plutarchus wikipedia - EAS

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  1. Plutarch was the uncle of Sextus of Chaeronea, who was one of the teachers of Marcus Aurelius, and who may have been the same person as the philosopher Sextus Empiricus . Plutarch studied mathematics and philosophy in Athens under Ammonius from 66 to 67.
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    Plutarch was born to a prominent family in the small town of Chaeronea, about 30 kilometres (19 mi) east of Delphi, in the Greek region of Boeotia. His family was wealthy. The name of Plutarch's father has not been preserved, but based on the common Greek custom of repeating a name in alternate generations, it was probably Nikarchus (Nίκαρχoς). The name of Plutarch's grandfather was L…

    Wikipedia · Nội dung trong CC-BY-SA giấy phép

    Ploutarchos, Oudgrieks: Πλούταρχος, of Plutarchus, Romeinse naam: L. Mestrius Plutarchus, was een belangrijke historicus en filosoof uit de tijd van het oude Griekenland. Hij leefde van omstreeks 46 tot minstens 120 n.Chr., zijn precieze datum van overlijden is niet bekend.
    Plutarchus werd geboren in een vooraanstaande familie uit Chaironeia in Boeotië. …

    Wikipedia · Nội dung trong CC-BY-SA giấy phép
  4. Plutarchus – Wikipedia tiếng Việt
    Vào năm 46[a], tại một thị trấn tĩnh lặng và chẳng rộng lớn chi tại Boetia (miền Nam Hy Lạp) là Chaeronea (cách điện thờ Delphi 20 dặm), nhà sử học Plutarchus chào đời. Gia đình ông thuộc tầng lớp chủ đất, làm ăn tốt và giàu có. Tên người ông của Plutarchus là Lamprias, theo như ông xác nhận trong Moralia và trong cuộc đời
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    • Historischer Kontext
      Plutarch lebte zu der Zeit, in der das Römische Reich den Höhepunkt seiner Ausdehnung erreichte. Er erhielt seine Ausbildung unter der Herrschaft Neros, dem er 66 auch persönlich begegnete. Ein großer Teil seines Lebens fällt in die Regierungszeit der Flavier (69 bis 96), seine …
    • Familie und Ausbildung
      Plutarch stammte aus Chaironeia in Boiotien, wo er gemeinsam mit zwei Brüdern, Lamprias und Timon, aufwuchs. Seine Familie lebte seit mindestens drei Generationen in Chaironeia. Sie gehörte zur alteingesessenen örtlichen Oberschicht und legte großen Wert auf Bildung. Die Fami…
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    • ALTERNATIVNAMEN: Ploutarchos; Plutarchus; Πλούταρχος
    • KURZBESCHREIBUNG: griechischer Schriftsteller
    • GEBURTSDATUM: um 45
    • NAME: Plutarch
    • He was the son of Nestorius and father of Hierius and Asclepigenia, who were his colleagues in the school. The origin of Neoplatonism in Athens is not known, but Plutarch is generally seen as the person who reestablished Plato's Academy in its Neoplatonist form. Plutarch and his followers (the "Platonic Succession") claimed to be the disciples of I...
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  7. Plutarchus - Wikipedia

    Plutarchus, gebore Plutarchos (Grieks: Πλούταρχος), met verkryging van sy Romeinse burgerskap, Lucius Mestrius Plutarchus (Μέστριος Πλούταρχος), c. 46 – 120 n.C., was 'n Griekse historikus, biograaf, opstelskrywer en middelplatonis, mees bekend om sy Parallelle Lewens en Moralia. Hy het afgestam van 'n vername familie in Chaironeia, Boiotië, 'n dorp sowat twintig ...

  8. Plutarch - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Plutarch. Mestrius Plutarchus ( Greek: Πλούταρχος; c. AD 46 – after AD 119), better known in English as Plutarch, was a Greek historian, and writer of biographies and essays . Plutarch was born into a well-known family in Chaeronea, Boeotia Greece, a town about twenty miles east of Delphi. His works are Parallel Lives and Moralia .

  9. Plutarkhos – Wikipedia

    Plutarkhos (m.kreik. Πλούταρχος, Plūtarkhos, lat. Plutarchus; noin 45/47 Khaironeia – noin 120/125) oli antiikin kreikkalainen keskiplatonilainen filosofi ja elämäkertakirjailija.Hänet tunnetaan teoksestaan Kuuluisien miesten elämäkertoja sekä lukuisista filosofista tutkielmista, jotka on koottu kokoelmaksi Moralia.

  10. Plutarchos – Wikipedia

    Plutarchos (grekiska: Πλούταρχος, Ploútarkhos), efter att han blivit romersk medborgare Lucius Mestrius Plutarchus [1], född cirka 46 e.Kr., död cirka 120 e.Kr., [2] var en hellensk filosof och författare från Chaironeia i Boiotien.Han var en av det romerska rikets mest framstående författare om man utgår från bevarat material. Han efterlämnade 300 skrifter, varav 150 är ...


    Plutarque (en grec ancien : Πλούταρχος / Ploútarkhos), né vers 46 à Chéronée en Béotie [1] et mort vers 125, est un philosophe, biographe, moraliste et penseur majeur de la Rome antique. Grec d'origine, il est considéré comme un médio-platoniste [2], [3].Il s'opposa dans certaines de ses Œuvres morales ou Moralia aux courants stoïcien [4], [5] et épicurien [6

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