etymologiae wikipedia - EAS

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  1. aus Wikipedia, der freien Enzyklopädie. Zur Navigation springen Zur Suche springen. Die Etymologie (aus dem altgriechischen ἐτυμολογίαetymología entlehnt und von altgriechisch ἔτυμον étymon, zu: ἔτυμος étymos, deutsch ‚wahrhaft‘, ‚wirklich‘) – auch Wortherkunft und zudem kurz Herkunft genannt – befasst sich mit der Herkunft, ...
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    What does Etymologiae mean?
    Etymologiae (Latin for "The Etymologies"), also known as the Origines ("Origins") and usually abbreviated Orig., is an etymological encyclopedia compiled by Isidore of Seville (c. 560–636) towards the end of his life.
    What is an etymological encyclopedia?
    Etymologiae presents in abbreviated form much of that part of the learning of antiquity that Christians thought worth preserving. Etymologies, often very far-fetched, form the subject of just one of the encyclopedia's twenty books (Book X), but perceived linguistic similarities permeate the work.
    What are the main sources of the etymologies?
    The Etymologies summarized and organized a wealth of knowledge from hundreds of classical sources; three of its books are derived largely from Pliny the Elder 's Natural History. Isidore acknowledges Pliny, but not his other principal sources, namely Cassiodorus, Servius and Solinus.
    What are the topics covered in the Etymologiae?
    Etymologiae covers an encyclopedic range of topics. Etymology, the origins of words, is prominent, but the work covers among other things grammar, rhetoric, mathematics, geometry, music, astronomy, medicine, law, the Roman Catholic Church and heretical sects, pagan philosophers, languages, cities, animals and birds,...
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    Etymologiae - Wikipedia

    Etymologiae (Latin for "The Etymologies"), also known as the Origines ("Origins") and usually abbreviated Orig., is an etymological encyclopedia compiled by Isidore of Seville (c. 560–636) towards the end of his life. Isidore was encouraged to write the book by his friend Braulio, Bishop of Saragossa.


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    Isidore of Seville was born around 560 in Spain, under the unstable rule of the Visigoths after the collapse of the Roman Empire in the West. His older brother, Leander, the abbot of a Sevillemonastery, supervised Isidore's


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    Etymologiae presents in abbreviated form much of that part of the learning of antiquity that Christians thought worth preserving. Etymologies, often very far-fetched, form the subject


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    The Etymologies organizes knowledge, mainly drawn from the classics, into twenty books:
    In Book I, Isidore begins with a lengthy section on the first of three subjects in the mediaeval Trivium, considered at the time the core of essential


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    Almost 1000 manuscript copies of Etymologiae have survived. The earliest is held at the St. Gall Abbey library, Switzerland, in the Codex Sangallensis: it is a 9th-century copy of books XI to XX. The 13th-century Codex Gigas, the largest extant medieval


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    • Barney, Stephen A.; Lewis, W. J.; Beach, J.A.; Berghof, O. (2006). The Etymologies of Isidore of Seville (1st ed.). Cambridge University Press.


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    Medieval to Renaissance
    Isidore was widely influential throughout the Middle Ages, feeding directly into word lists and encyclopaedias by Papias, Huguccio,


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  4. Etymologiae - Wikipedia

    Etymologiae o Origines, nota anche come Originum sive etymologiarum libri XX, può essere considerata la prima enciclopedia della cultura occidentale.
    Redatta da Isidoro di Siviglia, morto nel 636, sul finir della sua vita, su invito di Braulione di Saragozza, vescovo della città, trae il suo nome dal metodo di insegnamento che utilizza: spiegare il significato di una parola attraverso la co…

    Wikipedia · Nội dung trong CC-BY-SA giấy phép
  5. Etymologiae – Wikipedia
    Der Inhalt wird auf 20 „Bücher“ aufgeteilt, wobei ein solches „Buch“ ungefähr einem heutigen Buchkapitel entspricht: 1. Buch 1: Grammatik 2. Buch 2: Rhetorik und Dialektik 3. Buch 3: Von den vier mathematischen Disziplinen 4. Buch 4: Medizin 5. Buch 5: Rechtswesen und Zeiteinteilung 6. Buch 6: Bücher und Kirchenfeste 7. B…
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    • Thời gian đọc ước tính: 6 phút
    • Etymologiae — Wikipédia
      • Sources
        L’étymologie est au cœur de la pensée pré-scientifique d’Isidore. En cela, ce dernier ne fait que s'inscrire dans une tradition très ancienne, en vertu de laquelle l'étymologie livrerait le vrai sens d'un mot et révèlerait le caractère intrinsèque de ce qu'un mot désigne. Au IIe siècle av. J.-C., Ap…
      • Exemples
        Cette méthode étymologique peut surprendre. À titre d’exemple, il écrit que le peuple des Saxons a été appelé ainsi parce que c’est la race d’hommes la plus dure et la plus courageuse (durum et validissimum genus hominum (IX, 2, 100)). La proximité des mots saxo (« saxon ») et saxum(« r…
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    • Etymologiae - Wikipedia
      Etimologia se află în centrul gândirii preștiințifice a lui Isidor. Acesta este convins că analiza unui cuvânt permite descoperirea adevărului despre semnificația acelui cuvânt.
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    • Etymologiae - Βικιπαίδεια
      Ο Ισίδωρος της Σεβίλλης γεννήθηκε στην Ισπανία (δεν υπάρχουν ακριβή στοιχεία σχετικά με τον τόπο και την χρονολογία γέννησής του) γύρω στο 560 και απεβίωσε στην Σεβίλλη στις 4 Απριλίου του 636. Την μόρφωσή του είχε αναλάβει ο μεγαλύτερος αδελφός του Λέανδρος (Leander), που συνδεόταν με φιλί…
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    • Etymologie – Wikipedia
      • Etymologie ist ein griechisches Fremdwort und leitet sich von dem altgriechischen Wort ἐτυμολογία etymología her. Dieses enthält seinerseits die Bestandteile ἔτυμος étymos, deutsch ‚wahr‘, ‚echt‘, ‚wirklich‘ und λόγος lógos, deutsch ‚Wort‘ und bedeutet in einem umfassenderen Sinn so viel wie „Erklärung der einem Wort innewohnenden Wahrheit“. Im Deutschen wird dafür auch …
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    • Etymologie - Wikipedia
      Etymologie is oorspronkelijk een samenstelling uit het Griekse étymon (ἔτυμον) ‘oorspronkelijke vorm van een woord’, dat weer is afgeleid van het bijvoeglijke naamwoord étymos (ἔτυμος) ‘werkelijk, waar’, en lógos (λόγος) ‘leer, wetenschap’. Het woord werd bekend door Etymologiae van bisschop Isidorus van Sevilla, een …
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    • Etymologiae — Википедија

      Etymologiae) или Порекла (лат. Orgines) је енциклопедија Исидора Севиљског. Према Браулију и Илдефонсу то је његово последње дело. За доба у ком је живео, ово дело је било од непроцењиве вредности.

      • Thời gian đọc ước tính: 50 giây
      • Etimologia - Wikipedia

        Nel VII secolo d.C. Isidoro di Siviglia scrisse un trattato enciclopedico in venti volumi, intitolato Etymologiae. Il testo, che fornisce l'etimologia delle parole e, prendendo spunto da queste, spazia su vari argomenti, fu usato per tutto il Medioevo e fino al XV secolo, cioè al periodo dell'Umanesimo.

        • Thời gian đọc ước tính: 10 phút

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