milites templi wikipedia - EAS

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    WebMilites Templi (Latin for "Soldiers of the Temple") was a papal bull issued by Pope Celestine II in 1144. It ordered the clergy to protect the Knights Templar and encouraged …


    WebFounded by the Italian Count Marcello Alberto Cristofani della Magione under the authority of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Siena-Colle di Val d'Elsa-Montalcino, the Militia

  3. People also ask
    What did the Milites Templi do?Milites Templi ( Latin for "Soldiers of the Temple") was a papal bull issued by Pope Celestine II in 1144. It ordered the clergy to protect the Knights Templar and encouraged the faithful to contribute to their cause. It allowed the Templars to make their own collections once a year, even in areas under interdict.
    What does Militia Templi mean?Militia Templi. The Militia Templi (English: Militia of the Temple ), also called the Order of the Poor Knights of Christ ( Latin: Christi Pauperum Militum Ordo ), is a lay order of the Roman Catholic Church .
    What does Templi Templi stand for?The Militia Templi (English: Militia of the Temple ), also called the Order of the Poor Knights of Christ ( Latin: Christi Pauperum Militum Ordo ), is a lay order of the Roman Catholic Church .
    Who is the current protector of the Templi Templi?The Cardinal Protectors of the Militia Templi were Silvio Oddi, Édouard Gagnon and Alfons Maria Stickler. The current Protector is the Right Reverend Phillip Lawrence, OSB, Abbot of the Benedictine Monastery of Christ in the Desert located in New Mexico, USA.

    WebMilites Templi ( lat .: Soldaten des Tempels) ist eine Päpstliche Bulle vom 9. Januar 1144, mit der Papst Coelestin II. die Regeln des Templerordens bestätigt. Der Papst weist den …


    WebMilites Templi (expression latine signifiant « Soldats du Temple ») est une bulle papale écrite par le pape Célestin II le 9 janvier 1144 qui commande au clergé de protéger et …


    WebMilites Templi fu una bolla promulgata da papa Celestino II il 9 gennaio 1144 con l'obiettivo di incrementare i privilegi dei Templari. Essa ordina al clero di proteggere e sostenere i …


    WebMilites Templi (Bahasa Latin untuk "Laskar Kenisah") adalah sebuah Bulla kepausan yang dikeluarkan oleh Paus Selestinus II pada tahun 1144 yang memerintahkan para pejabat …


    WebMilites Templi (в превод от латински: Войни на Храма) е папска була на римския папа Целестин II от 9 януари 1144 г., задължаваща духовенството да защитава …


    WebMilites Templi (dobesedno slovensko Vojaki templja) je papeška bula, ki jo je napisal papež Celestin II. leta 1144. S to bulo je papež ukazal duhovščini, da varuje viteze …


    WebMilites Templi byla papežská bula vydaná Celestinem II. 9. ledna 1144 s cílem zvětšit privilegia templářů. Nařizovala duchovenstvu chránit a podporovat templářský řád; a …


    WebMilites Templi, do latim "Soldados do Templo". Foi uma bula papal emitida pelo Papa Celestino II em 9 de fevereiro de 1143. [ 1] Onde ordenou que o clero protegesse os …

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