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    Viminacium (Viminacium ) or Viminatium, was a major city (provincial capital) and military camp of the Roman province of Moesia (today's Serbia), and the capital of Moesia Superior (hence once a metropolitan archbishopric, now a Latin titular see). As of 2018, only 3-4% of the site has been explored. The … See more

    The remains of Viminacium, the capital of the Roman province of Moesia Superior, are located in the territories of the villages of Stari Kostolac and Drmno, about 12 km from the town of Kostolac and about 90 miles southeast of See more

    It is estimated that the city had 40,000 inhabitants at its peak. Human remains show mixture of different people. Facial reconstruction has … See more

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    Viminacium is located in Stari Kostolac (Old Kostolac) a Serbian town on the Danube river, east of Belgrade. Viminacium is the location of the first archaeological excavation in Serbia, which started in 1882, by Mihailo Valtrović, founder of archaeology in … See more

    As provincial capital of Moesia Prima, Viminacium also became a Metropolitan archbishopric, presumably from about 300 to circa 400. See more

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    WebThe Battles of Viminacium were a series of three battles fought against the Avars by the Eastern Roman Empire. They were decisive Roman successes, which were followed by …

    • Date: 599 AD
  3. People also ask
    Where is Viminacium located?
    The remains of Viminacium, the capital of the Roman province of Moesia Superior, are located in the territories of the villages of Stari Kostolac and Drmno, about 12 km from the town of Kostolac and about 90 miles southeast of Belgrade.
    What were the battles of Viminacium?
    The Battles of Viminacium were a series of three battles fought against the Avars by the East Roman (Byzantine) Empire. They were decisive Roman successes, which were followed by an invasion of Pannonia . In summer 599, the East Roman Emperor Maurice sent his generals Priscus and Comentiolus to the Danube front against the Avars.
    Is there a shipbuilding tradition in Viminacium?
    The recent ship discoveries point to the former, apparently abundant, oak forests in the area, and over a millennium old, previously unrecorded, shipbuilding tradition which both predated and survived Viminacium. Domus scientiarum Viminacium is a new scientific, research and tourist center built on the edge of the Archaeological park.
    What is Domus scientiarum Viminacium?
    Domus scientiarum Viminacium is a new scientific, research and tourist center built on the edge of the Archaeological park. The Domus was constructed in the manner of a Roman villa, with rooms and laboratories grouped around several atria.

    За чланак о зборнику радова, погледајте Viminacium.
    Виминацијум (лат. Viminacium ) је археолошко налазиште у близини Старог Костолца, 12 km од Пожаревца. Римски војни логор и град настао је у I и трајао до почетка VII века. Био је један од најзначајнијих легијских логора на Дунаву, а извесно време и главни град римске провинције Горње Мезије, која је об…

    • Estimated Reading Time: 6 mins

      WebViminacij je bil glavno mesto province Gornje Mezije. Pozno pomladi leta 293-294 je Dioklecijan potoval po svojem cesarstvu in reorganiziral Viminacij v glavno mesto nove …

      • Alto periodo imperiale romano
        Fondata nel I secolo sulle rive della Mlava, un affluente del Danubio, durante la seconda parte del principato di Augusto o nella prima parte di quello di Tiberio. Sotto l'imperatore Claudio, in seguito all'annessione della Tracia avvenuta nel 46, il sito militare potrebbe aver cominciato ad ospitare …
      • Tardo Impero romano e bizantino
        Nel luglio del 285 fu combattuta nelle sue vicinanze la battaglia del fiume Margus, che vide la vittoria di Diocleziano sull'imperatore Carino e la sua ascesa al trono. Nella zona vi soggiornò Costantino I durante il periodo delle sue campagne sarmatiche e gotiche degli anni 317-323. All…
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      • Dimensioni castrum: 443 x 386 metri circa, pari …
      • Provincia romana: Mesia superiore
      • Località moderna: Kostolac in Serbia
      • Status località: Capitale della nuova …

      WebOrașul Viminacium a fost construit în secolul I, pe malurile râului Mlava [3], la confluența acestuia cu Dunărea. A devenit garnizoană a Legiunii a VII-a Claudia . Împăratul Traian a …


      WebViminacium régi, ókori római város és táborhely Felső-Moesiában, a Duna jobb partján vezető úton, Kostolac helyén feküdt. Az egykori várost Nišen (Naissuson) keresztül vivő …


      WebViminacium var en provinshuvudstad och militär befästning i den romerska provinsen Moesia (dagens Serbien ), och dessutom huvudstad i Moesia Superior. Staden …


      WebViminatium oder Viminacium, auch als Stari Kostolac oder manchmal auch als „Pompeji Serbiens“ bezeichnet, war in der Antike zwischen dem 1. und 6. Jahrhundert eine …


      WebViminacium era la principal ciudad de los romanos de la provincia de Moesia (la actual Serbia), y la capital de Moesia Superior. Viminacium era el campamento base de la …

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