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    Inter gravissimas (English: "Among the most serious...") was a papal bull issued by Pope Gregory XIII on 24 February 1582. The document, written in Latin, reformed the Julian calendar. The reform came to be regarded as a new calendar in its own right and came to be called the Gregorian calendar,


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    The intention expressed by the text of this bull was "to restore" the calendar so that seasonal events critical for the calculation of Easter dates would be back in their "proper places" and would be prevented from being moved away


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    The version of "Inter gravissimas" included by Christoph Clavius in his work explaining the Gregorian calendar contained these dating clauses: "Anno


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    Gregory's reform was enacted in the most solemn of forms available to the Church, but the bull had no authority beyond the Catholic Church and


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    Wikipedia text under CC-BY-SA license

    Inter gravissimas es el nombre de una bula papal dictada por el Papa Gregorio XIII el 24 de febrero de 1582. Este documento reformó el calendario juliano y creó las bases de un nuevo calendario, llamado a partir de entonces «calendario gregoriano», que es ahora el que se usa ampliamente en todo el mundo.

    Zur Berechnung des Osterfests müssen drei Dinge feststehen: das genaue Datum des Frühlingsanfangs, die Bestimmung des Frühlingsvollmonds und schließlich die Bestimmung des darauf folgenden Sonntags, an dem dann Ostern zu feiern ist. Den liturgischen Frühlingsbeginn hatte das Konzil von Nicäa – damals korrekt – auf d…
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    • Estimated Reading Time: 3 mins
      A bula Inter gravissimasé o culminar do trabalho de muitos matemáticos e astrónomos ao longo dos séculos XV e XVI, sobretudo, sobre o calendário civil e o cálculo eclesiástico da Páscoa. As questões levantadas referiam-se a 2 aspectos do Calendário juliano então em uso pela igreja como base do calendário litúrgico …
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      • Estimated Reading Time: 5 mins
        • Pour les catholiques, Pâques est la fête qui commémore la résurrection du Christ, le troisième jour après sa passion, laquelle est située le quatorzième jour du mois de Nissan du calendrier hébraïque, c'est-à-dire le jour de la pleine lune qui suit l'équinoxe vernal dans l'hémisphère boréal. En 325, le premier concile de Nicée avait fixé au douzièm...
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        • Sujet: Réforme du calendrier

        Inter gravissimas è una bolla pontificia emanata da Papa Gregorio XIII il giorno 24 febbraio 1582 per introdurre un nuovo calendario . Con questa bolla si pose fine all'utilizzo del calendario giuliano in molte parti d' Europa, sostituendolo con il maggiormente preciso calendario gregoriano, che prende il nome dal pontefice.


        Inter gravissimas De la Wikipedia, enciclopedia liberă Inter gravissimas este o bulă pontificală / bulă papală, emisă de papa Grigore al XIII-lea și denumită după primele cuvinte Printre foarte nobilele sarcini ale ministeriului nostru pastoral (în latină: Inter gravissimas pastoralis officii nostri curas ). Este datată la 24 februarie 1582 .


        Inter gravissimas és una butlla pontifical, redactada pel papa Gregori XIII i anomenada així per les seves primeres paraules: Entre les tasques més importants de la nostra funció pastoral (en llatí: Inter gravissimas pastoralis officii nostri curas).Va ser promulgada el 24 de febrer de 1582.. La butlla reforma el calendari julià establert per Juli Cèsar, llavors pontifex maximus, el 46 ...


        I note that this is Clavius' book on the calendar published in 1603, without his other works included in the first four volumes of Opera Mathematica. Inter gravissimas and the six canons begin on page 53, counting from the front cover. A direct link to a 3X version of that page is.


        Inter Gravissimas (1582) by Gregory XIII, translated from Latin by Wikisource sister projects: Wikipedia article, Wikidata item. This is a new English translation from the (originally Latin) historical document which introduced the Gregorian calendar.

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