pro-drop language wikipedia - EAS

30 results
  1. Pro-drop language - Wikipedia › wiki › Pro-drop_language

    A pro-drop language (from "pronoun-dropping") is a language where certain classes of pronouns may be omitted when they can be pragmatically or grammatically inferable.The precise conditions vary from language to language, and can be quite intricate. The phenomenon of "pronoun-dropping" is part of the larger topic of zero or null anaphora. The connection between pro-drop

  2. History of the Spanish language - Wikipedia › wiki › History_of_the_Spanish_language

    With regard to subject pronouns, Spanish is a pro-drop language, meaning that the verb phrase can often stand alone without the use of a subject pronoun (or a subject noun phrase). Compared to other Romance languages, Spanish has a somewhat freer syntax with relatively fewer restrictions on subject-verb-object word order.

  3. Kaqchikel language - Wikipedia › wiki › Kaqchikel_language

    The Kaqchikel language (in modern orthography; formerly also spelled Cakchiquel or Cachiquel) is an indigenous Mesoamerican language and a member of the Quichean–Mamean branch of the Mayan languages family.It is spoken by the indigenous Kaqchikel people in central Guatemala.It is closely related to the Kʼicheʼ (Quiché) and Tzʼutujil languages. ...

  4. 第二言語習得の理論 - Wikipedia › wiki › 第二言語習得の理論

    第二言語習得の理論は、第二言語習得(Second Language Acquisition(SLA) ... 文の中に主語が有無が文法的に正しいか否かを決定する「pro-drop」パラメターを例にとって見よう。このパラメターは正負の二値をとることが出来、それぞれ、(正)「文は必ずしも主語を ...

  5. Welsh language - Wikipedia › wiki › Welsh_language

    Welsh (Cymraeg [kəmˈraːiɡ] or y Gymraeg [ə ɡəmˈraːiɡ]) is a Celtic language of the Brittonic subgroup that is native to the Welsh people.Welsh is spoken natively in Wales, by some in England, and in Y Wladfa (the Welsh colony in Chubut Province, Argentina). Historically, it has also been known in English as "British", "Cambrian", "Cambric" and "Cymric".

  6. Spanish personal pronouns - Wikipedia › wiki › Spanish_personal_pronouns

    Spanish personal pronouns have distinct forms according to whether they stand for the subject or object, and third-person pronouns make an additional distinction for direct object or indirect object (), and for reflexivity as well. Several pronouns also have special forms used after prepositions.. Spanish is a pro-drop language with respect to subject pronouns, and, like many …

  7. Abkhaz language - Wikipedia › wiki › Abkhaz_language

    Abkhaz (/ æ b ˈ k ɑː z, æ p ˈ h ɑː z / ab-KAHZ, ap-HAHZ; Аԥсуа бызшәа [ˈɑpʰswɑ bəzˈʃʷɑ]), sometimes spelled Abxaz and also known as Abkhazian, is a Northwest Caucasian language most closely related to Abaza.It is spoken mostly by the Abkhaz people.It is one of the official languages of Abkhazia, where around 100,000 people speak it. ...

  8. 闽南语 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书 › wiki › 闽南语

    補語置於動詞前或受詞後。如果從情境中可以判斷人稱時,可以省略人稱(pro-drop)。重點在後(head-final),數詞、形容詞、指示詞和關係子句等置於被修飾詞前方。 字典. 閩南語,如同世界上大多數語言,是從古語傳下來的。

  9. Altgriechische SpracheWikipedia › wiki › Altgriechische_Sprache

    Übersetzung: „Selbst überzeugt, versuche ich, auch die anderen zu überzeugen, dass man zur Erlangung dieses Guts einen besseren Helfer für die menschliche Natur als die Liebe schwerlich finden kann.“ (Platon: Symposion)Klassifikation. Das Altgriechische lässt sich als indogermanische Sprache klassifizieren, leitet sich also vom Ur-Indogermanischen ab, das sich …

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