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    Smallpox was an infectious disease caused by one of two virus variants, Variola major and Variola minor. The agent of variola virus (VARV) belongs to the genus Orthopoxvirus. The last naturally occurring case was diagnosed in October 1977, and the World Health Organization (WHO) certified the


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    There were two forms of the smallpox virus. Variola major was the severe and most common form, with a more extensive rash and higher fever. Variola minor was a less common presentation, causing less severe


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    The initial symptoms were similar to other viral diseases that are still extant, such as influenza and the common cold: fever of at least 38.3 °C (101 °F), muscle pain, malaise, headache and fatigue. As


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    Smallpox was caused by infection with Variola virus, which belongs to the family Poxviridae, subfamily Chordopoxvirinae, and genus


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    The clinical definition of ordinary smallpox is an illness with acute onset of fever equal to or greater than 38.3 °C (101 °F) followed by a rash


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    The earliest procedure used to prevent smallpox was inoculation with variola minor (known as variolation after the introduction of smallpox vaccine to avoid possible confusion), which likely occurred in India, Africa, and China well before the practice arrived in Europe.


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    Smallpox vaccination within three days of exposure will prevent or significantly lessen the severity of smallpox symptoms in the vast majority of


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    Once inhaled, the variola virus invaded the mucus membranes of the mouth, throat, and respiratory tract. From there, it migrated to regional


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    The history of smallpox extends into pre-history, with the disease probably emerging in human populationsabout 10,000 BC. The earliest credible evidence of smallpox is found in the Egyptian mummies of people who died some 3,000 years ago. Smallpox has had a major impact on world history, not least because indigenous populations of regions where smallpox was non-native, such as the Americas and Australia, were rapidly and greatly reduced by smallpox (along with other in…

    • Calf lymph
      Calf lymph was the name given to a type of smallpox vaccine used in the 19th century, and which was still manufactured up to the 1970s. Calf lymph was known as early as 1805 in Italy, but it was the Lyon Medical Conference of 1864 which made the technique known to the wider world. In 18…
    • Dryvax
      Dryvax was a freeze-dried live-virus smallpox vaccine prepared from calf lymph and used for smallpox eradication efforts.The vaccine was effective, providing successful immunogenicity in about 95% of vaccinated persons. Dryvax has serious adverse side-effects in about 1% to 2% of …
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    • Target: Smallpox
    • Vaccine type: Live virus

    From Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Smallpox was a dangerous disease with a high mortality rate. It no longer exists as an epidemic disease. The last naturally occurring case was diagnosed in October 1977. The World Health Organization (WHO) certified the global eradication of the disease in 1980 (said there was no more).


    Smallpox is an infectious disease unique to humans, caused by either of two virus variants named Variola major and Variola minor. The World Health Organization (WHO) had established a smallpox eradication programme and, by 1978, was close to declaring that the disease had been eradicated globally.

    • Estimated Reading Time: 10 mins
    • People also ask
      How did smallpox get its name?
      Smallpox is an acute contagious disease caused by the variola virus. It gets its name from the Latin word for "spotted," referring to the raised, pustular bumps that break out over the face and body of those affected.…
      What are the dangers of smallpox?
      There are naturally occurring epidemics and epidemics caused by bioterrorism. The latter may be even worse than what we are experiencing now,” said the billionaire. Видео из Сети. Что угрожает людям после пандемии.…
      Why does smallpox still exist?
      smallpox still occurs. If any of these persons should be admitted to a hos-pital with abdominal pains, back pains, and fever within two weeks after his return, the prodromal stage of smallpox is not an unlikely cause. Furthermore, the rarity of the disease often results in delay in its recognition, permitting an infected person to remain in contact for sev-…
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      Short & Simple Example Sentence For Smallpox | Smallpox Sentence

      • It is dedicated to the smallpox god.
      • Worry does more harm than smallpox ever did!
      • I hear he has just started down to the smallpox tent.
      • More likely smallpox if anything of that kind.
      • And then he must needs go to that smallpox hospital.
      • You can always keep away smallpox by being vaccinated.
      • Three of these died of smallpox in Denmark.

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      Smallpox in 18th-century Europe was a devastating disease, recurring frequently in epidemics and killing or disfiguring millions of people.


      Smallpox in Australia From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The European colonisation of Australia, was accompanied by epidemic diseases to which the original inhabitants had little resistance. Colds, influenzas, tuberculosis (TB), and measles were major killers.


      Smallpox Hospital From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The Smallpox Hospital, sometimes referred to as the Renwick Smallpox Hospital and later the Maternity and Charity Hospital Training School, was a hospital located on Roosevelt Island in Manhattan, New York City.


      The cocoliztli epidemic, or the great pestilence, is a term given to millions of deaths in the territory of New Spain in present-day Mexico in the 16th century attributed to one or more illnesses collectively called cocoliztli, a mysterious illness characterized by high fevers and bleeding. It ravaged the Mexican highlands in epidemic proportions.


      Jun 07, 2016 · A person with smallpox goes through several stages as the disease progresses. Each stage has its own signs and symptoms. Incubation Period Initial Symptoms Early Rash Pustular Rash and Scabs Scabs Fall Off Page last reviewed: June 7, 2016


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      • Smallpox Vaccine - Discovery & History

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