does Bergmann's rule change in cold environments?The original explanation for Bergmann's rule, increased heat conservation in cold environments, is no longer widely accepted because the trend occurs in both large and small endotherms and in many ectotherms [49,50,56].…
    Are Native American populations consistent with Bergmann's rule?According to Marshall T. Newman in 1953, Native American populations are generally consistent with Bergmann's rule although the cold climate and small body size combination of the Eastern Inuit, Canoe Nation, Yuki people, Andes natives and Harrison Lake Lillooet runs contrary to the expectations of Bergmann's rule. [15]
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    Bergmann's rule is an ecologic principle stating that body mass increases with colder climate. Data illustrating such a relationship are shown for moose (Eurasian elk) in Sweden. [13] Human populations near the poles, including the Inuit, Aleut, and Sami people, are on average heavier than populations from … 查看更多內容

    Bergmann's rule is an ecogeographical rule that states that within a broadly distributed taxonomic clade, populations and species of larger size are found in colder environments, while populations and species of … 查看更多內容


    The earliest explanation, given by Bergmann when originally formulating the rule, is that larger animals have a lower surface area to volume ratio than smaller animals, so they … 查看更多內容

    In a 1986 study, Valerius Geist claimed Bergmann's rule to be false: the correlation with temperature is spurious; instead, Geist found that body size is proportional to the duration of the annual productivity pulse, or food availability per animal during … 查看更多內容

    1. ^ FRYDRÝŠEK, Karel (2019). Biomechanika 1. Ostrava, Czech Republic: VSB – Technical University of Ostrava, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Department of Applied Mechanics. pp. 337–338. ISBN 978-80-248-4263-9.
    2. ^ Olalla-Tárraga, … 查看更多內容


    Human populations near the poles, including the Inuit, Aleut, and Sami people, are on average heavier than populations from mid-latitudes, consistent with Bergmann's rule. They also tend to have shorter limbs … 查看更多內容

    In 1937 German zoologist and ecologist Richard Hesse proposed an extension of Bergmann's rule. Hesse's rule, also known as the … 查看更多內容

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  4. 伯格曼法则 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书伯格曼法则

    伯格曼法则(英語:Bergmann's rule)是动物学中广泛接受的一种规律,指同一种类恒温动物的体形会随着生活地区纬度或海拔的增高而变大 。比如生活于北极地区的北极熊就比其他地区的熊类体形更庞大。同样地,北极狼也比温带地区的狼类个子更大。该定律是以19世纪德国生物学家卡尔·克里斯琴·伯格曼(Carl Christian Bergmann)的名字命名的。
    也有研究发现,有些昆虫类群个体大小随纬度升高而增加,符合伯格曼法则 。

    Wikipedia · CC-BY-SA 授權下的文字
    • 預估閱讀時間: 3 分鐘

      Bergmann's rule is an ecogeographic principle. It states that, within a widely distributed group of animals, the larger ones are found in colder environments, and the smaller ones are found in …

      • 預估閱讀時間: 1 分鐘
        • I have found a BBC article pointing to shrinking birds related to global warming, thus confirming Bergmann's rule. Could someone please update this article.Link: (talk) 01:32, 14 March 2010 (UTC)[reply]
        • (Rated C-class, Low-importance):
        • 伯格曼法则_百度百科


          伯格曼法则 (英语:Bergmann's rule)是由德国学者伯格曼 (C. Bergmann)在1847年发现的。 他发现在恒温动物中即使是同种动物生活在寒冷地方的个体其体积、体重一般较之生活在温暖 …


          In 1847, Carl Bergmann published his observations that endothermic body size (i.e. mammals) increased with increasing latitude, commonly known as Bergmann's rule. His rule postulated …


          The tendency for animals to be larger in cooler environments, referred to as Bergmann's rule, is well supported by comparisons of populations or species of mammals distributed along …

        • Règle de Bergmann — Wikipédia


          La règle de Bergmann est, en zoologie, un principe observé au sein d'un clade, qui corrèle la température de l' environnement avec le ratio surface/volume du corps chez les animaux …


          Bergmann is a German or Swedish surname. It means "mountain man" in both languages, as well as "miner" in German. Bergman is also a common surname in the United States, Sweden, …


          For animals living in warm climates, Allen's rule predicts the opposite: that they should have comparatively high ratios of surface area to volume. Because animals with low surface area-to …

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