call option wikipedia - EAS

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  1. A call option is the right (but not obligation) to buy the underlying for a specified price (strike price K), on a specified date (expiry). If the underlying fails to rise above the strike price before expiration, then the call expires worthless as it would be cheaper to buy the underlying directly from the market.
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    How do you write a call option?
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    How do you calculate call option?

    The call option is as follows:

    • Current Price = 100, Premium on the Call = 5, Expiry Date: May 1, 2017
    • Then your Strike Price will be = Current Price + Premium = 100+5 = 105
    • So you can buy LOT of X share at 5 Rs each shares.
    • Lets Consider 1 Lot consist of 1000 X shares
    • Then you can buy 1 lot of shares at 5*1000 =5000 Rs

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    What is an example of a call option?
    • A stock price can go up
    • A stock price can go down, and
    • It can stay the same!…
    How do I buy a call option?
    • Amount of Premium Outlay: This is the first step in the process. ...
    • Strike price: This is one of the two key option variables that need to be decided, the other being time to expiration. ...
    • Time to expiration: This is another key variable. ...

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    A call option, often simply labeled a "call", is a contract, between the buyer and the seller of the call option, to exchange a security at a set price. The buyer of the call option has the right, but not the obligation, to buy an agreed quantity of a particular commodity or financial instrument (the


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    Option values vary with the value of the underlying instrument over time. The price of the call contract must act as a proxy response for the valuation of:
    • the expected intrinsic value of the option, defined as the expected


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    Wikipedia text under CC-BY-SA license
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    An option is a contract that allows the holder the right to buy or sell an underlying asset or financial instrument at a specified strike price on or before a specified date, depending on the form of the option. The strike price may be set by reference to the spot price(market price) of the underlying security or commodity on the day an option is issued, or it may be fixed at a discount or at a premium. The issuer has the corresponding obligation to fulfill the transaction (to sell or …

    Kann der Käufer sein Recht nur am Laufzeitende der Option ausüben, spricht man von einer europäischen Option. Kann er hingegen sein Recht zu einem beliebigen Zeitpunkt während der Optionslaufzeit ausüben, spricht man von einer amerikanischen Option. Der Käufer wird sein Recht im Normalfall nur dann ausüb…
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    • Estimated Reading Time: 4 mins

      A binary call option is, at long expirations, similar to a tight call spread using two vanilla options. One can model the value of a binary cash-or-nothing option, C, at strike K, as an infinitesimally …

      • Estimated Reading Time: 9 mins

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