ming-dynastie wikipedia - EAS

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  1. The Ming dynasty (/ mɪŋ /), officially the Great Ming, was the ruling dynasty of China from 1368 to 1644 following the collapse of the Mongol -led Yuan dynasty. The Ming dynasty was the last imperial dynasty of China ruled by Han Chinese.
    1450: 6,500,000 km² (2,500,000 sq mi)
    Capital: Nanjing, (1368–1644), Beijing, (1403–1644)
    Government: Absolute monarchy
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  2. Mọi người cũng hỏi
    What is the Ming dynasty called today?
    Ming dynasty. The Ming dynasty (/mɪŋ/), officially the Great Ming, was the ruling dynasty of China from 1368 to 1644 following the collapse of the Mongol-led Yuan dynasty. The Ming dynasty was the last imperial dynasty of China ruled by Han Chinese.
    Is Tungning part of the Southern Ming dynasty?
    The Ming loyalist state Kingdom of Tungning on Taiwan lasted until 1683, but it was not ruled by the Zhu clan and thus usually not considered part of the Southern Ming. The Ming dynasty ( / mɪŋ / ), officially the Great Ming, was the ruling dynasty of China from 1368 to 1644 following the collapse of the Mongol -led Yuan dynasty.
    What were the strongholds of the Ming dynasty?
    Nanjing, Fujian, Guangdong, Shanxi, and Yunnan were all strongholds of Ming resistance. However, there were several pretenders for the Ming throne, and their forces were divided.
    When did the Ming dynasty take over Vietnam?
    This included the brief occupation of Vietnam, from the initial invasion in 1406 until the Ming withdrawal in 1427 as a result of protracted guerrilla warfare led by Lê Lợi, the founder of the Vietnamese Lê dynasty.
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    Xem tất cả trên Wikipedia

    Ming dynasty - Wikipedia


    The Ming dynasty , officially the Great Ming, was the ruling dynasty of China from 1368 to 1644 following the collapse of the Mongol-led Yuan dynasty. The Ming dynasty was the last imperial dynasty of China ruled by Han Chinese. Although the primary capital of Beijing fell in 1644 to a rebellion


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    Revolt and rebel rivalry
    The Mongol-led Yuan dynasty(1271–1368) ruled before the establishment of the Ming dynasty. Explanations for the demise of the Yuan include


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    Province, prefecture, subprefecture, county
    Described as "one of the greatest eras of orderly government and social stability in human history" by


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    Literature and arts
    Literature, painting, poetry, music, and Chinese operaof various types flourished during the Ming dynasty, especially in the economically prosperous


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    After the flourishing of science and technology in the Song dynasty, the Ming dynasty perhaps saw fewer advancements in science and technology


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    • Brook, Timothy. The Troubled Empire: China in the Yuan and Ming Dynasties (History of Imperial China) (Harvard UP, 2010).


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    Sinologist historians debate the population figures for each era in the Ming dynasty. The historian Timothy Brooknotes that the Ming government census


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  4. Ming Dynasty (2019 TV series) - Wikipedia


    Ming Dynasty (simplified Chinese: 大明风华; traditional Chinese: 大明風華; pinyin: Dàmíng fēnghuá) is a 2019 Chinese historical television series starring lead actors Tang Wei and Zhu Yawen. The fictionalized series is adapted from the Chinese novel The Chronicle of the Six Eras (Chinese: 六朝纪事) by Lianjing Zhuyi (Chinese: 莲静竹衣). The television series aired on Hunan Television. Th…

    Wikipedia · Nội dung trong CC-BY-SA giấy phép
  5. Ming-Dynastie – Wikipedia

    Gegründet wurde die Dynastie von dem Rebellenführer Zhu Yuanzhang, der in den Aufständen gegen die Mongolenherrschaft eine Splittergruppe der Roten Turbane anführte. 1363 entschied er die Seeschlacht auf dem Poyang-See gegen seinen wichtigsten Rivalen, den „Han“-Prinzen Chen Youliang, für sich und beseitigte in d…
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  6. Dynastie Ming — Wikipédia


    12/06/2003 · La dynastie Ming (chinois : 明朝 ; pinyin : míng cháo [1]) est une lignée d'empereurs qui a régné sur la Chine de 1368 à 1644.La dynastie Ming fut la dernière dynastie chinoise dominée par les Han.Elle parvint au pouvoir après l'effondrement de la dynastie Yuan dominée par les Mongols, et dura jusqu'à la prise de sa capitale Pékin en 1644 lors de la rébellion menée par …

