taiga wikipedia - EAS

36 results
  1. Taiga - Wikipedia


    Taiga (/ ˈ t aɪ ɡ ə /; Russian: тайга́, IPA: ; relates to Mongolic and Turkic languages), generally referred to in North America as a boreal forest or snow forest, is a biome characterized by coniferous forests consisting mostly of pines, spruces, and larches.. The taiga or boreal forest has been called the world's largest land biome. In North America, it covers most of inland …

  2. TAIGA - Wikipedia



  3. Trans-Taiga Road - Wikipedia


    The Trans-Taiga Road (French: Route Transtaïga) is an extremely remote wilderness road in northern Quebec, Canada. It is 582 kilometres (362 mi) long to Centrale Brisay and another 84 kilometres (52 mi) along the Caniapiscau Reservoir, all of it unpaved. Description. The road's northeastern terminus is ...

  4. Borealer NadelwaldWikipedia


    Borealer Nadelwald (von griechisch Βορέας Boréas, deutsch ‚der Nördliche‘: Gott des Nordwindes in der griechischen Mythologie), auch Taiga (von russisch тайга ‚dichter, undurchdringlicher, oft sumpfiger Wald‘, womöglich auf mongolisch тайга ‚Bergwald‘ zurückzuführen) ist der Oberbegriff für die Wälder der kaltgemäßigten Klimazone.

  5. Happy People: A Year in the Taiga - Wikipedia


    Happy People: A Year in the Taiga is a 2010 documentary film directed by Dmitry Vasyukov, with English narration written and voiced by Werner Herzog. The film depicts the life of the people in the isolated village of Bakhta) at the confluence of the Yenisei and the Bakhta River, in the eastern SiberianIn particular, it focuses on the Russian trappers who hunt for fur animals, such as sable ...

  6. Taiga - Wikipedia


    Taiga of boreaal woud is een bioom dat wordt gekenmerkt door uitgestrekte, koude en vochtige naaldwouden.Het Russische woord tajgá (тайга́), dat naaldwoud betekent, is afkomstig uit het Mongools.. De gebieden die met 'taiga' worden aangeduid, vormen samen het grootste bosgebied op aarde: het omvat grote delen van Scandinavië, Canada, Rusland en Mongolië.

  7. Taiga - Wikipedia


    La taiga (dal russo тайга, tajgà, termine di probabile origine altaica) o foresta boreale è uno dei principali biomi terrestri, formato da foreste di conifere che ricoprono totalmente le regioni sub-artiche boreali dell'Eurasia e dell'America, costituendo un terzo della massa forestale mondiale.Sotto il profilo ecologico essa può definirsi un "paesaggio continentale" e pertanto ...

  8. Taiga – Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre


    A taiga (do russo тайга́), também conhecida por floresta de coníferas, ou ainda floresta boreal, é um bioma predominante das regiões localizadas em elevadas latitudes cujo clima típico é o continental frio e polar [1], comumente encontrado no norte do Alasca, Canadá, sul da Groenlândia, parte da Noruega, Suécia, Finlândia, Sibéria e Japão.

  9. Geography of Russia - Wikipedia


    Russia (Russian: Россия) is the largest country in the world, covering over 17,125,192 km2 (6,612,074 sq mi), and encompassing more than one-eighth of Earth's inhabited land area.Russia extends across eleven time zones, and has the most borders of any country in the world, with sixteen sovereign nations.. Russia is a transcontinental country stretching vastly over two …

  10. Taiga - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre


    La taiga (del ruso: тайгá, y este probablemente del yakuto: тайҕа; todo territorio inhabitado, cubierto de vastos bosques, espesura del bosque) [1] o bosque boreal es un bioma caracterizado por sus formaciones boscosas de coníferas, siendo una de las mayores masas forestales del planeta. [2] En Canadá se emplea «bosque boreal» para designar la zona sur del ecosistema, …

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