genre wikipedia - EAS

41 kết quả
  1. Genre Fra Wikipedia, den frie encyklopædi Genre (fra fransk via græsk "genos" og latin "genus", betydende slægt, art) betegner alle former eller typer af kommunikation (skrevne, talte, digitale, kunstneriske, etc.), hvor gentagne fælles sociale former er konstrueret over tid.
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  2. Mọi người cũng hỏi
    What is genre?
    Genre is the term for any category of creative work, which includes literature and other forms of art or entertainment (e.g. music)—whether written or spoken, audio or visual—based on some set of stylistic criteria. Genres are formed by conventions that change over time as new genres are invented and the use of old ones are discontinued.
    What is gengenre?
    Genre (from French genre 'kind, sort') is any form or type of communication in any mode (written, spoken, digital, artistic, etc.) with socially-agreed-upon conventions developed over time.
    What is a genre in art history?
    The term genre is much used in the history and criticism of visual art, but in art history has meanings that overlap rather confusingly.
    What is an example of a music genre?
    Many of these genres have a number of subgenres, for example by setting or subject, or a distinctive national style, for example in the Indian Bollywood musical. A music genre is a conventional category that identifies pieces of music as belonging to a shared tradition or set of conventions.
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    Genre - Wikipedia

    Genre (from French genre 'kind, sort') is any form or type of communication in any mode (written, spoken, digital, artistic, etc.) with socially-agreed-upon conventions developed over time. In popular usage, it normally describes a category of literature, music, or other forms of art or entertainment,


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    The term genre is much used in the history and criticism of visual art, but in art history has meanings that overlap rather confusingly. Genre paintingis a term for paintings where the main subject features human figures to whom


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    A literary genre is a category of literary composition. Genres may be determined by literary technique, tone, content, or even (as in the case of fiction) length. Genre should not be confused with age category, by which literature may be classified as either adult,


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    The basic genres of film can be regarded as drama, in the feature film and most cartoons, and documentary. Most dramatic feature films, especially from Hollywood fall fairly comfortably into one of a long list of film genres such as the Western,


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    A music genre is a conventional category that identifies pieces of music as belonging to a shared tradition or set of conventions. It is to be distinguished from musical formand musical style, although in practice these terms are sometimes used interchangeably. There are


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    The concept of genre is often applied, sometimes rather loosely, to other media with an artistic element, such as video game genres. Genre, and numerous minutely divided subgenres, affect popular culture very significantly, not least as they are used to classify it for


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    In philosophy of language, genre figures prominently in the works of philosopher and literary scholar Mikhail Bakhtin. Bakhtin's basic


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    In the field of rhetoric, genre theorists usually understand genres as types of actions rather than types or forms of texts. On this perspective, texts


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  4. List of genres - Wikipedia

    This is a list of genres of literature and entertainment (film, television, music, and video games), excluding genres in the visual arts.
    Genreis the term for any category of creative work, which includes literature and other forms of art or entertainment (e.g. music)—whether written or spoken, audio or visual—based on some set of stylistic criteria. Genres are formed by conventions that change over time as new genres are inv…

    Wikipedia · Nội dung trong CC-BY-SA giấy phép
  5. Genre (sciences sociales) — Wikipédia

    Genre désigne les processus et rapports sociaux qui divisent, polarisent et organisent l'humanité en différentes catégories de « sexe », « genre » et de « sexualité » (tel que masculin / féminin, homme / femme, mâle / femelle, cisgenre / transgenre, intersexe / dyadique, homo / hétéro, etc.)

    • Thời gian đọc ước tính: 7 phút
    • Genre – Wikipedia
      • Genre, Gattung, Stil und Epoche
        Gattung bezieht sich auf das Ausdrucksmedium, Stil auf die Formensprache, Epoche auf die räumlich-zeitliche Zuordnung, und Genreauf den thematisch-motivischen Inhalt der Kunst. 1. Die Gattungen der Kunst (Bildende Kunst, darstellende Kunst, Musik, Literatur) bilden ihre typischen …
      • Subgenre
        Oftmals werden Genres weiter spezifiziert in Subgenres („Untergenres“, lateinisch sub„unter“). Dies führt häufig zu weitreichenden Verästelungen: 1. Musikgenre: Metal → Subgenre: Heavy Metal → Subgenre: Thrash Metal→ Subgenre: Technical / Brutal Thrash Metal 2. Genre der bilde…
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      • Thời gian đọc ước tính: 5 phút
      • Genre — Wikipédia

        en biologie, le genre est un rang taxinomique qui regroupe un ensemble d' espèces ayant en commun plusieurs caractères similaires ; en mathématiques, le genre est une propriété de plusieurs types de surfaces ou de courbes ; en physique, le

        • Thời gian đọc ước tính: 30 giây
        • Genre - Wikipedia

          Een genre [ʒɑ̃ʁ]? (uitspraak: "zjanre" of "zjãre") is een stroming of categorie in de kunsten of amusementswereld waarin werken ingedeeld worden naar overeenkomstige eigenheid, zoals stijl of inhoud. Structurele elementen die de overhand hebben, of juist uitzonderlijke, afwijkende elementen kunnen bepalend zijn voor het indelen naar genre.

          • Thời gian đọc ước tính: 30 giây
          • Genre – Wikipedia

            • Definitionerna av begreppet genre har mångfaldigats sedan antiken. Enligt det klassiska synsättet, som framträder i Aristoteles Om diktkonsten med flera verk, är genrerna generiska klassifikationssystem, i vilket en konstform indelas i underordningar. Dessa underordningar kännetecknas även av olika normer i såväl form som innehåll. Sedan 1700-talet har alternativa d…
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            • Thời gian đọc ước tính: 3 phút
            • Genre – Wikipedia

              • Maalaustaiteen genret
                Maalaustaiteessa genre tarkoittaa yleismerkityksessä taiteenlajia. Tavallisesti kuvataiteen genret erotellaan formaatin tai tyylin avulla. Genremaalaus on myös sama kuin laatukuva tai laatumaalaus. Ranskan taideakatemia esitti 1600-luvulla maalaustaiteen genrehierarkian, jossa …
              • Musiikin genret
                Musiikin genre määräytyy yleensä ensisijaisesti musiikin tyylin mukaan, mutta lajittelu perustuu usein myös alueeseen, aikakauteen, soitinkokoonpanoon, käyttötarkoitukseen tai näiden yhdistelmiin. Musiikki voidaan jakaa karkeasti taidemusiikkiin, populaarimusiikkiin ja kansanmu…
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              • Thời gian đọc ước tính: 8 phút
              • Genre - Wikipedia, den frie encyklopædi

                • Som begreb er genre meget bredt anvendt. Det anvendes både i hverdagssproget og i specialiserede faglige sammenhænge. Den hverdagssproglige brug af begrebet rækker fra omtaler af forskellige produkttyper over diskussioner af TV-serier til brede omtaler af journalistiske genrer. Således giver Den danske ordbogfølgende eksempler på genrebegrebets a…
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                • Thời gian đọc ước tính: 8 phút
                • Genremalerei – Wikipedia


                  Franz Defregger: Wallfahrer. Ein Genrebild (franz.: Tableau de genre; zu lat.: genus ‚Art‘, ‚Geschlecht‘; veraltet: Sittenbild; entsprechend Sittenmalerei zum Begriff Genremalerei) ist die gemalte Abbildung einer Alltagsszene – zum Beispiel Menschengruppen, Szenen und Handlungen – als Schilderung von Lebensformen eines Volkes und seiner ...

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