    • Capitale: Nankin(1368-1421)Pékin(1421-1644)
    • Statut: Monarchie
    • Langue (s): Chinois
  7. Ming-dynastie - Wikipedia

    • Val van de Yuan
      De Mongoolse khan Koeblai had heel China veroverd en in 1271 de Yuan-dynastie uitgeroepen. De dynastie zou nog geen eeuw standhouden. Ondanks de pogingen van Koeblai Khan om zich behalve als khan ook als een Zoon van de Hemel te presenteren, wist de Yuan-dynastie de Chine…
    • Regering van Hongwu
      Tijdens zijn dertigjarige bewind groeide de Hongwu-keizer uit tot een van de machtigste heersers uit de wereldgeschiedenis. Zijn gemis aan formele scholing wist hij te compenseren door zijn aangeboren intelligentie en zijn vermogen te leren van zijn adviseurs. Overtuigd van zijn missie o…
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    • Hoofdstad: Nanjing (1368-1420), Beijing (1421-1644)
    • Bevolking: 1493: 60 miljoen, 1600: 150-200 miljoen
    • Talen: Chinees
    • Oppervlakte: circa vier miljoen km2
  8. Dynastie Ming – Wikipedie


    Dynastie Ming (čínsky v českém přepisu Ming čchao, pchin-jinem Míng Cháo, znaky 明朝; doslova „Zářivá dynastie“) vládla v říši Ming, neboli Číně v letech 1368–1644, na jihu země se mingský stát udržel do roku 1661, byť na stále se zmenšujícím se území.Byla poslední čínskou národní dynastií, po ní byla Čína dobyta mandžuskou říší Čching (1635 ...

  9. Histoire de la dynastie Ming — Wikipédia

    • Révolte et rivalité entre rebelles
      La dynastie Yuan mongole (1271-1368) précéda la fondation de la dynastie Ming. En plus d'une discrimination institutionnalisée contre les Han qui encouragea le ressentiment, la chute des Yuan fut attribuée à la sur-taxation de régions très touchées par l'inflation et de graves inondations d…
    • Règne de l'empereur Hongwu
      Hongwu se lança immédiatement dans la reconstruction de l'infrastructure du pays. Il fit construire un mur de 48 km autour de Nanjing ainsi que de nombreux palais et centres administratifs[4]. Le Livre des Ming avance que dès 1364 Zhu Yuanzhang avait commencé à réd…
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  10. Ming-Dynastie – Wikipedia

    • D'Ming-Dynastie gouf vum Zhu Yuanzhang (Hong-Wu) gegrënnt. Deen huet 1363 als Rebellechef d'Ausenanersetzung um Poyang Séi, géint säin Haaptrival Chen You-liang, erfollegräich gewonnen. Och géint seng aner Rivale konnt hie sech duerchsetzen an huet dobäi schonn ugefaangen eng stabil Struktur ze schafen. 1368 huet seng Arméi ënner dem Hsü Ta schlussendlech de Khan Th…
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  11. Kaiser der Ming-Dynastie – Wikipedia


    17 hàng · Kaiser der Ming-Dynastie. Zur Navigation springen Zur Suche springen. Persönlicher …

      Zhu Yuanzhang 朱元璋Gaodi 高帝Taizu 太祖Hongwu 洪武
      Zhu Yunwen 朱允炆Huidi 惠帝-- 2Jianwen 建文
      Zhu Di 朱棣Wendi 文帝Chengzu, 成祖 or Tai…Yongle 永樂
      Zhu Gaochi 朱高熾Zhaodi 昭帝Renzong 仁宗Hongxi 洪熙
      Xem tất cả 17 dòng trên de.wikipedia.org
  12. Říše Ming – Wikipedie


    Původem mongolská dynastie Jüan (1271–1368) vládla v Číně do příchodu dynastie Ming.Nespokojenost s ní vyvolala mezi jiným diskriminace domácího obyvatelstva – Číňanů (přesněji Chanů), zejména z jihočínských oblastí.Nespokojenost rostla i kvůli tvrdému daňovému útlaku a katastrofickým záplavám v povodí Žluté řeky způsobeným nedostatečností ...

    • hlavní město: Nanking (13681421),
    • počet obyvatel: 60 000 000 (roku 1381), až 160–200 000 000 (počátkem 17. století)
    • národnostní složení: Chanové
    • rozloha: 6 500 000 km² (roku 1450)
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