neuchâtel kanton wikipedia - EAS

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    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The Republic and Canton of Neuchâtel ( French: République et Canton de Neuchâtel, pronounced [ʁepyblik e kɑ̃tɔ̃ də nøʃɑtɛl]) is a French-speaking canton in western Switzerland. In 2007, its population was 169,782, of whom 39,654 (or 23.4%) were


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    The Republic and Canton of Neuchâtel is a French-speaking canton in western Switzerland. In 2007, its population was 169,782, of whom 39,654 (or 23.4%) were foreigners. The capital is Neuchâtel.


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    The canton of Neuchâtel is located in Romandy, the western part of Switzerland, it is also located in the Jura mountainous region. To its northeast it borders the canton of Bern,


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    Until 2018 the Canton was divided into 6 districts. On 1 January 2018 the districts were dissolved and all municipalities were placed directly under the canton.
    Boudry with capital Boudry
    La Chaux-de-Fonds with


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    The canton is well known for its wines, which are grown along the Lake Neuchâtel shore, and for its absinthe. The Val-de-Travers is


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    The only part of present-day Switzerland to enter the Confederation as a principality (in 1814), Neuchâtel has a unique history. Its first recorded ruler, Rudolph III of Burgundy,


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    Neuchâtel was one of the first cantons in Switzerland to grant women the right to vote (1959) and also to grant the vote to foreigners holding a residence permit and who have been domiciled


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    The population is almost entirely French-speaking. The canton has historically been strongly Protestant, but in recent decades it has received an influx of Roman Catholic arrivals, notably from Portugal and Italy. In 2000, its population was closely split between Protestants


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    Wikipedia text under CC-BY-SA license

    Neuchâtel är en kanton i västra Schweiz. Huvudort är Neuchâtel.
    På frankoprovensalska, som talas i området vid sidan om det officiella språket franska, heter kantonen Nôchâthél.

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    Neuchâtel is a medieval toponym derived from the Old French: neu "new" (Modern French neuf) and chatel "castle" (now château) in reference to the 10th century Neuchâtel Castle.[a] In French, most adjectives, when used attributively, appear after their nouns; however, the leading position of the adjective is a phenomenon …
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    Neuchâtel első említése 1032-ből származik hűbérura, III. Rudolf burgund király végrendeletében. A várost és a környező birtokokat 1034-ben Ulrich von Fenis gróf kapta meg. 1373-ra a gróf leszármazottai már a mai kanton teljes területét birtokolták. 1405-ben Bern és Neuchâtel városok szövetségre léptek. Az 1300-as …
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    • Ország: Svájc
    • Terület: 802,93 km²
    • Neuchâtel Köztársaság és kanton címere: Neuchâtel Köztársaság és kanton zászlaja
    • Tszf. magasság: 430 m
    • Neuchâtelské jezero leží v jihovýchodní části kantonu. Kanton leží v centru Jurského pohoří. Zatímco jižní část kantonu náleží k úmoří Severního moře (Neuchâtelské jezero / Aara / Rýn), severní náleží k úmoří Středozemního moře (Doubs / Saôna / Rhôna). Tento kanton se rozděluje na tři regiony. 1. Region Vignoble leží u jezera. Jeho jméno je odvozen...
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    • Hlavní město: Neuchâtel
    • Počet obyvatel: 176 850 (2018)
    • Hustota zalidnění: 220,4 obyv./km²
    • Rozloha: 802,24 km²

    Neuchâtel je bio jedan od prvih kantona u Švicarskoj koji je omogućio pravo glasa i ženama (1959. godine). Također ovo je jedan od prvih kantona koji dao pravo glasa i strancima koji određeno vrijeme žive u kantonu, te jedan od prvih koji je spustio dobnu granicu za glasovanje na 18 godina. Kantonalni parlament ima 115 zastupničkih mjesta.


    Neuenburg (Kürzel NE; schweizerdeutsch Nöieburg; französisch, italienisch und rätoromanisch Neuchâtel [nœʃɑtɛl, nøʃɑtɛl]), amtlich französisch République et Canton de Neuchâtel (Republik und Kanton Neuenburg), ist ein Kanton in der Romandie, dem frankophonen Landesteil der Schweiz, und zählt zur Grossregion Espace Mittelland und der Hauptstadtregion Schweiz.


    Neuchâtel (kanton) - Wikipedia Neuchâtel (kanton) S Wikipedije, slobodne enciklopedije Neuchâtel je kanton smješten na zapadu Švicarske sa 169.782 stanovnika (2007). Službeni jezik u kantonu je francuski. Glavni grad kantona je Neuchâtel . Kanton se sastoji od 36 općina. Reference ^ "Arhivirana kopija". Arhivirano s originala, 15. 12. 2008.


    Neuchâtel (canton) Un o gantonau'r Swistir yw Neuchâtel ( Almaeneg: Neuenburg; Ffrangeg: Neuchâtel ). Daw'r enw o'r Lladin Novum Castellum (castell newydd). Saif yng ngorllewin y Swistir, ac roedd y boblogaeth yn 2002 yn 166,500. Prifddinas y canton yw dinas Neuchâtel, ond y ddinas fwyaf yw La Chaux-de-Fonds .


    Neuchâtel (/nɘ.ʃ Écoutez, en allemand, Neuenburg [ˈnɔɪ̯ənbʊʁk] Écouter) est une ville de Suisse, capitale [3] du canton de Neuchâtel et de l'ancien district de Neuchâtel.Située dans la région Littoral au bord du lac de Neuchâtel, sur le flanc sud du massif du Jura, elle fait face à la chaîne des Alpes.. Neuchâtel est citée pour la première fois en 1010.

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