flavius aëtius wikipedia - EAS

28 results
  1. Flavius Aëtius – Wikipedia


    Flavius Aëtius (* um 390 in Durostorum, heute Silistra in Bulgarien; † 21. oder 22.September 454 in Rom) war ein weströmischer Heermeister und Politiker in der spätantiken Völkerwanderungszeit.Er lebte jahrelang als Geisel am hunnischen Hof und knüpfte dort politische Kontakte, von denen er später in hohem Maß profitierte.

  2. Bonifatius - Wikipedia


    Bonifatius (or Bonifacius; also known as Count Boniface; died 432) was a Roman general and governor of the diocese of Africa.He campaigned against the Visigoths in Gaul and the Vandals in north Africa. An ally of Galla Placidia, mother and advisor of Valentinian III, Bonifacius engaged in Roman civil wars on her behalf against the generals Felix in 427-429 and Aetius in 432.

  3. Battle of the Catalaunian Plains - Wikipedia


    The Battle of the Catalaunian Plains (or Fields), also called the Battle of the Campus Mauriacus, Battle of Châlons, Battle of Troyes or the Battle of Maurica, took place on June 20, 451 AD, between a coalition – led by the Roman general Flavius Aetius and by the Visigothic king Theodoric I – against the Huns and their vassals – commanded by their king Attila.

  4. Constantin cel Mare - Wikipedia


    Constantin I cel Mare s-a născut la Naissus, în provincia romană Moesia Superior, fiind fiul generalului Constantius Chlorus (viitorul împărat Constantius I) și al Helenei., Tatăl său, Constantius Chlorus, în 271-272, sub împăratul Aurelian, a fost membru al protectores (militari superiori în slujba împăratului) în estul Imperiului Roman, iar ulterior a ajuns tribun. În 284-285 ...

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