guanches wikipedia - EAS

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    Guanches - Wikipedia

    The Guanches were the indigenous inhabitants of Tenerife, the largest of the Canary Islands in the Atlantic Ocean some 100 kilometers (62 miles) west of Africa. and perhaps at one point, Pico Island of the Azores. It is believed that they may have arrived on the archipelago some time in the first


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    The native term guanachinet literally translated means "person of Tenerife" (from Guan = person and Achinet = Tenerife). It was modified, according to Juan Núñez de la Peña, by the Castiliansinto "Guanches". Though


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    Genetic evidence shows that northern African peoples made a significant contribution to the


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    The native Guanche language is now only known through a few sentences and individual words, supplemented by several placenames. Many modern linguistspropose that it belongs to


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    The political and social institutions of the Guanches varied. In some islands like Gran Canaria, hereditary autocracy by matrilineality prevailed, in others the government was elective. In Tenerife all the land belonged to the kings who leased it to their subjects. In


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    Guanches wore garments made from goatskins or woven from plant fibers called Tamarcos, which have been found in the tombs of Tenerife. They


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    Maca-Meyer et al. 2003 extracted 71 samples of mtDNAfrom Guanches buried at numerous Canary Islands c. 1000 AD. The examined Guanches


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    Religion and mythology
    Little is known of the religion of the Guanches. There was a general belief in a supreme being, called Achamán in Tenerife, Acoran in Gran Canaria, Eraoranhan in Hierro, and Aborain La Palma. The women of Hierro worshipped a


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  2. Guanches — Wikipédia

    Les Guanches (berbère ⵉⴳⵡⴰⵏⵛⵉⵢⵏ - Igwanciyen, prononcé Igouinchiyène) étaient un groupe ethnique et peuple autochtone des îles Canaries. Les Guanches étaient les seuls indigènes qui vivaient dans la région nommée Macaronésie, comme dans les Açores, le Cap-Vert, Madère et les Îles Selvagens. Ce sont les seuls Berbères à n'avoir pas été islamisés. Leur civilisation a disparu en tant que telle…

    Wikipedia · Nội dung trong CC-BY-SA giấy phép
  3. Guanche language - Wikipedia
    • Guanche is an extinct language that was spoken by the Guanches of the Canary Islands until the 16th or 17th century. It died out after the conquest of the Canary Islands as the Guanche ethnic group was assimilated into the dominant Spanish culture. The Guanche language is known today through sentences and individual words that were recorded by early geographers, as well as thro…
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  4. Guanches – Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre
    O isolamento das ilhas, a falta de elementos escritos e de testemunhos coevos críveis torna muito difícil a caracterização do povo guanche. Não existe certeza quanto à existência de uma identidade cultural única nas ilhas Canárias no período anterior à colonização europeia, pelo que a designação povo guancheprovavelme…
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    • Thời gian đọc ước tính: 7 phút
    • Guanche (Tenerife) - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
      El término guanche para designar a los antiguos pobladores de Tenerife aparece ya en documentos oficiales desde los primeros momentos de la colonización.[2]​ Tradicionalmente se ha considerado que el término era el modo en el que los aborígenes se referían a sí mismos, si bien los primeros historiadores como Fray …
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    • Guanches – Wikipedia
      Den romerske forfatteren og hærføreren, Plinius den eldre refererer til Juba II, konge av Mauretania, som hevder at en mauritansk ekspedisjon år 50 f.Kr. fant ruiner av store bygninger, men en heller sparsom befolkning, noe som kan tyde på at det muligens har vært en sivilisasjon på øyene før guanchefolket kom.Senere
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      • Thời gian đọc ước tính: 3 phút
      • Guanche – Wikipedia
        • Die Gesamtheit der prähispanischen Bewohner der Kanarischen Inseln wird wissenschaftlich als Altkanarier bezeichnet. Guanchen waren nur die Bewohner Teneriffas. Sie waren die größte Bevölkerungsgruppe des Archipels und konnten der Eroberung, die im 15. Jahrhundert im Auftrag der Krone von Kastilien stattfand, am längsten widerstehen. Daher wird in der populärwissensch…
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        • Thời gian đọc ước tính: 6 phút
        • Guanchen – Wikipedia

          Verschiedene historische Quellen aus der Zeit nach der Eroberung geben an, dass sich die Ureinwohner der Insel Teneriffa selbst als „Guanches“, „Guachinec“ oder „Guachinet“ bezeichneten, was so viel wie „Person von Teneriffa“ bedeutet haben soll. Diese Herleitung des Namens ist nicht unumstritten. Der Begriff Guanchen al…
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          • Thời gian đọc ước tính: 7 phút
          • Guancher – Wikipedia

            Plinius den äldre, som fick sina uppgifter från Juba II, kung av Mauretanien, hävdade att då ögruppen besöktes av Hanno Sjöfararen var den obebodd men att man hittat ruiner efter stora byggnader (Se Pyramiderna i Güímar på Teneriffa). Av dessa uppgifter att döma var guancherna inte de första som bodde på Kanarieöar…
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            • Thời gian đọc ước tính: 5 phút
            • Guanche - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre


              Guanche hace referencia a varios artículos: . Guanche (Tenerife), antiguos habitantes aborígenes de la isla de Tenerife. Aborígenes canarios, más comúnmente conocidos como guanches son los diversos pueblos aborígenes de probable origen bereber que habitaban las islas Canarias antes de la conquista castellana, que ocurrió entre 1402 y 1496.

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